Baby Showers

Anybody On Here Ever Get Flamed?

Just curious.  I've probably received a mild flaming a few times, not enough to blow up, but you could have roasted marshmallows.  I can't really remember them too well, been on here for seven years, but I'm pretty sure I deserved all but the last one.   

Re: Anybody On Here Ever Get Flamed?

  • No, just spats with specific people, I think.  But I'm not gonna lie, it'd probably upset me; sometimes even internet insults get under my skin.
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  • I don't think I've ever been flamed, but probably because I just put in my prissy two cents and then duck out most of the time;) But hey, how do you change your screen name? I've always felt pretty weird about using something so close to my real name.
  • I don't think I've ever been flamed, but probably because I just put in my prissy two cents and then duck out most of the time;) But hey, how do you change your screen name? I've always felt pretty weird about using something so close to my real name.

    Try this:

    I don't know if this works for everyone, but I read on another board that you can do it by logging in through The Knot (same sn and password as here). "If you go through the knot's site, in the upper right hand corner, you'll see your avatar and a drop-down menu. Click on My Account. The next page will display an option to Change my username. It just asks for your new name and your password. Then if you log out and log back in, everything is changed!"
  • What would you consider "being flamed?"  Do you have to be the OP?

    I guess most people would agree that they are "being flamed" if they post something and nearly every reply is critical.  I.e., "I'm throwing my 2nd shower.  How can I stop people from bringing clothes as gifts?"  That would certainly provoke a flame war, especially if the OP fanned the flames by defending herself.

    Is it also "being flamed" if you reply and another person on the board quotes/bolds and disagrees with your advice?  Do multiple people have to disagree with you and call you out?

    What if you post a question and it starts a really heated discussion, with lots of nasty debate that goes on for multiple pages, but the nastiness isn't particularly aimed at you? 
    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
  • When I first joined the knot. I asked why cash bars were so bad. I don't know wtf was wrong with me but I deserved every flame I got!
  • MrsMuq said:
    I've gotten my fair share of flamings from GM, and an occasional one on SAHM boards.... but I can take my lumps. And I probably flame others, especially newbs with no common sense, a heck of a lot more than I've received.

    You're not really a member of TB until you've gotten a GM flaming.
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  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I don't think I've ever been flamed, but probably because I just put in my prissy two cents and then duck out most of the time;) But hey, how do you change your screen name? I've always felt pretty weird about using something so close to my real name.

    Try this:

    I don't know if this works for everyone, but I read on another board that you can do it by logging in through The Knot (same sn and password as here). "If you go through the knot's site, in the upper right hand corner, you'll see your avatar and a drop-down menu. Click on My Account. The next page will display an option to Change my username. It just asks for your new name and your password. Then if you log out and log back in, everything is changed!"
    Hey thanks man! That worked!

  • When I first joined the knot. I asked why cash bars were so bad. I don't know wtf was wrong with me but I deserved every flame I got!
    I still think a cash bar is better than no bar at all.  I've been to one cash bar wedding and one wedding where there was no alcohol available.  I would far rather be at the cash bar wedding, at least you have the option to drink!  

  • Yes, once. And I deserved it.
    Me: 30 Him: 33
    Married: August 2012
    BFP #1 9/2013 -- MC 10/2013
    DD: 9/22/2014
  • So many times....go check out January 2015 those girls have a flame war at least two or three times a day. Drama drama drama...
  • I am on the Trying to Conceive boards and newbies are always getting flamed for 1. Rolling in to let everyone know they just got a positive pregnancy test after trying for two long months and 2. Not reading any of the "read this first" and then listing a bunch of symptoms and asking us all if they're pregnant.
    For these, I laugh as the women fry... For some other flaming, I back out of the thread slowly with my hands where everyone can see them.
    This signature is all for YOU. I'm on mobile and can't see crap.
    MMC EDD: 1/5/2015  D&C: 5/31/14
    MC    EDD: 4/21/15 Lost: 8/24/14
    BFP for my Rainbow!! 11/6/14
    EDD: 7/20/15


  • Hasn't happened to me (yet), but I love reading a good flame war. Huehue
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  • Does "flame" mean that someone or a few people disagree with your response or your post?  If so, I've had people disagree with a response before.  I didn't take much offense to it because I figure if you are putting your opinion out there you need to be ready for people to disagree.  It's always so funny to me to see how offended and argumentative people can get with internet strangers!
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