For those of you using swaddles at night, when do you plan on stopping? If you've already stopped, how old was LO when you did? DD is 11.5 weeks and broke out of her velcro swaddle last night! Wondering if I should stop the swaddling.
We stopped swaddling her arms in at about 7wks because she was constantly getting out. She then slept with her legs swaddled up until 13-1/2wks. We just stopped swaddling last night and it was a success!
So to those who say they'll stop swaddling when baby can roll - do you mean belly to back, back to belly, or both ways? My little guy can roll from belly to back, but not the other way. I still swaddle him and put him on his back to sleep, but he's usually busted out at least one arm by morning.
So to those who say they'll stop swaddling when baby can roll - do you mean belly to back, back to belly, or both ways? My little guy can roll from belly to back, but not the other way. I still swaddle him and put him on his back to sleep, but he's usually busted out at least one arm by morning.
I am starting since she has done belly to back. Not doing it cold turkey though. By the time she can roll back to front the swaddle will be gone (or ditched immediatelyif she surprises me sooner).
I'll probably stop when DS starts protesting. He's 12wks now and hasn't rolled over or broken out ever. Seems content with the swaddle so I'm going to keep it up!!
Tonight is DS's 3rd night going swaddle free. Started weaning when he learned to suck on his hands - did a week of 1 arm free and the rest of his body swaddled. When that was successful, I went fully swaddle free and it's been great!
When she starts rolling. She can be swaddled at daycare with parental permission until she rolls. Her hands attack her and she doesn't sleep when she's not swaddled.
I wish I could stop swaddling but DS hands never stop moving it seems. Plus he still has the startle reflex that wakes him. He's not a fan of the swaddle. I have to do it when he's sleepy and rock him a bit. We started swaddling him with his hands hanging out the bottom because he tolerates that more. Next will be his arms free. Hoping to be swaddle free in the next month.
We stopped around the 6wk mark. LO would cry and break out constantly. He naturally started sleeping better with out it. However, recently his startle reflex wakes him from his naps but not at night when he sleeps....odd I know.
Shit. She was just *thisclose* to rolling backto front... just had to pick her head up. I was already breaking the swaddle, but I can'thave an arm in after seeing this. I'm excited, but as a stm I also know the sleepless nights that lie ahead... and that once they get mobile its a game changer.
This. Or she stops waking herself up with her flailing arms, whichever comes first.
She always busts out of her swaddle, even the Velcro ones, but she is starting to get better at settling with her arms out. She's also working on rolling back to front, so we'll see.
Re: When to stop the swaddling?
Eta: She is 3.5 months
BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11
BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14
My Recipe Blog
~All AL'ers welcome~
BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11
BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14
My Recipe Blog
~All AL'ers welcome~
BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11
BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14
My Recipe Blog
~All AL'ers welcome~
This. Or she stops waking herself up with her flailing arms, whichever comes first.