Baby Names

Nolan vs. Everett

Erinm278Erinm278 member
edited August 2014 in Baby Names
Same issue. DH and I discussed these boy names. When I was pg with DD we were team green and chose Nolan as our boy name. Now that we are TTC again we have noticed Nolan becoming more popular. We both like Everett too. I'm hesitant to use it because DD has an "E" name and I don't want people to think we're on a trend.
MN will be Robert.


Baby girl #1 7/11/13

Baby girl #2 4/30/15

Baby Boy Due 2/16/19!


Nolan vs. Everett 166 votes

63% 106 votes
36% 60 votes

Re: Nolan vs. Everett

  • I voted for Everett but now I'm realizing it might sound a little too rhymy with mn Robert. They're both nice names though.
    Married 8/14/09
    TTC #1 since 5/2014
    BFP #1 11/14/14 - CP @ 5w2d
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  • I like Nolan better. There's nothing wrong with Everett. Just personal preference.  Either sounds good with Robert.
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  • I like the flow of Nolan Robert much better than Everett Robert. I also like staying away from using the same letter.

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  • Your DD is Ellery, right?  I feel like Everett and Ellery are too matchy.
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  • 100% Nolan.
    Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
  • I voted Nolan, but between the two names, I actually prefer Everett. Like you said, Nolan is super common. I've never met an Everett, but I've met tons of Nolans. But I'm not a fan of Everett Robert--Nolan Robert definitely flows better. I'd also be worried about starting an E name trend... Ok, on second thought, I'd go with Everett. Who cares about middle names anyway? We chose a non flowy mn for our first born because we liked the fn and the mn was a family name--He is 7 now, and has suffered no ill effects from his non flowy mn thus far. And is the E trend thing really that big of a deal? I'd rather have the less common, awesome name. (Can definitely see why you are torn. Lol)
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  • Nolan. 

    Everett is the new Liam from what I'm seeing on my Facebook feed...
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  • My 9 mo old nephew is named Everett. I love it and is an old family name. Not sure how trendy it is now though...
  • I love Everett.  I don't hate Nolan but I also don't see the appeal.  I have two E babies so that doesn't bother me at all.  I would rather choose names I love and not worry as much about that.  We have no plans for a future 3rd child to have an E name so it's a nonissue to me.
    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • I don't like Nolan at all, but I love Everett.
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