May 2014 Moms

Just for fun - things you never used, hate or regret

Just for fun I'd love to hear what everyone else has bought or been given that they hated or found useless. When I was pregnant I read a lot of lists of baby must haves and top registry items. I made quite a few purchasing discussions based on those lists. Here are the things I found useless, hated or regretted
  • 0-3 month size sleepers. People kept buying these for us but it's summer, we don't have AC and his room never gets below 77. He sleeps in a onsie and sleep sack. I have a stack of unused sleepers, including fleece ones! 
  • Breast pump (controversial i know) but LO is EBF and I'm on mat leave for a year. The few times I've used the pump it's messed with my supply and created an overactive letdown. My current freezer stash is 2.5oz and I don't plan on increasing it. Maybe I'll use it in future if I have to leave him for any length of time??
  • Swaddle sacks. He always kicked himself out of the leg pocket section. We found it easier to use A&A type swaddle cloths and do them up nice and tight, now he's in sleep sacks
  • Our travel system. We have the Baby Trend ELX jogger travel system and while I love the stroller the car seat was awful for the first few months. The seat has a really steep incline so he was always far too upright. It's ok now he has better head control but as a NB his head used to fall dangerously forward. We put too much focus on the stroller and not enough on the car seat.I wish we had spent a little more and got the BOB/ Britax combo
  • Disposable breast pads. Have whole box sitting in the closet unused. For the first few weeks I liked the reusable cotton ones and after that I haven't needed any at all. i hated how they felt and made crinkly noises, like wearing a period pad in my bra 
  • Soft carriers. We have a ring sling and moby. DS just about tolerates being worn in he structured carrier (Lillebaby) but only if I'm moving, as soon as I stop or sit down it's fuss and cry. He cries as soon as he's put in the moby or ring sling. As a NB he was happier hanging out in his bouncy chair than being worn
So lets hear your hated, regretted or never used baby items

Re: Just for fun - things you never used, hate or regret

  • Sleep sacks. They used to be a lifesaver but now he kicks and tries to break free. I have two now I'm trying to resell. I'd rather not use them anyway once he gets rolling.

    Baby clothes. I didn't buy much but I feel awful for the people who did and ds wore once. I even have stuff up to a year I know won't get worn.

    Cloth diapering items. Didn't need two wet bags. Don't need snappis (don't catch flannel or my cotton flats. I made them myself). Now I'm getting better inserts and pockets for nighttime.

    Swing. Ds thought it was just a cool seat to sit in. Selling that too.

    Pump. Mm I'm here nor there. I've slacked on making my supply.

    Receiving blankets. Too damn hot.

    Stuffed animals. Stupid gift to sit on a shelf.

    I'm adding things I love too.

    I love our baby trend system. We stopped using the bucket seat and he loves sitting up right.

    Love love our ergo. Made naps possible.

    Love kickee pants pajamas. Soft light bamboo. Perfect for summer.

    One thing I didn't think I'd love is the bumbo. Ds loves sitting in that while we eat dinner.

    Video monitor. Just got it and it was so nice just to look over to check on him.

    Boomerang nursing pillow. Saved my life and bf. So comfortable and supportive.

  • Tons of clothes never worn, stuffed animals, receiving blankets, newborn hats.

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  • There were some things I thought were useless but turned out to be great a bit later. I thought the bouncer was pointless bc she just sat/laid there but now it's awesome and she loves it! Same with our Boba carrier, disliked it when she was a NB but now we're using it more.

    We have way too many onesies, receiving blankets, and socks. But most were gifts so I'm not too fussed about it.

    I have nearly a full box of disposable breast pads, I think I used four.

    I have to say, I think we did a pretty good job of buying what we need. We didn't buy too much in advance but instead went out and picked stuff up as needed.
  • MimalooMimaloo member
    edited August 2014
    The Boppy - it was awkward for BFing and DD won't sit on it. It lives on the floor.

    Newborn shoes - they're cute in the store but that's about it. Everyone bought DD shoes!

