Hi, I post some over on the Stay at home mom board and everyone is always saying that you all are very helpful over here.
I am looking for some advice related to my daughter who turned 2 in late June and my concerns about her speech.
She says about 10 words but only uses about 5 of them frequently without explicit prompting (2 of which are mama and dada). She knows a handful of signs and uses lots of gestures. Also seems to understand us well. (Follows directions without us giving gestures, etc.)
We live in Texas and had evaluations done by ECI at 18 months and a week ago. She did not qualify for services either time. Texas uses the Battelle Developmental Inventory. She had a 20% delay in expressive language and needed to be 33% to qualify.
We are almost positive that our insurance will not cover speech therapy. We have a speech evaluation scheduled for a couple weeks from now (at the Callier Center at UTDallas if anyone is from DFW) and will pay out of pocket for it and we are prepared to pay out of pocket for therapy twice per month.
Here are my questions:
- a couple people over on SAHM board suggested I consider appealing the ECI eval. I could not find anything specific online about how to do this. Any suggestions? Or thoughts about whether pursuing an appeal is worth it?
- any suggestions about questions to ask or info to bring up at our evaluation? I plan to bring a list of all her words and signs.
- any other suggestions that may help in our situation?
Thank you in advance!
Re: 2 year old speech eval questions
I think I'd go the private route despite the expense and skip butting my head against EI over scores >10 points from the cutoff. You might ask them for suggestions about how to work with her.