May 2014 Moms

Levana Users

We ended up with the Levana astra. In the manual it says on power save mode the screen can be off and the audio on.

When it goes into power save the audio goes off. If I shut off the screen manually it goes off. Am I missing something? A step of some sort?

Re: Levana Users

  • Hmm. We have the Astra as well but don't have that issue. Once the sound hits the monitor's threshold, the video comes back on with the sound. My husband set it up and he's at work but I can check with him when he gets home to see if he had to do anything about the sound.
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  • Thanks! As I understood in the manual the sound should still be on even if the screen isn't. I like to keep the sound on so I can hear his white noise and I know it's working. It's more of a comfort thing to me I guess.

    I know in PEEP mode the sound will turn off. But in power save it will stay on. I must be missing something.

    We had a lot of interference last night but I only heard it once panicked and turned it off. Apparently though DH said it was happening all night!
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  • The PEEP mode isn't the best for us since we have white noise.

    I really don't mind leaving the screen on since it's plugged in. But I can extend the screen life if I turn it off just to have sound. Hmmm.
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