September 2014 Moms

Third trimester hunger

ShanadollShanadoll member
edited August 2014 in September 2014 Moms
Is anyone else starving all.the.time? I feel like it's the first trimester all over again where I absolutely have to be eating or else I feel as if I haven't eaten in days. I feel as if my little guy is still pretty high but I can pack food in like no tomorrow. I am trying to watch how much I gain in this last month but damn, if I keep eating like this I will gain all my weight in the last 4 weeks of this pregnancy. I love eating, dont get me wrong, but it's really a pain in the ass to have to eat so frequently! 

I am trying to keep most of my foods fruits but today I have indulged and have eaten poorly. Tonight's dinner isn't going to be any better because it's our 4 year anniversary and I am making baked ziti with cheesy garlic bread. Ugh, I hope I can wait until DH gets home from work to eat!!!
Me - 26 - Suspected PCOS
DH - 28 - Slightly low T and low morphology

Jan 2011 - Stop BCP
Jan/Feb 2013 - Normal hormone panel/HSG - tubes clear
April 2013 - DH's bloodwork and SA - low T and 0% morphology - Start DH on Clomid and vitamin regimen 
May 2013 - start metformin for PCOS but ended up stopping in July 2013 due to elevated liver function
Sept 2013 - first RE appointment/follow-up SA shows 2% morph!!
October 2013 - IUI #1 - 50mg Clomid CD4-8, 100mg Clomid CD12-16, Ovidrel - BFN
November 2013 - IUI #2 - 5mg Femara CD4-8, Ovidrel - Chemical pregnancy :'(
December 2013 - IUI #3 - 5mg Femara CD3-7, Ovidrel - BFP!!!!!!! Beta 1: 157, Beta 2: 636 (doubling time 35.67 hours)
January 14, 2014 - Viability ultrasound - Measuring 7w4d with a beautiful heart beat of 146bpm!!!
February 17, 2014 - NT scan - Everything looks perfect! Heartbeat of 162bpm!
April 3, 2014 - AS scan - Still looks perfect! Heartbeat of 135bpm :) It's a BOY!!!

Re: Third trimester hunger

  • I actually am feeling a lot of renewed hunger but do not have room. Sometimes I don't care and suffer the heartburn anyway but mostly I feel a little bit hungry all the time. Enjoy your dinner. It sounds yummy!

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  • It's actually kind of bizarre for me this pregnancy ... yes, I'm definitely hungry. (And very angry when not fed promptly hahahaha). "Second dinner" is a regular thing around here. But, last time around it was absolutely insane. Like, wake up in the middle of the night unable to go back to sleep unless I went downstairs and made a sandwich or something. Totally nuts. Of course, THIS time I'm gaining a lot more weight. No fair? 
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  • I'm hungry in the afternoon and night like none other. Not really hungry at all the rest of the day. It's strange. I definitely can't eat much at a time or I feel absolutely miserable.
    Mom of Boys!!

    Baby #1 - 3 years old
    Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14

  • I'm starving all.the.time. I just find it hard to eat a lot. I usually can only eat a few bites then I'm done but I'll be hungry 30 minutes later and eat another few bites. It's like when I eat baby boy is like "no you're using up my room!" And then kicks my stomach like crazy and makes me want to puke. There's no winning this late in 3rd tri.
  • I'm not necessarily hungry but I just want to eat and eat and eat! And I can't because it just sits in my throat. :-(
  • cls0602 said:

    I'm not necessarily hungry but I just want to eat and eat and eat! And I can't because it just sits in my throat. :-(

    This is the same for me. I am hungry non stop, but the reflux is so horrible. I'm craving so many things, but am limiting myself to bland stuff and it isn't fun :(
  • I'm fighting hungry vs everything sounds good. I don't have much room
    For big meals because then I want to throw up but I can snack like a champ! Right now the 3yo and I are having string cheese and carrots. I pack the baby carrots into snack size bags of 5 or so and grab a handful of those packs and a few string cheese and we just munch on them. I have to buy the Costco size string cheese with like a 100 and a crazy 10 pound bag of carrots. I do have 5 people continuously looking for something to snack on though so snacks go fast.
  • Hungry all the time, and like you...I can pack it all in there.  I'm 5'9, so I think the baby is spread out a little more in my torso than someone who may be a little shorter, and on top of that baby is super low.  I definitely haven't experienced the "can only eat a few bites" feeling yet.

