May 2014 Moms

A weekend away

So dh and I are going to stay with his brother who lives an hour and a half from us. My in laws are willing to watch dd if we would want to go alone. Its for a weekend. I really want to go and have some time away but cant stand the thought of being away from her. Has anyone dealt with this? What helped you feel better? I do trust my in laws.

Re: A weekend away

  • Personally I would have them watch dd for a couple hours. Not a weekend.

    But if they don't live in the same town then my suggestion is useless.

    I couldn't leave lo for a weekend. I won't for a good long while. Not until ds is fully weaned and on solids and has and predictable routine of naps and bedtime. I wouldn't want to leave my inlaws with him being so all over the place sleep wise. They did offer to watch ds if we went to and wedding. They would drive and meet us and hang out somewhere with him. We didn't end up going. But I would have been fine with that.
  • I couldn't leave her for a weekend, not this young anyway. But then again, I can barely leave her for a few hours so I'm no help to you.
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  • Personally, I would have a hard time. DD is EBF and I couldn't leave her for more than a few hours anyway. I also do not trust my in laws, but I have reasons. If you think you would have a good time and need the break, then go. You just have to be ok with the decision.
  • Obviously, I'm in the minority, but I'd do it. I'd love a weekend alone with DH. Can you do a Friday night through Sunday morning? That would be perfect IMO.

     M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
    DD Born @ 40+4

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  • I couldn't do it this young - even a few hrs is pushing it, and we FF. I didn't leave DD overnight w my parents until she was maybe 8 months old? And she stayed over 2 nights in a row at 11 months, but only because we were moving and needed time to get her room set up, etc. 

    BUt as PPs said, if you trust them and are comfortable, then go for it!
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • We would be going friday night and leaving early afternoon on Sunday. I know she is in great hands with them, I guess I just feel guilty. It would be nice to have a weekend away though!
  • We are leaving both kids with my parents this weekend (Saturday/Sunday). I'm so happy. Happy. Happy. Did I mention happy? DS2 is almost 3 months and DS1 is 2.5 years. It is a much needed time away from children.

    T 2.12 | W 5.14

  • I would go if you can enjoy it. You may have more fun than you think, knowing LO is in great hands. Don't feel guilty!! She wont remember and you and your H need the time so take it. Your marriage is just as important to put time into :) Just have them send you a million pics. I bet she'll do great. My DD is always so relaxed with my mom.
    Married 5/5/12 ~ Miscarried @ 6wks 7/1/13 ~ Has Pacemaker ~ Due May 7th
  • Thank you for the support ladies! I feel much better knowing that others are doing it while they are this young. I kind of have a rediculous fear that she will know her parents arent around but I know that isn't true!
  • Thanks for the suggestion @mary97‌ :)
  • We have already done 2 overnights.  The first was for 2 nights when DD was 6 weeks and the second was for 1 night to celebrate our anniversary when she was 11 weeks (I think).  She was with my mom, who I trust completely.  We have similar ways of doing things and she totally respects my decisions and will follow the routine, which makes it much easier.  As others have said, if you feel comfortable with your in-laws watching DD, then I say go for it!  My advice - try not to check in yourself, but have your MIL (or FIL) send text updates, some with pictures.  I didn't call my mom once because she updated me enough to put a smile on my face and know that everything was ok.  It really gave me a chance to take a nice break.  

    Did I miss her?  Yes, of course.  Was I excited to see her when I got back?  Yes.  But did I really enjoy myself while I was gone?  Yes!
  • Thank you @banks81‌! If im away from her I refuse to call and check on her because I dont want to hear if she is crying, even though I trust them to take good care of her! Thanks for the pointers though.
  • yepyepsmsyepyepsms member
    edited August 2014
    Next weekend I am having my first night away from LO. I will leave Friday morning and come back Saturday afternoon and she will be with DH and little brother. So my situation is a little different but I am so so excited for some me time, fun, and sleeping all night. I am coming back on Saturday versus Sunday for two reasons: I EBF and don't have a good enough stash to be gone that long and I feel guilt leaving DH with a three month old and two year old for too long. He also doesn't get up with her at night so that will be new for him and her. If it goes badly for him I feel bad being gone all weekend. Good luck: what I have learned as a STM...I didn't do enough (really any) me time or DH dates with our first child. and babies will always be fine in the care of loving family!!

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    BabyFruit Ticker
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