
@zeynsom YGPM

Sorry it took me weeks to respond, I'm always on mobile. And the message I just sent you was from my iPad and formatting is awful :)
Me: 30 DH: 30 ~ TTC #1 Since August 2011 
BFP #1 2/28/13, Ectopic, Tubal surgery 3/25 
Began RE testing 8/8, Dx Unexplained, 
IUI #1 11/1=BFN Moving on to IVF 
IVF #1 12/2 ER 8R 7M 4 fertilized
12/7 Transferred 2 "perfect" little blasts 12/17 BFN
New DX= DOR, I fu*kng hate IF
1/14 Hysteroscopy, new clean uterus!
IVF #2: bcp, Lupron, follistim 300, menopur 225. 2/21 8R 4M 3F. 3dt of 2 perfect embryos. 1 little penguin 
 3/10 BFFN
Regrouping. Seeing reproductive immunologist Dr. Kwak Kim 6/10 
Kwak Kim protocol: Metformin 1000mg, vitamin D 4000iu, vitamin E 400iu, baby aspirin, Metanx, levothyroxine 75mcgs 
 Surprise BFP 9/21!!! Beta #1 247, Beta #2 630. Miscarried 10/13

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