June 2014 Moms

Water baby?

Anyone planning to or has already taken baby to the pool? My baby boy is 9 wks and we are thinking about going but not sure if he is still too young?

Re: Water baby?

  • I asked our pedi at our two month checkup, thinking we'd take her to the pool when she was three months, and the pedi basically said to hold off because of the chemicals.  My pedi doesn't tend to be overly/unnecessarily cautious, so we're waiting, probably until next summer.
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  • Our pedi was fine with it once they had their 2 month shots. Said to make sure they don't drink the water. They really enjoy it and we just give them a bath afterwards.
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  • I took my LO at 6 weeks, she too loved it. We didn't get her head wet and bathed her right after.
  • My pedi said 2 months for private pools, 3 months for public. Also said to be sure they don't drink water. My baby is 3 months on the 25th. Can't wait to take him!
  • I've taken DD2 in the pool a few times now but it's a salt water pool.
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    Pipsqueak born 6/9/14
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  • I dipped baby is around 5-6 weeks (in a privately owned pool, not a big public one) and he hated it. HATED.IT. But he was fine as far as his skin and such.
  • @curlylocks3‌ I did ask my pedi he said we can take him if we want, but I wasn't sure if we should....
    @hampire‌ I thought to do this too ;)
  • My pedi said the only concern was irritation and dry skin, so just to rinse LO thoroughly afterwards and apply baby moisturizer
  • We'll be dipping him into my sisters pool at 10 weeks and rinsing him off. He's got an adorable swimsuit for the occasion ;)



  • We thought about taking her to a public pool but decided to wait it out. Between all the chemicals and human chemical that is added in there... Maybe next summer. If we have access to a private pool, i probably wouldnt mind starting. The inflatable ones sound good but California is in the middle if a drought...
  • We did a quick dip at a family members at 4 weeks and she did great. Today (7 weeks)LO got in the ocean, kind of, and loved that too. We just wiped her down after both adventures. She hasn't had any skin sensitivities or we would have waited.
  • We were just at a water park on a family vacation and for the sake of having a bathing suit for her and for a picture we dipped her in. She was not a fan of it.
    Btw she had a sun hat on that fell off right before the picture.
  • Murphy after swimming, he had so much fun and loved the water. He was so tired after.
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