July 2013 Moms


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Big brother James 6-19-11  ****  Little sister Lillianna 6-26-13

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Re: UO

  • Shoot...anything before 9 is unacceptable here. I only get up this early for 5-10 minutes to lock the deadbolt behind DH.

    image image

    BFP: 12/01/2012      EDD: 07/26/2013    Birthday: 07/25/2013 

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  • I would love to sleep until 7 or 8 unforunately 5:30a is where it is at in our household.

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  • @lancomechica‌ I have tried for years to be an early bird. Even when I could program myself to wake early and be ok, I would be exhausted-cant-function within an hour or two. Given the exact same # hours of sleep - if I have them and wake up at 5:30 vs have those same hours sleep but wake up at 8:30, I am so much more productive, sharp, happy, motivated, and patient. I have always been a night owl. I tried before kids and it didn't work. Now, if 4ish years of my son getting me up by 5:30 didn't reset my clock, nothing will.






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  • I think it should be illegal to park on bike lanes*. Especially when riding with the bike trailer, I've had to stop so I can pull into "regular" traffic because ejits park on the lane. I try to avoid streets in favor of bike trails as much as possible as it is, but sometimes I have to use the road.

    *I don't know if it IS illegal, but the rampant bike-lane-parking I see here makes me think it isn't prosecuted

    The original: Aug2013
    The remix: Feb2017
    The encore: coming Oct2019

  • coco2787coco2787 member
    edited August 2014

    Cfreymc said:

    I think it's weird when people have a kid of one sex and are expecting another of the opposite sex and they say they're nervous because they only "know" how to deal with current sex. You don't "know" boys or girls, you know your baby, and you don't know the baby that's coming.

    Every kid is completely different, and gender is only one small piece of the package. You weren't born knowing how to take care of one or the other, you will learn how to take care of this baby too.

    I was totally one of these people, and I don't think it's weird at all. I only grew up with a 4.5 years younger sister, no brothers, and most of my babysitting as a kid was for little girls, I was a camp counselor for little girls, etc. I literally had no clue what to do with a boy (hence why Gavin peed through about 50 outfits before I was told to point his penis down in the diaper before closing it, lol) and there was some trial and error on my part. Even now, I feel like I learn new stuff every day with him, whereas with Corri everything just seemed normal. 

    I get why people might feel that way, I just don't fully understand it. I feel like what they're really trying to say is, "I know how to take care of the kid I have, and I'm not sure I am fully prepared or equipped to take care of this new kid." A new baby is a learning process that turns your current world upside down no matter what the sex of the baby is. Like you said, trial and error.

    In your case though, it wasn't that you just had a girl first, you had experience with girls throughout your life so I can understand that more.

    Also, maybe I'm wrong here, but I get the sense that when people make these comments they're referring more about how to raise them and interact with them, rather than what to do with the genitalia ;)
    Me: 35  H: 35
    Married: 4/5/13

    "You know that place between sleep and awake, 
    that place where you can still remember dreaming?
    That's where I will always love you.  
    That's where I'll be waiting."
    ~Peter Pan 

    BFP #1: 11/12/12  EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13
    BFP #2: 10/29/17   MMC dx @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
    BFP #4: 3/2/18  MC 3/9/18
    RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
    BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl  :'(
    Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
    BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19  <3  Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 
    BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022 
  • Cfreymc said:
    Cfreymc said:
    I think it's weird when people have a kid of one sex and are expecting another of the opposite sex and they say they're nervous because they only "know" how to deal with current sex. You don't "know" boys or girls, you know your baby, and you don't know the baby that's coming. Every kid is completely different, and gender is only one small piece of the package. You weren't born knowing how to take care of one or the other, you will learn how to take care of this baby too.
    I was totally one of these people, and I don't think it's weird at all. I only grew up with a 4.5 years younger sister, no brothers, and most of my babysitting as a kid was for little girls, I was a camp counselor for little girls, etc. I literally had no clue what to do with a boy (hence why Gavin peed through about 50 outfits before I was told to point his penis down in the diaper before closing it, lol) and there was some trial and error on my part. Even now, I feel like I learn new stuff every day with him, whereas with Corri everything just seemed normal. 
    I get why people feel that way, I just don't fully understand it. A new baby is a learning process that turns your current world upside down no matter what the sex of the baby is. Like you said, trial and error. In your case, it wasn't that you just had a girl first, you had experience with girls throughout your life so I can understand that more.
    True, but I also think that it's some a case of "the devil you know" that makes you want two of the same. That being said, I adore my baby boy and wouldn't trade him in for a girl ever. He's my snuggler and I am getting used to the daily mini heart attacks that come from him being a one man wrecking crew and a klutz, lol!
  • @sdtchica13‌ there is nothing weird or wrong with wanting two of the same. In my opinion that is ;)
    Me: 35  H: 35
    Married: 4/5/13

