So I picked up my file from my RE last Friday. It felt like such a defeat after feeling so hopeful back in March when I met them.
Anyway I am pouring through the notes, etc this evening, and finding conflicting information regarding my day three results.
I am sure many of you ladies are old pros at this...since my RE only said "normal" to me in a 15 second convo, and what I am reading confuses me even more, I thought I would post them here to see what ya'll think. I am 35, and could stand to loose a few pounds I am a size 12-14 right now and would at an ideal size be about an 8-10.
My FSH was 7.93.
Progesterone was .379
LH 4.84
Estradiol II 44.42
Thoughts? So frustrating. Some list the FSH alone as an indicator of IVF, others definately don't.
Re: My Sunday night...trying to figure out my day 3 bloodwork
TTC since 2012
Me 35, DH 32 -DH SA all clear
8/97 severe perotinitis infection as a result of ruptured appendix. poss abdomen/tube scarring
1/12 HSG all clear!
2/12 Multiple fibroids diagnosed, 2 submucosal
3/14 Hashimoto diagnosed, began treatment
3/14 first RE appointment
5/14 successful lapriscopic myomectomy via power morcellation
as of 7/14.....not so patiently waiting
poss IUI/IVF fall 2014 BIG Surprise BFP Aug 2014!
In my opinion, why bring out the big guns right off the bat? no stimulated cycle (chlomid), or IUI? If there is no known/definable problem, why take the harshest step first?
I am not opposed to IVF, however our $$ situation is really tight and we are oop. So right now I am all ears to opinions and ideas, but not honestly feeling settled in any particular direction.
We are going for a second opinion in a few weeks, and may look at one of the less expensive, out of town IVF options that may not totally bankrupt us.
I am both determined and LOST right now! Thank you so much for your help!
TTC since 2012
Me 35, DH 32 -DH SA all clear
8/97 severe perotinitis infection as a result of ruptured appendix. poss abdomen/tube scarring
1/12 HSG all clear!
2/12 Multiple fibroids diagnosed, 2 submucosal
3/14 Hashimoto diagnosed, began treatment
3/14 first RE appointment
5/14 successful lapriscopic myomectomy via power morcellation
as of 7/14.....not so patiently waiting
poss IUI/IVF fall 2014 BIG Surprise BFP Aug 2014!
TTC since 2012
Me 35, DH 32 -DH SA all clear
8/97 severe perotinitis infection as a result of ruptured appendix. poss abdomen/tube scarring
1/12 HSG all clear!
2/12 Multiple fibroids diagnosed, 2 submucosal
3/14 Hashimoto diagnosed, began treatment
3/14 first RE appointment
5/14 successful lapriscopic myomectomy via power morcellation
as of 7/14.....not so patiently waiting
poss IUI/IVF fall 2014 BIG Surprise BFP Aug 2014!