May 2014 Moms

Milk supply and birth control

Does anyone have experience with decreased supply due to birth control? I think that might be part of my issue. I'm going to stop taking the pill after this packet and see what happens. Did anyone do this and see a difference? If so about how long did it take? Thanks!

Re: Milk supply and birth control

  • What pill are you taking?  I took the mini pill with my first and am again this time and it has had no effect.  Have you had a period yet?  it maybe your period coming.  That can cause a drop in milk production. 


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


  • I noticed a huge drop on the mini pill within two days. I went from pumping 12 oz in the am to 4-5 oz. I also had spotting/bleeding enough for a tampon. I stopped it and got mirena, pumped a bunch, now my supply is back.

    Mrs. B's Ovulation Chart
    TTC Baby B since 10/2012
    BFP#1 12/27/12 II TWIN GIRLS II D&C 2/15/13 TRAP sequence

    Clomid + TI + Acupuncture x 2 cycles

    BFP#2 9/5/13 II EDD 5/16/14 II Beckett Ryan born May 10, 2014

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  • It is the mini pill. I've been back on since week 4 due to endometriosis. Started my period regularly again at week 7. Now I'm getting ready to go back to work next month and so far I have been unable to pump any extra. I'm to the point where I am willing to tough out a horrible period if it means an increased supply. Wish me luck!
  • I'm on the little arm insert bc. When I first went on it I increased the amounts of times I pumped in order to make sure I continued making enough. I slowly went back to pumping every 6 hours. My supply is holding steady.

    That One Gal From Alaska :)



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