    "You know that place between sleep and awake, 
    that place where you can still remember dreaming?
    That's where I will always love you.  
    That's where I'll be waiting."
    ~Peter Pan 

    BFP #1: 11/12/12  EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13
    BFP #2: 10/29/17   MMC dx @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
    BFP #4: 3/2/18  MC 3/9/18
    RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
    BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl  :'(
    Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
    BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19  <3  Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 
    BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022 
  • sdtchica13sdtchica13 member
    edited August 2014
    Cfreymc said:
    @sdtchica13‌ there is nothing weird or wrong with wanting two of the same. In my opinion that is ;)
    LOL, thanks! I love having a sister and wanted that for Corri, but she loves her little bro and a brither is the norm for her because all of my friends had boys the second time around. so her thinking was "well, Ally has a baby brother, and Jake has a baby brother...so of course I would be getting a baby brother too", lol!
  • I wanted two girls but I adore my boy. They are different though. I don't want to say all of it has to do with gender but Isaac is much more adventurous. He climbs. He tumbles. He's more independent. Eliza is softer and more emotional but Isaac is more sensitive to strangers. It's amazing the differences between them. But like I said, I don't know if any of it is gender related. 

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    I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017

    Meimsx no more
  • Just because you are a journalist doesn't mean you don't have to listen to the police when they ask you to leave an area. It's for your safety most of the time. At least during a riot it is. Also, if a business asks you to leave because you aren't patronizing the establishment and you are only using them for their wifi then you should respect that. 

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers

    I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017

    Meimsx no more
  • KKinATXKKinATX member
    edited August 2014
    I wanted two girls but I adore my boy. They are different though. I don't want to say all of it has to do with gender but Isaac is much more adventurous. He climbs. He tumbles. He's more independent. Eliza is softer and more emotional but Isaac is more sensitive to strangers. It's amazing the differences between them. But like I said, I don't know if any of it is gender related. 
    My experience- Both of my kids are super active but Brynne is much more adventurous. She has no fear. Jack is cautious, perceptive, and sensitive. It's amazing how different they are. Jack has always been more emotionally exhausting whereas Brynne is more physically exhausting. It's very different than what I imagined it to be. Brynne has been so go-with-the-flow since day 1 whereas Jack needs predictable routines and structure, and is resistant to change. I am amazed everyday that two people who came from the same parents are so different!
    : Well you pretty much took the words out of my mouth.  I think it might have something to do with birth order? Who knows.  You're the child psych person .  I do see gender differences in my kids, but a lot of their behavior is similar to what @sparkymcgeee described, but we have the boy first and girl second.  So I don't think it's all attributed to sex/ gender.
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    Big brother James 6-19-11  ****  Little sister Lillianna 6-26-13

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  • I wanted two girls but I adore my boy. They are different though. I don't want to say all of it has to do with gender but Isaac is much more adventurous. He climbs. He tumbles. He's more independent. Eliza is softer and more emotional but Isaac is more sensitive to strangers. It's amazing the differences between them. But like I said, I don't know if any of it is gender related. 
    I don't know if it's gender related or not either, but Josephine is more adventurous and independent than Parker.

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  • econmama said:
    Just because you are a journalist doesn't mean you don't have to listen to the police when they ask you to leave an area. It's for your safety most of the time. At least during a riot it is. Also, if a business asks you to leave because you aren't patronizing the establishment and you are only using them for their wifi then you should respect that. 
    You didnt read the same account I did. The journalists responded immediately to the police to be asked to leave and the establishment did not complain.
    Did you hear the audio? I heard it this morning on the way to work. I heard that the McDonalds called the police so they could have everyone removed from the restaurant that wasn't there to eat. The journalist said they were there because it was the only establishment with WiFi. 

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers

    I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017

    Meimsx no more
  • econmama said:
    Just because you are a journalist doesn't mean you don't have to listen to the police when they ask you to leave an area. It's for your safety most of the time. At least during a riot it is. Also, if a business asks you to leave because you aren't patronizing the establishment and you are only using them for their wifi then you should respect that. 
    You didnt read the same account I did. The journalists responded immediately to the police to be asked to leave and the establishment did not complain.
    Did you hear the audio? I heard it this morning on the way to work. I heard that the McDonalds called the police so they could have everyone removed from the restaurant that wasn't there to eat. The journalist said they were there because it was the only establishment with WiFi. 
    This seems silly. They should've just bought some cheeseburgers then? 
    I agree. But the officer was forceful. He was in the wrong but the journalists were as well. The whole thing is a mess and I know everyone here just wants it to end. It's been four nights of violence and protests. It's scary here. 

