September 2014 Moms

When are you leaving work?

rebennett06rebennett06 member
edited August 2014 in September 2014 Moms
Trying to decide if I'm going to continue to work up until I go into labor or maybe leaving a few weeks early...just wondering when all of you are planning on leaving work! **This is not including anyone who has left for medical reasons like bed rest, etc...just wondering when you planned your last day**

When are you leaving work? 287 votes

Working up until this baby decides to get here
57% 165 votes
Leaving work a week early
12% 37 votes
Two weeks early
8% 23 votes
Even earlier than that
11% 32 votes
SS-because duh...
10% 30 votes

Re: When are you leaving work?

  • I'm a SAHM now, but with my first, I worked until the day before I was induced.

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  • I'm a SAHM now, but with DD, I worked up until my due date.  It was a Saturday, so I just worked through Friday and called it quits.  DD was born four days later.  That was a slightly different situation, though, because I wasn't going on maternity leave, I was quitting for good.
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  • I am being scheduled until the 5th, that's my due date, obviously if she comes sooner then I'll be done before that.
  • 2 weeks but only because my boss is making me!
  • 4 weeks before my due date on the advice of my dr.

    BabyFruit Tickerimage

  • well, as silly as this may sound, I'm trying to convince DH to let me take FMLA a few weeks early.  I've got 5 weeks left, but I work 10 hour shifts and i'm sitting all day which is killing me re: sciatic pain and swelling, not to mention I can't breathe!!! DH thinks I'm just being a wimp, which I probably am, but I just wanted to see if I was the only one who was thinking about NOT working up until the day of. Especially bc I'm not coming back after baby gets here, so I just don't think that one paycheck will affect us that much.  My boss is pretty relaxed with this whole process, I'm not even "scheduled" for the month of September (was still going to be coming in, but easier to not schedule me than find a replacement!) 
  • I am a SAHM, but when I was pregnant with #1 I was a teacher.  I worked until the end. I was in my classroom the morning of my induction (long story...).  My doc would have written me out 2 weeks before EDD, but I wanted to save all of my leave until after DD arrived. It was hard, but worth it.
  • I am working up until I go into labor although will begin working from home 2 weeks before my due date.  
    Big Brother Nolan 07.30.12
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  • I only get 6 weeks of leave so Im hoping to wait until I go into labor before starting.  We'll see.
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

  • SS - working till my due date. If I'm late, I will start maternity leave early because I know I will be 110% checked out by then and will just want to be at home.
    Mom of Boys!!

    Baby #1 - 3 years old
    Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14

  • I'm not working up until baby pops out (unless he's early), but I'm not leaving as much as a week early either. My due date is September 2 - which is the day after Labor Day. My last day will be the Friday before (August 29th). Since it's Labor Day weekend, even if I don't have him on 9/2 I doubt I am going to want to go back to work anymore. Hell, I don't want to go to work now... :p




  • SS... I never bothered looking for a job (not that there are any jobs in this town) after we moved in February for H's promotion. 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • I am due Sept 8th. Not scheduled after labor day.
  • I am due 9/16. I will work until I deliver or, if I go past 40 weeks, Friday 9/19 will be my last day.

    ^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^

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     <3 Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.

  • I'm working until I go into labor. My family is annoyed bc they are all coming to town several days before my due date and they want me to stop working and hang out, but, sorry, I only get 8 weeks, and I'm using them all to take care of LO before I ship her off to child care. Plus, I keep trying to tell them I'm not that much fun to hang out with in my current state.
  • A week early...unless my boss vetos that. In that case I might try to get a doctors note :)

    *O17 June Siggy Challenge - You had 1 job!*
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  • I was planning on working up to two weeks until my EDD, but couldn't handle the stress of the job anymore and quit almost three weeks ago. The plan is that I'll be a SAHM for a bit after she's born while I work on finishing up my degree (my college offers a great online program, so I will be able to stay home with her full time).

  • I'm working up until this baby decides to come! Unless something happens to make me change my mind.
    With dd, I quit at 36 weeks because I already knew I was leaving my job to stay home for 6 months with lo.
    photo 22e3a93e-8933-4ed0-acf4-72665341621b_zpsd73ca8f6.jpgp>

    "What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"

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  • Working until baby comes. I'm only taking my sick leave which is exactly 8 weeks and I want to spend it with him as much as possible.
    Finally! My September Siggy Challenge: TV Show I'll Be Binge Watching
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  • I'm due Tuesday Sept 9th and my last day will be the Friday the 5th. If LO ends up coming sooner then I have someone who can cover for me at work and I can just use sick/vacation hours!

  • today was my last day! I'm a nanny so the physical aspect of taking the kids to the park and out and about was taking a toll on me. I'm 36 and 5 days. Plus they needed to find a replacement and she wanted to start right away. With ds I went out about 33 weeks but was paid through state disability. This time I have no paid leave which sucks
  • I'm planning to work up until the last minute, both to save my leave and because I just got my temp this week and I want as much time as possible to get her comfortable with everything, since she will probably end up by herself in the office alot.
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    Jan 18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies

  • I plan on working as much as long as possible. It has been getting very hard, and I have scaled back one shift a pay period to try and get some extra rest because at this point I'm going to 4 different doctors appointments a week at least anymore.  My boss has been gracious.  I am silently hoping my doctor kicks me out of work early, but I refuse to go until it is medically necessary because I want/emotionally need to be able to say that I worked as much as I could. It's a pride thing I think.
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  • bardinibardini member
    edited August 2014
    Not sure what to do! Scheduled to work until the 26th, already bumped from the 3rd, due the 7th. Made it through 2 hours at work today & came home with pains, pressure & BH contractions. Don't want to give in but not sure i can make it any longer. Worked until the day before DD was born in early labor.
  • Last time I worked a week before my due date..this time I'm leaving 4 weeks early ..I'm so uncomfortable I any even handle inner thighs ache..varicose veins in my lady zone..and hip and back problems from day one! These next two weeks will not go fast enough
  • I had my last full day today!! I am taking a vacation day on Monday, and going in for a 6 hour day of meetings on Tuesday.  On Wednesday I will be 37 weeks on the button!. I work in childcare (infant/toddler room) so getting up and down, chasing kiddos, and lifting temper tantruming 2 year olds has gotten to be physically challenging. I am going back as soon as the baby is 6 weeks and there is an opening for her at the center, so I could afford to take some time off before she comes. The biggest issue will be if she comes too late, because I used up about 3 weeks of FMLA when my mom passed away in May, so I will then end up having to apply for extra personal leave with my CEO. HR did tell me that they wouldn't foresee any trouble getting me that extra leave, since my mom's illness was sudden, unexpected, and they were worried about the level of stress on me coming back any sooner than I did being 24 weeks pregnant.
  • Legally I could have stopped today, 4 weeks from my due date. I figured I'd keep working a bit longer...I'm hoping to make it at least 2 more weeks
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    born August 31, 2014
  • With my first pregnancy, I left work 4 weeks before my due date. I felt like I needed that time to get everything organized and ready. Plus, I was do ridiculously uncomfortable the last month that I just needed to rest before baby came. I ended up never going back... I just couldn't leave him. :)
  • I am leaving 3 weeks before my due date, I am a nanny and the family and I both agreed that we weren't comfortable me being alone with the kid to close to my due date. If I were to go into labor while working it could take the patents up to an hour to get home, I live 40 mins from their house and the hospital is about 20 mins from my house. None of us want to risk dealing with that!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm stopping work and watching my niece a week before my due date, mainly because I would like to have some one on one time with DS.

    I worked the day I delivered DS. If I only had a certain amount of weeks I was allowed to be off I would work till I delivered. Since I'm able to go back when I want I would rather spend time with DS than be at work.
    photo dca9b006-0f54-4503-ad9d-536560d9d80f.jpg
    Mr C born 10/25/11  Miss M born 9/11/14
  • With my first three I worked up until the day they were born, which 2/3 were weekend babies. This time I'm a self-employed photographer and have two different answers, as my last wedding is at 37w, but my last session is scheduled up until 38w2d. I'm going to then try to have as much wrapped up and out the door! I'll have plenty to keep my occupied until my due date.
    Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

  • SS: I'm a teacher and we've been out of school since June 18th. First day back to school is September 4th and I'm due the 9th, so I'm not starting the school-year. So I've basically been on leave since June 19th!

    Dec '13: First FET 12/20 BFP!!
    12/31 Beta #1: 404 Beta #2: 1,027    
    Baby due 9/9/14     

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  • slowmoslowmo member
    edited August 2014
    Right now the plan is to work until I go into labor or until my doctor tells me otherwise. Work has become a lot more challenging, being on my feet for 12 hours, but my co-workers have been awesome making sure I don't overdo it. It's the overnights that are killing me, but fortunately I switch to days next month. We'll see if I make it that long! I work in a hospital, though, so there are worse places to go into labor.

  • I'm working until my induction date.  I get 6 weeks of maternity leave, but that doesn't start until after I get home from the hospital, and any leave I take before I go in I have to charge.  The only way that will change is if my doctor tells me I need to start my leave sooner.  

    Me: 31 DH: 31
    Married 08/11/12 & TTC Since 10/13
    Previous Endo and Ovarian Cyst DX 
    March 2010: Lap. Surgery & D&C--removed 2 cysts 
    BFP: 12/20/2013 EDD: 09/03/2014 
    Travis Karel arrived on 08/21/2014 at 38w1d.
    BFP #2!  Travis is getting a sibling!
    EDD: 1/24/2017

    Mama to my two furbabies Sam and Phoenix
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  • I plan on working until baby girl arrives like I did for DD. With DD, I worked Friday and my water broke Sunday night. I also took 3 months leave off. I work for the same company but different shift, I'm now just weekend coverage. If I worked more I don't know if I could make it until the end like last time.
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  • I just had this conversation with my boss that even though I will not be coming back after baby is born she is letting me work till I go into labor

    Married DH 3/14/09

    TTC Since Jan 2011
    Diagnosed with PCOS Jan 2013
    BFP#1 June 2013/ EDD 2/23/2013 Blighted Ovum confirmed July 18, 2013
    took Cytotec July 20, 2013

    BFP #2 12/28/2013 EDD 9/11/2014 Its A Girl!!! Rebecca Ann!

    Rebecca Ann born 8/31/2014 6lb 1oz 19 inches long 8:55am!!!!


  • Due date is 9/7. I'm working my retail job 1 day a week until 8/23 and my sit down office full time job until 9/5. I figure I am literally sitting on the phone and computer all day. I can do that at home or get paid at work to do the same thing.
  • With DS there was a snow storm so I stayed home the next day the office was closed.  My water broke that night.  So I got lucky last time I hope it happens again but I have a long commute and it is getting tough, I will try to work from home if I have to.


  • leaving 2 weeks before on my 38th week. can't do it any longer. i work in a hospital and the constant walking / running around and standing up kills my back!!
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