Cloth Diapering

Just another Tula post...

Yes, another one of these about Tulas/baby wearing in general. I have a Tula ordered and I'm excited to try on my LO, however I'm nervous if she will like it. I'm wondering if anyone else has had issues with babies not liking to be worn in general? I have tried the Moby since she was a newborn (hated it!) and I've had minor success with the Ergo. My LO seems to want to be facing out and looking around (hated to be swaddled too!). In the Ergo she would eventually start tensing up her legs and whining (not sure if she is uncomfortable or irritated she is facing in). I'm hoping that somehow this Tula is magic and she loves it...because I am get tired of holding her all the time! Anyone else have experience with a baby who didn't really like being worn and were you ever able to make it work?


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Re: Just another Tula post...

  • If she wants to face out...have you ever tried a back carry?

    My son loves being worn so I'm not much help
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  • We are new to Tula wearing. My daughter is adjusting to it. We do back carry because she is almost 18 months. I think she is discovering that she can see so much more up high than down in the stroller and is liking it more & more.

    As a Tula related PSA, if you're going to make accessories, has most of their Tula prints on sale for 15% off until 8/18/2014.
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  • Do you put legs out or in? DS hated the mob but loved the ergo once I realized he preferred his legs out.
  • F hated the moby but he hated just about everything for the first 3 months. I never tried the moby after that. I bought the infantino mei tai and he loved it! Mostly because he had boob access. I've since upgraded to a Tula and he loves it too.

    I agree that's she might enjoy a back carry.


  • F hated the moby but he hated just about everything for the first 3 months. I never tried the moby after that. I bought the infantino mei tai and he loved it! Mostly because he had boob access. I've since upgraded to a Tula and he loves it too.

    I agree that's she might enjoy a back carry.

    How do you get boob access in a mei tai? I must be doing it wrong.
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  • OP I have an infantino mei tei for sale if you're interested :)

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  • Sgriff1Sgriff1 member
    edited August 2014
    Thanks ladies! I feel like she's too little for a back carry? But if she doesn't dig the front carry I will try that. We've always had legs out. She actually somewhat liked the hip carry in the Ergo, but I guess I'll see how she does with the Tula. She's 6 months and just so curious and wants to look out and around all. the. time. So weird how she will let us carry her all day long, but being confined in a carrier pisses her off. Silly babies!


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • TJ1979 said:

    F hated the moby but he hated just about everything for the first 3 months. I never tried the moby after that. I bought the infantino mei tai and he loved it! Mostly because he had boob access. I've since upgraded to a Tula and he loves it too.

    I agree that's she might enjoy a back carry.

    How do you get boob access in a mei tai? I must be doing it wrong.
    I loosen the straps and slide him down until he's boob level. I didn't get a mei tai until he was around 4 months so I don't know how well it would work before then.


  • Sgriff1 said:

    Thanks ladies! I feel like she's too little for a back carry? But if she doesn't dig the front carry I will try that. We've always had legs out. She actually somewhat liked the hip carry in the Ergo, but I guess I'll see how she does with the Tula. She's 6 months and just so curious and wants to look out and around all. the. time. So weird how she will let us carry her all day long, but being confined in a carrier pisses her off. Silly babies!

    My DD is 6 months too. I started off with short periods in the Tula to get her used to it and she has actually fallen asleep in it, which is awesome. But she likes me to keep moving. I tried her in the back carry and she really wasn't happy about it lol I thought she might like it since she likes looking around but no luck. I'm going to just try again once in a while to see if she will like it more as she gets bigger.

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