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers

    I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017

    Meimsx no more
  • gutsymama said:
    Violence is not the answer - the following is not meant to condone it. 

    But I think condemning someone for reacting violently in the face of oppression is not a whole lot different than condemning someone for not just going to college instead of using welfare. Both are a product of the circumstances. Sure, there are other, better ways. But a huge, complicated social history has contributed to making those other ways seem unattainable or ineffective or just not an option. 

    If people are crushed for long enough, eventually they will explode. 
    I really appreciate this insight.  

    I hope both the police and the protesters and the journalists and the bystanders all can have peace very soon.  But its so essential to understand the historical legacy at play here, as well as the more recent militarization of the police force.  

    K & M married 10.8.2011 *** BFP 7.17.2012, EDD 3.21.2013, Miscarriage at 6 wks 3 days *** BFP #2 11.7.2012, beautiful Tess born 7.11.2013
  • gutsymama said:
    Violence is not the answer - the following is not meant to condone it. 

    But I think condemning someone for reacting violently in the face of oppression is not a whole lot different than condemning someone for not just going to college instead of using welfare. Both are a product of the circumstances. Sure, there are other, better ways. But a huge, complicated social history has contributed to making those other ways seem unattainable or ineffective or just not an option. 

    If people are crushed for long enough, eventually they will explode. 
    I find it hard to be ok with the excuse of "they are a product of their circumstance" not all people who have shitty circumstances would act like this, and likewise not all people with good circumstances don't.  You are a product of the choices you make.  

    I personally am very good friends with a woman (have been since grade school), her father beat the fuck out of her mother on the regular for a LONG ass time.  It was constant, and she wasn't a good liar.  They weren't rich by any means and money was always tight.  It wasn't the most loving and optimistic environment.  I personally saw him hit her when I was at their house right out of high school.  It was "because" of me he hit her.  I have felt guilt for that ever since.  My friend is a councilor.  She helps guide young people in similar situations.  

    She took a look at her circumstances and said "Fuck you, I will do better, I will have a better life." and she did.  She applied herself.  She could have just as easily gone down a bad path but she didn't. 

    I think that both parties are not acting in the best interest of the community and based on what I have read on the matter, most people just want the whole thing to stop.  There hasn't even been time for an investigation because of this, how will this family ever get justice if no investigation can be completed.  The protesters aren't helping they aren't doing anything but hindering the investigation, for that reason alone they should have some respect and leave. 

    It's a sad situation and I feel for all involved and all who are near it. 

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  • I know you weren't @gutsymama ;) 

    You know how I love to debate... I saw an opening :D

    They are able to better themselves, they choose to believe they cannot.

    The guide to success is simple:

    Hard work, perseverance, determination, and luck.  Without any one of those components you cannot succeed. 

    College isn't necessary to make something of yourself.  Dave Thomas the founder of Wendy's.  Quit school either in or after 8th grade. He was an orphan. He found a way to better his life in the millions (billions?).

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  • And @Carrie3102 - did your friend never once lash out against what was happening to her? It seems to me that rioting in response to a shooting is far more comparable to hitting back once when your parent strikes you (or turning that anger on someone else in your life, briefly) than to going down a bad path for the rest of your life. Everyone reaches a breaking point, no? But that doesn't mean that they are forever broken. 

    Not just directed at you: I've run into this several times recently and I just want to clarify - there's a difference between agreeing/approving of someone's actions, and being unwilling to condemn their actions. Here, I disagree without condemning. 
    FKA mimi4347: diaper rash magician and unofficial expert on excrement
    photo fdcd1f14-730b-4ea3-9fd5-37c8a5575512_zps6b3ccb11.jpgphoto a71807cf-a0c7-4c71-807b-bc4577b61b83_zps4eece2a6.jpg
    This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
    DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
    131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
    We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.
  • gutsymama said:
    And @Carrie3102 - did your friend never once lash out against what was happening to her? It seems to me that rioting in response to a shooting is far more comparable to hitting back once when your parent strikes you (or turning that anger on someone else in your life, briefly) than to going down a bad path for the rest of your life. Everyone reaches a breaking point, no? But that doesn't mean that they are forever broken. 

