So there are a few guys who smoke e-gigs and e-hookahs in the office. I've been goggling 2nd hand smoke effects and they really aren't that definitive on good or bad. Anyone have any experience with this? I did say something to my manager today and he said he would talk to the guys about it. It just makes super uncomfortable. I hate sounding like the super crazy lady, but gotta protect the little nugget while it cooks right.
****Siggy Warning***
Me-35 Hubby-36
BFP-06/2014-EDD 02/16/2015
Valentine boy born 02/14/2015
BFP-08/2016 MC 6wks
Surprise BFP-09/13/16 EDD 5/26/17
Re: E-cigs in the office
As far as e-cigs/vaporizers/hookahs....yuck. I wouldn't even care if there was no risk of second hand smoke, the smell is still nasty and they should have no tolerance for that in a professional setting.
F15 Siggy Challenge: What You're Looking Forward to Most After Baby Arrives: BELLY SLEEPING!
20 medicated cycles of some kind, 8 failed IUIs (every med combo possible)
5/14/14 IVF # 1, 6dp5dt BFP,
Betas 8dp5dt- 67, 14dp -670, 17dp -1761, 20dp-4858, 27dp-28,800
6/11/14 6w3d Twins!!! - EDD Feb 1st
Feb'15 November Siggy Challenge:
My hospital/healthcare system has specifically banned them on campus.
Our city has also "banned" them in that they're treated as the same as regular cigarettes- our restaurants are smoke free (bars, 51% sales from alcohol are excluded).
Feb'15 November Siggy Challenge: