Working Moms

Naps so much better at DC?

LO is nearly 15 weeks old, and he started DC two weeks ago.  He has never been a great napper- I have to hold him the entire time to get him to nap.  At DC he's been taking two 2-2.5 hour long naps in his crib, which is amazing!  So this weekend I thought we would try this at home.  I did the same routine they do- put him in his sleep sack, rocked him until he was very sleepy or actually asleep, and put him down.  The first two times (on Saturday) he fussed for about 30 minutes without actually crying, then fell asleep.  But he only slept for about 30 minutes.  Then I couldn't get him down for a third time.  Sunday we tried again- the first time he fussed, then cried.  I picked him up, soothed him again for about 10 minutes, and finally got him down, but he only slept 30 minutes.  The second time he fussed, then cried, then I soothed him- we repeated this process about three times, then he only slept for 20 minutes.  Later that day he just cried every time I put him down.  I was ready to give up and just let him nap while I held him, but I'd missed his sleepy window so I just ended up putting him to bed early (normal bedtime is 6 or 6:30- we did 5:30 this weekend to catch up).

Obviously he's capable of napping in his crib, since he does it at DC.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to get him to do this at home?  Do I just have to suck it up until he's old enough to CIO?

Re: Naps so much better at DC?

  • Both of my kids have always napped better at DC than at home and I have had zero success getting them to do the same for me.  I don't know if it's the tight routine there, or peer pressure, or what but it is one of those things I've just had to accept.  Annoying, but it is what it is.

    That said, kids and their napping habits change constantly.  If I were in your shoes I would continue to try putting him in the crib for naps at home.  Some days will be a total fail and you'll end up holding him or wearing him but over time it should get better.

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  • I don't have much advice. Just wanted to say that I completely sympathize with you. DS is 19 months old and still takes these amazing naps at DC. In the afternoon he will sleep 2-2.5 hours like clock work every single day. At home....I am lucky if I can get him to sleep for a little over an hour. I wish that I could get whatever magic that they use to get him to sleep that long. What I wouldn't give for that extra time to get things done around the house on the weekends---or heaven forbid an hour to just sit and do nothing. 

    Keep trying to stay consistent with his naps. Sometimes you will get lucky and other times you won't. Just try to adapt when you can. 
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  • agree with PPs. Also, at 15 weeks, 30-45 minute naps were pretty standard for my little man. I was lucky in the sense I didnt have to hold him...but he slept way better in the swing than in his crib.I have no idea why. Maybe daycare is lying haha (kidding I promise). Have you tried putting his mattress on a  bit of an incline? Does he sleep well there at night?
  • I just wanted to say I think we may have to just accept that some LO's will be totally different at daycare versus home with regard to eating, sleeping, etc.  LO naps on the weekends great.  Usually 4 naps total, about an hour, then about 2 hours, then 45 minutes and 45 minutes.  At daycare, she takes anywhere from 2-4 naps, the longest of which is usually about 25 minutes.  Generally at daycare she naps for about an hour total, and at home she naps for a total of about 4-5 hours during the day.  I just feel bad that she's obviously not getting the rest at DC that she needs.  But of course I emphathize completely with the opposite problem which is an LO that doesn't nap at home.  I don't know if there's any way around this...DC and home are just such completely different environments.  We may never be able to get them to line up, you know?
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