June 2013 Moms

How many words does your LO have?

edited August 2014 in June 2013 Moms
For the life of me I cannot remember when DS started talking. How many words does your LO have, including words they use n context but only you and DH understand? DD doesn't have any yet (she doesn't even use MaMa or DaDa). She still just babbles.

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Re: How many words does your LO have?

  • Probably 10 or so.  I really don't know.  I'm pretty sure that I'm just hearing things with the hopes that she is saying something that isn't in baby German.
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  • B has about 10 or so.  I would say about seven of them he actually knows what they mean and uses them referring to objects/people (mama, dada, cat, car, ball, baba [bottle], dog).  Then he says a couple things but I don't think there is really any actual meaning behind them.  For example, he says "Good Girl" a lot - but he is just repeating what we used to say to the dog all the time.  He will just walk around the house muttering "good girl"... 
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    Bennett Andrew- 6/4/13      Nora Elizabeth - 10/3/14
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  • Just one for sure.  She says a few others every now and then but not consistently.

    Her word is "Hi!" and she says it ALL THE TIME to EVERYone.  This girl has introverted parents but got an extrovert gene somehow.

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  • My little guy is really verbal, he says the following

    Mama, dada, Ra Ra (his sister), Jo Jo (the cat), cat, dog, ni ni (night night), Oma (my mom), thank you, buh by (bye bye), and yes.

    He also signs more, milk, hi, and please, as well as shakes his head no when he doesn't want something.

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    M/C 12/18/13 6w1d Twins
    BFP#5 4/6/13 EDD 12/16/2014

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  • Duh. Duh! DUHHHHHHHHHH! (and pointing at whatever he wants).

    He nods for yes, puts his hand up for no and waves hi and bye.

    I am pretty sure that means nada here.

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  • 20ish, but a lot of them are used incorrectly. If I ask her what color something is, it is always blue. If she is playing outside and I ask her what something is, it is always a leave or a stick. She also adds extra sounds to words, like when she says up it sounds like pup.
    G was the same. Everything was a car or a turtle. He loved talking about cars and turtles.

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  • No words but babbles dada a lot. He understands words but he's just not saying them yet. He knows what a kiss and a hug are. He'll bring you something if you ask him to and he'll also go get something if you tell him to. And he'll give a high five if you hold out your hand and say high five.
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  • I would say around 10. Her version of the following. Milk, more, mama, dada, dog, bottle, ball, Tal (dog's name), no, and she recently learned CAKE.  ;))
    1st born June 2013
  • I'd say 10, it grown exponentially every day.

    Just this morning he said "bala" and pointed at Bradley

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  • He has the signs for milk, all done and more down.  He says things like mama, dada, nana (grandma) Hi, hey, but I'm not  convinced he really knows what they mean. Well except hey which he uses to express his displeasure and/or get someone's attention 'HEY!!' followed by a smack in the head if you're not careful and you've taken away something he wants. He also seems to think Mama is a curse word in baby...
  • Mama, dada, dog, ball, mi (milk), dow (down)and lots of babbling. She understands a lot though. Signs for eat and more.
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  • @limabeanmom you definitely aren't at the evaluation stage yet. G didn't have any real words until he was closer to 15 months, then soon after, by 18ish months, it was full sentences.. And he hasn't shut up since :) The fact that they comprehend stuff is the most important part.

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  • @LimaBeanMOM‌, we get the same questions about talking...definitely makes me worry too. But we're used to it since we got lots of questions when she was slow to crawl, pull to stand etc. I've talked to friend who is speech therapist and she said its too soon to worry or get evaluated. She says often they are fairly quiet and then boom, word explosion. But if they seem to understand you at times and respond even ifin babble talk, then thats good.
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  • Apple, Daddy, ball, and "nana" for banana. He otherwise points a lot and says nomnom if he wants to eat something.
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  • Another talker over here. I've lost count of how many words exactly, but I would estimate around 20-30. This makes me feel good because she still hasn't taken her first step and doesn't stand unassisted. I think all children are unique and develop different characteristics at different rates. 
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  • Every time we do one of these threads I look at B and think I need to get him evaluated. He does a lot of pointing and "telling" us what he wants -goes to the high chair when hungry, goes to the fridge when he wants a bottle etc but not a lot of actual words -he babbles all day every day in a language only he understands. He understands everything though.

    DD signs more occasionally but that's it. And she usually doesn't actually want more food. She doesn't do any of the things you mentioned. Doesn't point to what she wants, doesn't shake her head no or nod yes.