    Not just directed at you: I've run into this several times recently and I just want to clarify - there's a difference between agreeing/approving of someone's actions, and being unwilling to condemn their actions. Here, I disagree without condemning. 
    Ooohh interesting point! 

    I like the way you think.  

    I'd say I'm sure she did, and there were times she almost killed herself, like 2x that I know of for sure, and one other that I can't confirm and neither will she.  So, yeah she had dark days, but by the same token, I can also assure you that she didn't take it out on anyone else but herself, sibling junk aside all siblings fight.  She was a perfect student, never in any trouble, an athlete, straight As, treated all the kids at school well, never was a jerk to anyone.  But I know she blamed herself a lot.  

    I can see where you are coming from, but the violence, on either side, isn't going to make the situation better, the only way the police will leave is if the rioting stops.  

    I agree with you on your second point. 

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  • @Carrie3102 I spent too long typing that out one-handed and didn't see your follow-up; I would say that in theory you're right but only in an ideal world, and in reality it's more like 

    They Some are able to better themselves, (because it's impossible for everyone to be in the middle or on top, right?) they choose to believe they cannot. Most are never taught to believe that they can

    The guide to success is seems simple:

    Hard work, perseverance, determination, and luck.  Without any one of those components you cannot succeed. 

    College isn't necessary to make something of yourself. Absolutely not. But it's sure as shit difficult to be successful without some sort of education/training/connections/inheritance. Dave Thomas the founder of Wendy's.  Quit school either in or after 8th grade. He was an orphan. He found a way to better his life in the millions (billions?). If only this were the norm instead of the rare, rare exception
    Debate away, my friend. This is a friendly convo on my end as well :) 

    Only now Luke is awake and pooping so it might be awhile before I return....
    FKA mimi4347: diaper rash magician and unofficial expert on excrement
    photo fdcd1f14-730b-4ea3-9fd5-37c8a5575512_zps6b3ccb11.jpgphoto a71807cf-a0c7-4c71-807b-bc4577b61b83_zps4eece2a6.jpg
    This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
    DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
    131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
    We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.
  • At what point are the police allowed to reach the end of their rope? What straw breaks their camels back? It's obviously not allowed to be after several days of riots, looting, and violence.

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    I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017

    Meimsx no more
  • gutsymama said:
    @Carrie3102 I spent too long typing that out one-handed and didn't see your follow-up; I would say that in theory you're right but only in an ideal world, and in reality it's more like 

    They Some are able to better themselves, (because it's impossible for everyone to be in the middle or on top, right?) they choose to believe they cannot. Most are never taught to believe that they can.  

    The guide to success is seems simple:

    Hard work, perseverance, determination, and luck.  Without any one of those components you cannot succeed. 

    College isn't necessary to make something of yourself. Absolutely not. But it's sure as shit difficult to be successful without some sort of education/training/connections/inheritance. Dave Thomas the founder of Wendy's.  Quit school either in or after 8th grade. He was an orphan. He found a way to better his life in the millions (billions?). If only this were the norm instead of the rare, rare exception
    Debate away, my friend. This is a friendly convo on my end as well :) 

    Only now Luke is awake and pooping so it might be awhile before I return....

    Fucking quote box :) 

    Shades of grey.

    I don't do shades of grey, I deal in black and white.  So, for me it's hard to see the grey.  I'm a believer in personal strength but then I had parents who taught me to believe in myself.  

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  • I think it was wrong of the NJ police to tell the man who was flying the ISIS flag to take it down after complaints from neighbors.  

    First Amendment yo... He wasn't disturbing the peace.  However, I do also believe that the decisions we make can place us under extra scrutiny.   

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  • martyn17 said:
    At what point are the police allowed to reach the end of their rope? What straw breaks their camels back? It's obviously not allowed to be after several days of riots, looting, and violence.
    They are supposed to be a professional force maintaining public safety.  Personally, they can feel at the end of their rope, but they are never allowed to reach "the end of their rope" if that is code for excessive violence.  
    At what point are they allowed to use force with force? Like I've mentioned people have been pointing guns at the officers. People have been throwing bricks at the officers. When are they allowed to use force or escalate? 
    I'm not here saying the police officers are all good guys and they haven't been doing any wrong. I'm just wondering when are they allowed to assert themselves? 

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    I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017

    Meimsx no more
  • ashie624ashie624 member
    edited August 2014
    When making the UO thread, somehow the OP should make the title longer. Haha my fat fingers have a hard time clicking on such a small title.
    July 13 Siggy Challenge December'14: Christmas/Holiday Movie
    Bonus: Ugly Sweater

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