I feed her every 3 hours 3.5 sometimes 4 oz. I exclusively pump and the last two feedings and changes I've done she has literally only had a dot of poop in her diaper, but the diapers feel really full! I'm a FTM so I'm clueless!
I was told be her pedi that as long as she has wet diapers no need to worry about having a poop every time and if she hasn't pooped after 8-10 days to come in to see her.
Like a PP posted, as long as you're getting a good amount of wet diapers you're typically okay. It's very normal for babies who are exclusively getting breast milk to go days without pooping. It's because almost all of the breast milk is easily digested so there's little waste for baby to excrete.
Re: LO isn't pooping much today?