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  • mine says a couple but understands some additional words. He can say mama, dada, dog, ball, bird and more. He can sign more, bunny, cow, duck, horse and mouse. And please only when prompted. If I ask him "what does a cow say" he says "moo". He does the same for sheep, duck, and horse. But if you ask "what does a pig say?" he goes "wa wa wa (LA LA LA per the book "Moo BAA LALALA")" instead of saying Oink.
    He understands when I say, "get in your chair" bc he will climb his high chair and sit in it.
    He also loves to point and babble. Most of the times, it sounds like he is saying "Que?" :) (he's not really bc no one I know speaks spanish to him). 

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  • cafecremecafecreme member
    edited August 2014
    Lately her vocabulary has increased significantly. 

    She says:
    Cat/Kitty Cat
    Thank/Thank you

    And says them all appropriately. Sometime's she'll put words together, like "Hi Dada" or "Thank you Mama".

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  • edited August 2014
    mine says a couple but understands some additional words. He can say mama, dada, dog, ball, bird and more. He can sign more, bunny, cow, duck, horse and mouse. And please only when prompted. If I ask him "what does a cow say" he says "moo". He does the same for sheep, duck, and horse. But if you ask "what does a pig say?" he goes "wa wa wa (LA LA LA per the book "Moo BAA LALALA")" instead of saying Oink.
    He understands when I say, "get in your chair" bc he will climb his high chair and sit in it.
    He also loves to point and babble. Most of the times, it sounds like he is saying "Que?" :) (he's not really bc no one I know speaks spanish to him). 

    Benjamin does this too!! Then he looks at me like I'm the crazy one for saying that a pig says oink. The only other animal sound he gets consistently is baa, though.

    Imma make a list, this kid has been chatting up a storm in the past few weeks.
    Spoken words:
    1. Boom
    2. Wow
    3. Whoa
    4. gan (again)
    5. No
    6. Yes
    7. Ba (bottle or ball, depending on context)
    8. Buh (bye)
    9. Do (dog)
    10. be-be (baby)
    11. broom (with a hilariously rolled r)
    12. mama
    13. dada

    Signed words:
    1. Finished
    2. More
    3. Please
    4. Thank you
    5. Cheese
    6. Banana
    7. Diaper
    8. water
    9. milk
    10. baby
    11. hungry
    12. eat
    13. sleepy
    14. bed
    15. mama
    16. dada
    It makes my life so much easier now that he communicates a lot more! And I'm really enjoying that his signs and spoken words don't really overlap very much.


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  • Just 3 words. mama, dada, dog for everything else.
  • I've been worried about this lately too. She says mama and dada only as far as I can tell but nods and shakes her head for yes and no.
  • mshukhmshukh member
    edited August 2014
    My nanny talks up a storm with LO. She also reads and sings a ton to him. In fact, we have hardly taught him any words or games or actions ourselves, so I don't think he would have been quite as progressed at this point. He can now say the following: mama, papa, give, nyam-nyam (means eat), baba (grandma), deda (grandpa), nanny's name are clear.  Then he mumbles these: man, woman, tree, furtree, dog, bunny, milk, bottle. The following animals sounds: moo (for cow), meow (for cat), sort of barking (for dog), geese (ga-ga-ga), birds (hard to explain), fish (also hard to explain) car sound, plane sound, blender sound (these all sound almost the same). And he understands a ton. He knows to clap, point, wave, hide, grab something, go get something and bring it, put something inside, points out his legs, belly, eyes, nose, mouth, ears (he also does ears for bunny), teeth, tongue. He can fill in the sounds in nursery rhymes. Imitates planes by sprawling his arms and making a plane sound. He will say yes, and shake his head for no but half the time I think he is just guessing. And generally recognizes a lot of objects and can point them out if asked (fork, spoon, glass, zebra, giraffe, dog, cat, bunny, fish, certain trees (he knows the difference), flowers (he imitates smelling them too), and a lot more. Although he may be slightly ahead of the curve on communication / verbal, we are still not walking without support. I guess it all evens out.  

  • She probably has about 20 words, but most often uses this (dis) or that (dat) to point to things she wants. She's a grabby baby.  She also likes to blurt out "HI!!" in top volume to anyone and anything who walks past her, including random birds and total strangers.

    She gave up on using sign language, which is a shame because my son still knows tons of signs.  But she does do quite a few gestures. She waves hello and goodbye, shrugs, gives high fives, and she fist bumps (thanks to her older brother).


  • GraceInCA said:

    She probably has about 20 words, but most often uses this (dis) or that (dat) to point to things she wants. She's a grabby baby.  She also likes to blurt out "HI!!" in top volume to anyone and anything who walks past her, including random birds and total strangers.

    Replace "Hi" with "Bye Bye!", and E does the exact same thing. It gets a lot of smiles from strangers.
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  • what does a snake say??

    She can also point when asked where her ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and tummy are.  And she knows what a cow, horse, sheep, snake, duck, rooster, elephant, tiger, and dog say.


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