    Starting the day with an apple and peanut butter and snacking on whole natural almonds and unsweetened applesauce throughout the day seems to help more than other things I've tried.  With that said, I'm still finishing larger portions than my husband at dinner, and finishing them much faster.  He is 6'3 230.  He has to remind me to slow down constantly.
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  • JD83JD83 member
    Basically, this is how I feel all the time these days. Sorry the pic is so big!
  • I feel like I'm starving all the time...but whenever I go to eat, I can only eat a few bites. Even if I get hungry shortly after that, I have to be extremely careful about what I do eat...b/c I get sick so easily. I think once I get settled into the post partum room with baby, I'll send DH out for a big fucking burger and I'll eat it all in one sitting. Or a
    {Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
    {DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
    Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
    ~Love and Light to everyone~ 
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  • I have been really great at managing my appetite, until maybe 2 weeks ago. I am a freaking beast, I eat good meals, and I eat good snacks.  Now I am just trying to battle the "ooo that sounds good..." and keep it healthy since I know I'm having NO luck stopping myself. I've tried to tick up my water uptake, but damn I'm starving constantly.
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  • Ohh yeah. I've been having morning and afternoon snacks all along (and sometimes a pre-dinner snack too) but now I'm starving from about half an hour after dinner until I fall asleep. If I do eat, I get heartburn that keeps me up - never mind getting comfortable enough to sleep anyhow.
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  • So glad I am not alone although I hate that so many of you get so uncomfortable after just a few bites of something. That has got to be almost, if not more, frustrating than being hungry all the time!

    @wpatx - that must be it. I am 5'11 so maybe there is just more room in there where he isnt fighting for room with my stomach. I could just eat and eat and eat without any problems lol
    Me - 26 - Suspected PCOS
    DH - 28 - Slightly low T and low morphology

    Jan 2011 - Stop BCP
    Jan/Feb 2013 - Normal hormone panel/HSG - tubes clear
    April 2013 - DH's bloodwork and SA - low T and 0% morphology - Start DH on Clomid and vitamin regimen 
    May 2013 - start metformin for PCOS but ended up stopping in July 2013 due to elevated liver function
    Sept 2013 - first RE appointment/follow-up SA shows 2% morph!!
    October 2013 - IUI #1 - 50mg Clomid CD4-8, 100mg Clomid CD12-16, Ovidrel - BFN
    November 2013 - IUI #2 - 5mg Femara CD4-8, Ovidrel - Chemical pregnancy :'(
    December 2013 - IUI #3 - 5mg Femara CD3-7, Ovidrel - BFP!!!!!!! Beta 1: 157, Beta 2: 636 (doubling time 35.67 hours)
    January 14, 2014 - Viability ultrasound - Measuring 7w4d with a beautiful heart beat of 146bpm!!!
    February 17, 2014 - NT scan - Everything looks perfect! Heartbeat of 162bpm!
    April 3, 2014 - AS scan - Still looks perfect! Heartbeat of 135bpm :) It's a BOY!!!
  • Not really. I haven't had much of an appetite at all this pregnancy. I find now though I can eat as much in a sitting either and get full really fast.


  • I'm not as hungry as I was at the beginning, but I am more picky again. Mostly for bad stuff like pizza and fast food :( I've been pretty good though, considering. I think my hunger had a new feeling now. Like I hardly ever feel actually hungry, but sometimes I feel empty. That probably doesn't make much sense lol. And I'm still able to eat pretty much the same amount as I've always been.
  • I'm always hungry.
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  • Yes not just hungry HANGRY (hungry/angry) I need to eat all the things.
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  • I've decided that the pint size Ben and Jerry's are in fact single servings.
  • This has just started happening to me too! I literally was still at the restaurant last night, finished my last bite, and told DH I was hungry...not cool. 
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  • @gingerkid9989 and @megs 2011  I'm with both of you.  I have forced everything I've eaten since February -- food just doesn't sound good.  Now I have GD and have to eat all those meals and snacks (I do follow this), but I cringe when I see food and know I have to eat it.  :)  So, I eat...and am disgusted by it, but know it's best for my little peanut.

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    EDD: September 23
    PGAL: September 2010

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