Baby Names

Spelling of Grace / using family name

My maiden name is Gray and my mom's maiden name was Graybeal, so "Gray" has a special place on both sides of my family. If we were having a boy we planned to use Gray as his middle name but now that we know it's girl I was thinking to incorporate it into Grace as Grayce. I'm not usually one for unnecessary, unique spellings but I guess in this case I'm biased based on my connection to Gray. I do love the name Grace, despite it's popularity, and she won't have a common first name, it's mostly likely going to be Russian, so Grace is simple classic contrast, and a nice nod to my southern roots as well. 

I'm justifying spelling it "Grayce" with the following reasons, but maybe I'm trying to hard to make this work. 
  • In case we aren't able to have more kids, or a boy, I'd like to incorporate it somehow
  • It's a middle name and rarely used
  • When it is used she'll have to spell it out, but I have a long first name and a foreign last name (thanks hubby) that I have to spell constantly and it's never really bothered me so that argument doesn't really resonate with me anyway. 
So thoughts - Grace or Grayce? No need to explain how Grayce "isn't a real name", "made up spellings are ridiculous", etc, etc. I've lurked this board long enough to be familiar with those opinions. A simple yes or no will tell me all I need to know.

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Re: Spelling of Grace / using family name

  • I think Grayce is fine. Especially if it is a MN it really isn't a big deal. 
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I would either go with Grace or Gray.  Not Grayce.

    C+C born June 2011

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  • Ditto @dreadpiratebuttercup‌ OR use Gray. I'm not huge the name Gray anyway...But in the middle name spot and with the surname connection I think it could really work. I would much rather see a girl with Gray as her middle name than Grayce.

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    Justin + Laura 10.18.08
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    Walter Allen and Eleanor Joan 1.15.12
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  • Thanks for the opinions so far! 

    I thought of just using Gray but it seemed so boy to me? I guess I keep seeing it as Gray, Grey, Grayson, etc for boys so that's why. I'll ponder it, it could grow on me ;) 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'd just use Gray. MN territory is perfect for this sort of thing. DD's MN is a male name that happens to be a family surname. NBD
  • I don't think Gray is super masculine, and anyway I don't mind masculine MNs when the FN is feminine and especially when there is family significance. I would definitely use Gray as her MN.

    BFP #1 natural mc 4/24/2012 5w1d 
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  • I would use Gray.

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  • I would just use Gray.  I don't have a problem with using masculine MNs for girls if they're family names, and it honors your family more directly than Grayce.  I mean, it's a MN so NBD either way, but if I were making the choice, I would definitely use Gray rather than Grayce.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  • daystardreamsdaystardreams member
    edited August 2014

    I'd go with Gray too. I really want to incorporate my maiden name into a name someday too (it is a common male first name) but if we end up with all girls and we are on our last child I won't hesitate to give my maiden name as her middle. Nothing wrong with that.

    ETA: grammar


    TTC #1: February 1, 2014
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  • I say use Grey/ Gray as a MN for either sex.


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • Gray is fine.  Grace is fine.  Grayce does not accomplish what you are attempting to do.  If you need 3 bullets to argue a name it's not likely the name ya know?
  • I would either go with Grace or Gray.  Not Grayce.
  • I would use Gray
  • Agree with the others. Not Grayce. Either Grace or Gray (as long as the first name is obviously feminine)

  • I would use Gray in the MN spot.
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  • lauralew said:
    Ditto @dreadpiratebuttercup‌ OR use Gray. I'm not huge the name Gray anyway...But in the middle name spot and with the surname connection I think it could really work. I would much rather see a girl with Gray as her middle name than Grayce.
  • SerunatuSerunatu member
    edited August 2014
    10ECGirl said:
    Thanks for the opinions so far! 

    I thought of just using Gray but it seemed so boy to me? I guess I keep seeing it as Gray, Grey, Grayson, etc for boys so that's why. I'll ponder it, it could grow on me ;) 

    My name is Grace, and grew up being called "Grae" by some. If it's more the name and not the exact spelling you have the attachment to, that may be more feminine? I don't think Gray is too 'boy' though either, especially paired with a feminine first name.

    I wouldn't go with Grayce.

    ETA: I do like where you are coming from though, love the family connection. :)

  • I would use Gray for the MN. I like that family connection and do not think it's too masculine at all.
  • neverblushedneverblushed member
    edited August 2014
    The sound "grey" is in the name Grace.  I don't think you need the letter "y" too.  Just use Grace.

    ETA: or Gray/Grey as the mn.  It's fine for a girl, especially with the family connection.
    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
  • I would use Gray for boy or girl, or Grace if you want that name.

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  • I really like the name Gray for a boy or girl, I would say just use that. Grace is a beautiful alternative though.
    ~Married 12.09.12~
    ~NTNP #1 since 11.14 - Current Cycle: 2~

  • edited August 2014
    10ECGirl said:

    My maiden name is Gray and my mom's maiden name was Graybeal, so "Gray" has a special place on both sides of my family. If we were having a boy we planned to use Gray as his middle name but now that we know it's girl I was thinking to incorporate it into Grace as Grayce. I'm not usually one for unnecessary, unique spellings but I guess in this case I'm biased based on my connection to Gray. I do love the name Grace, despite it's popularity, and she won't have a common first name, it's mostly likely going to be Russian, so Grace is simple classic contrast, and a nice nod to my southern roots as well. 

    I'm justifying spelling it "Grayce" with the following reasons, but maybe I'm trying to hard to make this work. 
    • In case we aren't able to have more kids, or a boy, I'd like to incorporate it somehow
    • It's a middle name and rarely used
    • When it is used she'll have to spell it out, but I have a long first name and a foreign last name (thanks hubby) that I have to spell constantly and it's never really bothered me so that argument doesn't really resonate with me anyway. 
    So thoughts - Grace or Grayce? No need to explain how Grayce "isn't a real name", "made up spellings are ridiculous", etc, etc. I've lurked this board long enough to be familiar with those opinions. A simple yes or no will tell me all I need to know.

    My great-grandmother's name was GrayCe (yes, the capital C is intentional). I don't know where she was from (think she was my grandma's mom, and if so then she was probably from Scotland), but my mom said it was an "old world" spelling. So Grayce seems just fine to me!

    ETA: GrayCe is pronounced "Grace", even though it looks like it should be "Gracie".

    A14 Siggy Challenge (November): Favorite Fall Smell
  • Haven't read all responses.

    I had a middle school student whose middle name was Grayce.  She hated it.  She frequently said that she didn't know what her parents were thinking, and when friends asked her about it, she said "my parents just didn't know how to spell."
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I would use Gray or stick with Grace.
  • Another vote for Gray as the middle name, even for a girl. It's not my style, but I have friends whose kids all have the same middle name, so you could use it as a MN again if you have a boy later. Love the family connection.
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  • Grace
    I've seen Grayson for a girl if you insist on keeping Gray but I personally wouldn't. I also think using Gray for a girl done it's a family name is fine. I have friends with middle names Otis and Stewart because they were maiden names.
    "Normal day, let me be aware of the treasured day you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart...let me hold you while I may."


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  • I think Grace is pretty.

    I think Gray is a fine name to use as a family tribute.

    Grayce makes me cringe.


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