    Swaddle Me - DD refused to be swaddled from day 1. 

    Frilly pack n play - you know the ones with the 'cuddle coves? That was used for all of two weeks. She outgrew the tiny cuddle cove so quickly. 

    And @florassecret - I had only heard negatives about the Bumbo but I'm wishing I had one! DD likes to sit up. I may just buy one this week.
  • Our friend lent us a swing. She doesn't like it. I'm glad we didn't buy one.

    Newborn sleepers. We didn't have any and we bought some. She sleeps in a onsie and a swaddle.

    Baby books. I bought a sleep book; my friend gave us "The Baby Whisperer". DD is a pretty easy baby, so we don't feel like we need to read a lot.

    Cheap nursing bras. I kept trying to save money and get cheap ones. I finally got a Bravado and wish I could trade in the crappy ones and get another good one. 
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  • usernewnameusernewname member
    edited August 2014
    Mimaloo said:
    The Boppy - it was awkward for BFing and DD won't sit on it. It lives on the floor.

    Newborn shoes - they're cute in the store but that's about it. Everyone bought DD shoes!

    Swaddle Me - DD refused to be swaddled from day 1. 

    Frilly pack n play - you know the ones with the 'cuddle coves? That was used for all of two weeks. She outgrew the tiny cuddle cove so quickly. 

    And @florassecret - I had only heard negatives about the Bumbo but I'm wishing I had one! DD likes to sit up. I may just buy one this week.
    I was actually pretty against the bumbo - then DS kept wanting to sit up. I hear it isn't good for their spine. So I picked one up for free and he loves it. He just sits in it while we eat dinner.

    ETA: I'm sure if he sat in it all day it wouldn't be good. Everything in moderation I guess.
  • @smdukes - hats are useless. He wore one on the way home after being born. That's it.
    DS had a whole stack of hats, all too big for him since he comes from a long line of tiny headed people. By the time they fit it was too warm out to need them. I hate not using clothes given to us, it feels so wasteful and almost ungrateful.
  • Emmagk said:
    @smdukes - hats are useless. He wore one on the way home after being born. That's it.
    DS had a whole stack of hats, all too big for him since he comes from a long line of tiny headed people. By the time they fit it was too warm out to need them. I hate not using clothes given to us, it feels so wasteful and almost ungrateful.
    I feel so bad when ds wore something once or not at all. I've packed up some of it for a possible future baby. But I still feed horrible. When we had a meet the baby party my MIL wanted a wish list (not really a gift giving event but there was no shower for this side of the family) I did toys and books. Still got clothes :( I've taken a lot back to the store to save the credits for when he's bigger. Surprisingly a lot of it was things that wouldn't be in season when he reaches that age :S
  • My breast friend pillow, I hemmed and hawed over getting it or a boppy turns out I didn't need either DD is fed pumped milk and formula from bottles. Oh and my large box of disposable breast pads, I have only leaked a few times and this is while sleeping to long. I took back a few things and clothing to BRU that I found useless, they give you credit on a gift card which I now use for diapers and such when needed. I felt a little guilty about doing this but I justified it in my mind by telling myself people bought gifts for the baby to be nice and helpful so the money is still being used for the baby this way
  • That my breast friend was a piece of a shit
  • Never used diaper shocker I'm sure! But it just seemed pointless! Betsy Johnson diaper bag...ended up being way big and used it once! I prefer my DH black messenger style diaper bag! Besides that not too many complaints, I love clothes and baby has tons, so I made sure he got into everything once! LO hated cold wipes and I swore diaper warmers were a waste from what I read, but my husband went out and got a warmer and LO loves it, so I do too!
  • LeeLee86LeeLee86 member
    edited August 2014
    -Sleep Sheep, DD wakes up when it turns off, should have registered for a white noise machine.
    -Soothies, they don't stay in and DD hates them.
    -All the clothes! Didn't register for ANY got a ton of crap :/
    -Not getting a co-sleeper
    -Pricey Motherhood Maternity tanks, the ones I got from Walmart are my favorite.
    LOVE: our crazy expensive glider, the kicknplay, Lillebaby carrier (better than ergo) and all the books☺️
    Married 5/5/12 ~ Miscarried @ 6wks 7/1/13 ~ Has Pacemaker ~ Due May 7th
  • That my breast friend was a piece of a shit

