Ok, my little guys 1st birthday will be December 21st.. I know, it's a couple months away.
My in laws live out of state and we would like to see them for the holidays and also to celebrate ds's birthday.
In the past my MIL has thrown a surprise Bridal Shower and then another surprise Baby Shower for me, which I really appreciate, but it means we always end up with tons of gifts (some we didn't even ask/register for). Which makes traveling back home pretty difficult and then we have had to mail back some large packages.
I also feel like every time we are out to visit, it's for a party of some sort (we had our ds baptized in March out there as well) and people give us gifts.
I'd like to plan and have a 1st birthday party for my ds... But I want to request No Gifts, and then if people would like, I would want to suggest a book for his library or a contribution to his college fund that his grandparents set up for him.
So, how do I say that without being ungrateful or tacky?
Re: No Gift Birthday Party?