Desperate for LO to start napping in his crib in the afternoon and evening, but it is too bright from the sunset. Does anyone know where I can get inexpensive and easy to hang blackout shades (that really do block out a lot of light)? Thanks!
@nunzchucks how do those mount to the window? I've seen these similar ones at Walmart and you have to literally stick them with the sticky stuff at the top of the blinds. I currently have blackout cell ones from JCPenney however they are a hair not wide enough so a bunch of light comes through the side cracks because they don't have rails on the sides like true blackout easy was it for you to cut them? I'm just a little bit skeptical because I cut them and they still arent black out I won't be able to return them
@mrsrahl They attach with metal clips that you screw into the wall. I didn't cut the blinds at all. These don't have rails on the sides, either. A little light sneaks in, but all thenbedroom windows have curtains on the ends that block most of it.
Re: Blackout shades
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14