    Omg- the My Brrast Friend saved me when I was ready to throw in the BFing towel at 3 weeks. Now? Not needed
  • LeeLee86 said:
    Useless -Sleep Sheep, DD wakes up when it turns off, should have registered for a white noise machine. -Soothies, they don't stay in and DD hates them. -All the clothes! Didn't register for ANY got a ton of crap :/ Regret: -Not getting a co-sleeper -Pricey Motherhood Maternity tanks, the ones I got from Walmart are my favorite. LOVE: our crazy expensive glider, the kicknplay, Lillebaby carrier (better than ergo) and all the books☺️

    We have a Lillebaby too and love it! There's no way we could use an ergo until DS is big enough to sit with legs out since he's hated froggy position since he was about 4 weeks but we just adjusted the Lillebaby for the infant legs out carry and he'll tolerate it as long as I'm moving.
  • KellyQ116 said:

    That my breast friend was a piece of a shit

    Omg- the My Brrast Friend saved me when I was ready to throw in the BFing towel at 3 weeks. Now? Not needed
    Glad it saved someone lol. It was so low and I had to hunch over so much. I love my jolly jumper boomerang.
  • QOTRQOTR member

    That my breast friend was a piece of a shit

    I love mine! I miss it when I feed him away from the house.
    Me-41, Hubby-40.
    1st BFP-8/17/12!  Missed Miscarriage discovered @ 8 week US.  D&C.
    2nd BFP-2/13/13!  Blighted Ovum discovered @ 8 week US. Natural miscarriage.
    3rd BFP-5/22/13!  By early June, progesterone plummeting.  Another loss.
    August 2013 - started Donor Egg process, but surprise BFP with my own eggs.
    Dear Son born 5/28/14
  • QOTRQOTR member
    We too received way too many clothes. Baby was almost 11 pounds at birth, so a third of the closet went straight to the giveaway pile. Luckily my cousin is having a baby boy any time now so I've been able to pass everything on to her and alleviate my guilt over things not being used.

    I also love the A&A swaddles, so I've had no need for all the standard receiving blankets.

    We registered for/ received that battery operated device to track the last feeding, nap and diaper change but we never moved away from using pen & paper.

    Me-41, Hubby-40.
    1st BFP-8/17/12!  Missed Miscarriage discovered @ 8 week US.  D&C.
    2nd BFP-2/13/13!  Blighted Ovum discovered @ 8 week US. Natural miscarriage.
    3rd BFP-5/22/13!  By early June, progesterone plummeting.  Another loss.
    August 2013 - started Donor Egg process, but surprise BFP with my own eggs.
    Dear Son born 5/28/14
  • Hate:
    - Medela pumping bustier - bought 2 and the zipper broke on both. The Lansinoh one is much better.
    - Certain bows. I've found that I'm very picky about the bows I put on her. It's not so much the size that bothers me but the quality. Some look so cheap!
    - Newborn and 0-3 sleepers. We've been using gowns since day 1 and prefer them so much more!

    - A&A blankets - the best!
    - Swaddle Me - LO loves to be wrapped up!
    - Sound machine - DH and I sleep better with it too
    - Tommee Tippee pacifiers. She wouldn't calm down one day and wouldn't keep the gumdrop paci in her mouth. Grabbed the Tommee Tippee out of a drawer and shoved it in. Loves it! Realized later that it was the 6-12 month one, but she loves it so I don't want to change
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  • Most of the cruddy stuff I bought for my first. I learned my lesson and bought hardly anything for #2.

    Swaddlers - I bought several swaddling blankets and velcro swaddlers for DS, but he hated all but the Summer Infant SwaddlePod, and even that one only lasted a month before he graduated to wearable blankets. DD hated being confined and wouldn't even tolerate the SwaddlePod past day 5.

    Swing - Could've done without. I'm glad we bought a cheap one so it didn't feel like so much of a waste.

    Pacifiers - For DS I bought one of every pacifier ever made. He never took one until 6 months when he randomly found one in his toybox. Now he's almost 3 and we can't get him to stop. Thank goodness DD isn't interested in pacis (even though DH keeps trying to give her one).

    My Brest Friend - My body shape could be to blame, but I find it uncomfortable and awkward. I'm so glad I bought it on clearance. I still haven't found anything more comfortable to nurse with than my Boppy.

    Burp cloths - I don't like most burp cloths. Seems like most are either too bulky or not absorbent enough. I use soft washcloths, hand towels, or flannel receiving blankets instead.

    Lansinoh manual breast pump - Uncomfortable, inconvenient, inefficient, a huge PITA to clean. Huge waste of $35.

    Snap-up sleepers - Learned this lesson with DS. Wiggly baby + snaps @ 3 a.m. = grumpy mommy. Zippers are so much easier.

    Hats and shoes - Both of my babies hated hats (DS only just started tolerating one at 2.5 yrs), and I've never seen the point of shoes before the baby can stand. They all got put away unused.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

  • First of all I love this post!!

    I think our "loves" have changed a lot depending on stage.

    Useless things?
    We got WAY too many blankets... Florida baby born in may?! Not necessary.
    Similarly, baby hats. Huge waste and borderline unsafe in this heat!. The only kind of hat we needed (a sun hat) we didn't get. Oh well.

    Stuffed animals... Feel guilty passing them on but they're taking up space!

    Socks (see above re hats) but I suppose those will still fit when it's cool.

    Favorite things?
    Noise machine
    Bedtime Bath
    SwaddleMes were great until we transitioned her out
    Lansioh Pumping Bra
    Rock and Play
    Bumbo - DD loves to sit up and I get some hands free time!
    Baby Bjorn

  • A bassinet! DS hated the thing and we ended up getting rid of it. He tolerates his RNP and the crib.

    Winter clothes for a May baby? I don't know what people are thinking when they buy 0-3 winter clothes and fleece swaddles. They've been donated.

    Stuffed animals. Hate these stupid things and I have no where to put them.

    Shoes. Hello my kid can't walk! It's hot and I barely put socks on him.

    My breast friend pillow- I liked this a lot in the beginning but then I realized I really didn't need it to BF das baby.

    Things we loveeeee:

    Swing-DS loves hanging out in his swing.

    Bouncer- another life saver. He smiles as soon as he's put in it.

    Skip hop foam playmat- they were a bit pricey but I love them and DS has a good time staring at the animals.

    Uppababy Vista/Mesa- I'm absolutely in love with the stroller and car seat. Both are worth every penny and are perfect for living in Brooklyn.

    Rock and play- our boy hates his bassinet from the minute we got home and spent many nights sleeping on top of DH and I. We bought the rock n play and this is where he has been sleeping at night when he isn't in bed with me. He doesn't like being flat on his back and this was the only way I could get him to sleep on it.

    Carter's bodysuits- I really am obsessed with this brand. They for really well and are great quality for the price.

  • Honestly my biggest hate is stuffed animals.I will never get ananyone a stuffed animal. I want to throw them all away.

    I.also dont like huggies lil snugglers. The cinced back annoys the crap out of me. The straps always get stuck on her skin when i go to pull the old diaper out and then Its hard to.roll it up bc it automatically closes in the back bc of the stretchy back.

    Could have done without the swing. She likes it but im always scared to use it to long so.that she doesnt get addicted.

    Love our play mat and infant to.toddler rocker. She loves them both so.much!


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  • Regrets:
    Travel system - we got the Graco Classic connect car seat and stroller.  I don't mind the car seat, but I hate the classic connect stroller options, it sucks on gravel (we live on a gravel road).  I wish we would have got a different system. I've had to go out and buy a different stroller so we can go on walks.

    Bouncer - DD isn't a fan.  I'm hoping any other babies we have will like it so it doesn't seem like such a waste.

    Clothes - I'm grateful people bought us things... but many bought summer clothes in 6 and 9 mo. sizes. She may get into 6 mo. before the weather turns, but 9 mo. won't happen. 

    Boppy - I could never get it to work right for breastfeeding. I like it for propping LO up though when she just wants to sit and look around.

    A+A blankets - They're big and have so many uses.

    Receiving blankets - I had to go buy more, they've been the best for spit ups.

    Skip Hop play gym - We replaced our Fischer Price gym with the Skip Hop.  DD doesn't slide on the play mat during tummy time, and she likes the toys that came with much better.

    Rock N Play - We'd be lost without it.  It's the only place she'll sleep for naps, unless I'm holding her.  It'll be a sad day when she outgrows it.

    Swaddle Me - DD hates her arms swaddled, but she likes when we wrap her middle.  They've been great for night, just put on a long sleeve onesie underneath, and she was happy.
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  • Regrets:
    My brest friend pillow - only continued nursing for a week after i bought it. now i pump and the pump doesn't need to be cradled :)

    clothes - I bought too many 3 month clothes when he already had received a ton as gifts. Now I'm always trying to make sure all outfits and onesies are worn enough times when really all I want to do is dress him in his Carter's stuff-on-the-butt outfits every damn day.

    AA blankets. so multi purpose.
    Carter's stuff on the butt outfits. cutest baby clothing idea ever!
    All my pumping stuff. The Medela PISA and hands free pump bras are why I have been able to pump so well and feed my baby breast milk despite unsuccessful nursing.
    Boppy. At first I regretted it because it sucked for nursing but as a little seat it's great. I can feed my son while I pump, which happens more than I realized it would.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

  • I'm right with those who said baby socks and shoes. So cute, but so pointless. We also never got much use out of the bassinet but I LOVED the RNP until we transitioned her to her crib. Luckily both were hand-me-downs.

    Other useless items:
    Any bottle "system". We ended up using the Medela ones that came with my pump.

    Hand made knitted blankets. We got SO MANY! It's way to hot for them, they're not super soft against the skin, and I'm afraid DD will inhale tiny strands of loose yarn since everything is going in her mouth these days.

    Things we love:
    The swing. Thank God for the swing.

    A&A blankets

    Ergo swaddle sacks- they're the only kind she can't break out of.

    Bath sling- so much easier than an infant tub.

    Our Pnp changing table. She outgrew the napper a while ago, but we still use the changing table part. I'll be sad when that has to go.

    BFP#1 8/3/12~EDD 4/1/13~Natural M/C 9/1/12-9w6d 
    BFP#2 5/30/13~EDD 2/3/14~Confirmed CP 5/31/13
    7/12/13 Hysteroscopy & Lap Lysis of Adhesions
    1st Cycle on Clomid Aug '13: BFP#3 8/24/13~EDD 5/3/14
    Hoping Third Time's a Charm!!- IT'S A GIRL!!!! 

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    All AL-ers welcome in my posts! <3
  • Mamaroo: my son screamed when he was put in it..we called it the chamber of torture and returned it lol

    Hats: ds barely wore any

    Nursing pads: never needed them and have only leaked once when I fell asleep on my very full boob at the beginning

    Swaddle me: yeah Velcro sleep sacks? My child busted out of those like Hercules t minus 10 seconds and he was free

    Orthodontic soothers or bottles: ds was having non of that flat on one side way no how lol

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Kimbus22 said:

    Mimaloo said:

    The Boppy - it was awkward for BFing and DD won't sit on it. It lives on the floor.

    Newborn shoes - they're cute in the store but that's about it. Everyone bought DD shoes!

    Swaddle Me - DD refused to be swaddled from day 1. 

    Frilly pack n play - you know the ones with the 'cuddle coves? That was used for all of two weeks. She outgrew the tiny cuddle cove so quickly. 

    And @florassecret - I had only heard negatives about the Bumbo but I'm wishing I had one! DD likes to sit up. I may just buy one this week.

    I was actually pretty against the bumbo - then DS kept wanting to sit up. I hear it isn't good for their spine. So I picked one up for free and he loves it. He just sits in it while we eat dinner.

    ETA: I'm sure if he sat in it all day it wouldn't be good. Everything in moderation I guess.

    Bumbo is fine.  Mallory's physical therapist says they're great.  They encourage the baby to work on core strength, which is important because it's the basis of all the other things they're trying to learn physically over the next weeks/months.

    Interesting. I've been putting ds in it all week at our dinner time and saw a huge improvement in his sitting. I had to put one hand on his side to keep him upright. Didn't haven't to last night. I don't know where I read they were bad.

  • Looooveeee List:
    Uppababy Vista/Mesa - priciest item we bought but I'm in love with it. I have zero complaints about the car seat or stroller. DD recently was transitioned to the toddler seat with the infant insert and loves sitting up and looking around.

    Best Chair Glider- we ordered from BBB in the fabric we wanted. Most comfortable chair. I nurse there all the time.

    Cosleeper- someone let us borrow one. We returned the RNP and had such an easy transition to the crib.

    Baby Einstein Aquarium- DD stares and coos at it forever in her crib. It's become part of our bedtime routine.

    Meh List:
    Mittens- DD never wore them.

    A shit ton of bath crap. I live in a small house with minimal storage. WTF am I supposed to do with all these Aveeno and J&J gift sets?

    *we were team green so luckily everyone stuck with our registry list and I didn't receive a ton of clothes.

     M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
    DD Born @ 40+4

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  • I have to admit i'm pretty jealous of anyone that has the upperbaby vista, a lady came into Second Cup yesterday with one, I sat there drooling at it. i love our jogging stroller for walking on gravel trails and uneven sidewalks but it's bulky to get around stores and in the car.

    Our loves:
    Bouncy chair - he's sat in it since he was 5 days old and will happily hangout there for ages. He also now likes the mobile on it and tries batting at the toys

    Baby Einstein caterpillar and friends play mat - it has a flashing musical star that he spends ages laughing and cooing at. He's started having conversations with it. We've actually taken the star to restaurants with us to keep him from getting fussy

    Angel Care bath support - makes bath time so easy and I can use 2 hands to wash him with and not have to worry about supporting him with one hand

    The pack n play for the first few weeks - it's set up in the living room and it's were he napped until 6 weeks then he became far too aware of his surroundings. We have to put him in his room to nap now. The pnp isn't getting much use now but i think it will again when we can use it as a playpen

    We were team green as well so didn't get too many clothes before he was born, but since MIL and SIL have gone crazy
  • ns1ns1 member
    Kimbus22 said:

    And for everyone hating stuffed animals, you may love them later.  My 3 year old is obsessed with them.  He must have 50 and they keep him busy for hours.

    Agreed. With DD I thought they were all a waste. Now at 2.5 she has tea parties with them constantly or pushes them in her shopping cart etc. Etc. Any stuffed animals this baby received have already been claimed by her.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Emmagk said:

    We were team green as well so didn't get too many clothes before he was born, but since MIL and SIL have gone crazy
    This is my mother my sister and the in laws. I've told them no clothes until he's 3. I have that much stashed. My in laws have already bought him a bike. My parents a sled and Wagon.

    Christmas is going to be a shit show this year. Sigh. First grand baby craziness.

    I love the ubba baby strollers. Always give those a second look. The price tag was just ridiculous.
  • Emmagk said:

    We were team green as well so didn't get too many clothes before he was born, but since MIL and SIL have gone crazy
    I love the ubba baby strollers. Always give those a second look. The price tag was just ridiculous.
    I agree with the price. BBB will price match so I registered with Amazon too and showed them the price with the Amazon registration completion 15% discount and then got the BBB 10% completion discount on top of that which ended up bringing the stroller to $550sh. Used gift cards after that so we ended up paying maybe $250 for it. We received the Mesa car seat as a gift. Again, I loooove it!

