Baby Names

Girl #3 (with twin big sisters) HELP!!

Our third girl is due 12/13 and we have twin girls already. Big sisters are Kate Margaret and Violet Sue :)

I am having the hardest time naming this little girl! We love classic and simple. I am in love with the names Emma and Nora - however Nora is out because of a close family friend has a DD with that name and I just don't know if I can get past Emma being so popular. Our last name is extremely common too, so I hate to saddle her with Emma "Smith" (or the like..)

Currently on the maybe list:

Eliza Grace

Elise Jane

Amelia Grace

Any other suggestions?? I am worried I won't find something I love as much as those names I "can't" have.

Married 8.4.07
BFP #1 4.15.11 Twin girls born 11/17/11
BFP #2 10/16/13 m/c at 9w
BFP #3 4/7/14 EDD 12/13/14

Re: Girl #3 (with twin big sisters) HELP!!

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