November 2014 Moms

Is too much sex okay

So this is my 3rd pregnancy and 3 rd boy. Well with my last 2 boys I HATED sex. But this pregnancy (I'm 24 weeks) I want sex all the time! It feels so great. My DH and I also like things a little rough (not to the point where it hurts or leaves marks)and we also take our time so sex is a hour long from start to finish. And also we will have sex a few times a day and take a few days break. Is it safe or could we hurt the baby? We do doggie style like recommended but I still can and like to be on top at times. Sorry if anyone is offended or feels it's tmi but I'm happily married and we both have always really enjoyed our sex life. It's only between us and we've grown into being able to get more and more kinky over the years. It's special to us. My DH says I love my freak of a wife in bed but love that it's between us and I'm a mother and wife outside of our bed! Lol

Re: Is too much sex okay

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    I've always heard you can have as much sex as you want unless your doctor says otherwise :-).
    BabyFetus Ticker

    N14 October Siggy Challenge: How I feel in the third trimester (especially when DH eats my pregnancy food)


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    You go girl! My doc said sex is fine. He'll I'm out of town away from my DH and after reading this post I can't wait to jump his bones when I get home lol!

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    Thanks to all the kind replys.sorry I don't want to make anybody jealous... Trust me with my other 2 o sex was unheard of...I swore I was having a girl cause this pregnancy is so different than w/ my 2 boys. My OB says it's fine as long as it doesn't hurt. So I will keep rocking it! Lol
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    And to the comment about posting a very intamte question. Um I thought this was a board about pregnancy? How did we all get pregnant? By having sex! I don't feel it's wrong that I have a great sex life wi/ my HUSBAND also we are Cathloic. I am knew here so what? I've tried a few different pregnancy apps and just got this one. I just don't get why it offends you that I'm happily married expecting our 3rd boy and truly have a blessed life and family. Hey maybe the great sex helps keep me happy! Lol just don't get your rude comment. This is a adult app for pregnant woman!
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    So this is my 3rd pregnancy and 3 rd boy. Well with my last 2 boys I HATED sex. But this pregnancy (I'm 24 weeks) I want sex all the time! It feels so great. My DH and I also like things a little rough (not to the point where it hurts or leaves marks)and we also take our time so sex is a hour long from start to finish. And also we will have sex a few times a day and take a few days break. Is it safe or could we hurt the baby? We do doggie style like recommended but I still can and like to be on top at times. Sorry if anyone is offended or feels it's tmi but I'm happily married and we both have always really enjoyed our sex life. It's only between us and we've grown into being able to get more and more kinky over the years. It's special to us. My DH says I love my freak of a wife in bed but love that it's between us and I'm a mother and wife outside of our bed! Lol
    QFP yo
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    No I wouldn't go into a room an announce that cause that's not anonymous but a online forum is. I'm have a sense if humor when I describe things and that's why the people that matter love that about me but you don't know me. I have more important things to do than have a online battle cause you don't like what that I am happy and also have a great sex life with my husband. Big deal. Who doesn't? And why not?
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    Everybody assumes I'm talking about your post sorry to disappoint you but I was only referring to one person on here.
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    This online forum is full of uptight girls! Really? I gave no graphic details only saying what position we do it in cause everything I've heard says do it doggie style the bigger you get. And yes so what I asked my doctor but still wanted others opinions. I'm not God I don't judge and I never said anybody was going to hell. I actually had my first son at 16 unmarried. My DH and I have been ttc for 3 years with 4 mc... Sorry I wanted other opinions. If you are that crazy to stalk me on google to find out who I am.. Well than I really don't care what you think cause your crazy. FYI I didn't know it should my name as my username. So thanks for letting me know. I just came here so what? I had a question that I would normally do on my other forums but can't download them on this phone. But trust me I will be since I see how most not all of you are and I don't live my life to take a post so personal. It's my life and my choices. I respect others even if it's not what I believe. Spell check on the iPhone is stupid so yes it changed my spelling of Cathloic and possibly other words cause I'm not turning in my college paper.
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