     M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
    DD Born @ 40+4

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Boppy pillow because she does not like laying on it right now. Maybe once she is sitting up it will get more use! Also our wipe warmer. I dont know why I thought we needed that :)
  • I did my never used/hate/regret list. Here is my love list!

    Uppababy Vista/Mesa system - worth EVERY stinkin' penny. 

    AA swaddle blankets - I use them to cover her while she is in the car seat, as a nursing cover, and have put it on the floor with her. They are just amazeballs. We didn't register for or get any receiving blankets and I couldn't care less because I would only stick to AAs. And now I saw a new pattern in BBB - bright with owls (I love the owls) that I may splurge on. 

    Gerber 10 pack of cloth diapers - We use these as burp cloths. They're cheap and they really hold up well. 

    Swing - could not live without it. 

    OBall - DD loves this thing. 

    Kiinde bottle warmer - I've used friends' bottle warmers while at their houses and they all make the bottle too hot. The Kiinde always makes it the perfect temp. 

    Mam pacifiers and paci leash - These are the only pacifiers DD will take. Soothies fell out and she just wouldn't even entertain any others. 

    Born Free glass bottles - no weird plastic smell and they heat up better (more evenly?) than plastic.

    Any pajamas with zippers - I hate all of the snaps. HATE them! Target and Baby Gap all have pjs with zippers. 

    Other regrettable purchases:

    Medela manual pump - I think I read somewhere on tb that it would be great to have a manual pump just in case you have to be away from baby for a while. This thing sucks. And the bottles it came with had a funky plastic smell that I just couldn't get rid of no matter what I did. They went in the garbage.

    Second diaper bag. DH was insistent on having his own "manly" diaper bag. Maybe when he starts taking DD out by himself it will come in handy. Otherwise, it's still in the closet with the tags. 

  • We were team green as well so didn't get too many clothes before he was born, but since MIL and SIL have gone crazy
    This is my mother my sister and the in laws. I've told them no clothes until he's 3. I have that much stashed. My in laws have already bought him a bike. My parents a sled and Wagon. Christmas is going to be a shit show this year. Sigh. First grand baby craziness. I love the ubba baby strollers. Always give those a second look. The price tag was just ridiculous.
    But SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO so so so worth every penny.
  • momthatliftsmomthatlifts member
    edited August 2014
    Breast pads
    The little hats
    Socks (which I still try to use if I remember I have them)
    Pnp with newborn sleeper (she sleeps in her rep or the larger part of the pnp)
    Receiving blankets. I try to make use of them but I just don't use them

    It's a BOY

  • Hates:
    Sleep gowns and pajamas
    Stuffed animals
    Too many clothes - especially long sleeves and pants. It's summer. Luckily we never bought any.
    Pacifiers - DS never uses them.
    Crib sleep wedge - we thought it'd help DS transition to the crib. Nope.
    Blankets - again, it's summer. Plus he can't use them in the crib anyway.

    Swing - wouldn't sleep without it
    PNP w/ napper and changing table - we don't have to run upstairs all the time to put him down or change him
    Swaddle me and halo sleepsacks - DS won't sleep unless swaddled and we could never figure it out with a blanket.

    As a PP said, if you're going to buy us a gift, get us formula, diapers or wipes!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • QOTRQOTR member
    For those of you no longer using the disposable nursing pads, are you no longer leaking? Or is there a better solution I'm not aware of?
    Me-41, Hubby-40.
    1st BFP-8/17/12!  Missed Miscarriage discovered @ 8 week US.  D&C.
    2nd BFP-2/13/13!  Blighted Ovum discovered @ 8 week US. Natural miscarriage.
    3rd BFP-5/22/13!  By early June, progesterone plummeting.  Another loss.
    August 2013 - started Donor Egg process, but surprise BFP with my own eggs.
    Dear Son born 5/28/14
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