Cloth Diapering

Diaper rash help.

Hi Ladies-
This is baby #3 but my first time using CD.  My LO is 3 months old and I'm having a hard time getting rid of this diaper rash. Its just on his front, not his bum.  I've put diaper cream (with liners) on him, give him naked time everyday, and change his diaper all the time.  He does sleep through the night (hooray!) so I have switched to using pockets at night, so he's not sitting in a wet prefold all night.  I mostly use prefolds during the day.  CDing has been great except for this.  I know my husband is looking for a reason to stop, I'm no where near that but I am discouraged because having less rashes is part of the benefit of CDing.  Cream, air time does help reduce it.  Then i'll put CJ's on it, thinking i'll prevent another one, and it just comes back.  Anybody have any experience with this? I'll post a pic (it looks worse in person)

Re: Diaper rash help.

  • Kinda looks like a wetness sensitivity to me, but I'm sure you'll get better feedback from others. Maybe try a day in stay dry vs a day in natural fibers?
  • Thanks, I was wondering if I should start making the move towards pockets/ stay dry and use less prefolds.
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  • freezorburnfreezorburn member
    edited August 2014
    I agree that it's probably wetness sensitivity. You might want to try something stronger than CJ's. Grandma El's, Waxelene or Grovia Magic Stick. 

    Also, if you are BF, try to minimize the acidic foods in your diet. Here's one of many listings of pH of common foods. You might be surprised by some of them, I know I was.

    ETA: He will probably outgrow this. Baby skin is still so sensitive in those early months.
  • It's been like that for a few weeks. Thanks for everyone's help. I'm looking for some waxalene.
  • Yeah I'm moving to pockets at night and flats during the day. DS sleeps a long time at night so I want to avoid problems and him sleeping with the wetness right up against him.
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