July 2013 Moms

are you lurking?

cuterusauruscuterusaurus member
edited August 2014 in July 2013 Moms

are you lurking? 156 votes

62% 98 votes
32% 51 votes
splain yerself
4% 7 votes

Re: are you lurking?

  • :-h lukey loos


  • I voted "splain yerself". Im lucky to even lurk lately.

    Because, summer.

    I still love my J13 gals though and I will be more active as soon as I can :D
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  • I voted no because I've been fairly active this week. 

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    I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017

    Meimsx no more
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  • Told a story insensitively that had potential to hurt feelings (even though that would NEVER be my intention). I absolutely apologized once I realized what I had done but felt horrible about it :( ... in fact, I'm still very sorry it happened.


    always my babies

  • kmvwkmvw member
    I lurk more often than post only because most if the time I feel like I don't have anything interesting to say, especially on the spam threads. Everyone has such great stories and I'm not that interesting. I do try to participate in pills and will comment here and there. I should be more active but I have learned so much from you all!

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  • I've always been more of a lurker. But even more the past couple of weeks - they've been pretty rough ones. :-<
  • @rondokye‌ Hugs to you and E!

    I try to lurk daily even if I don't post.
  • Haven't even found time to lurk lately. :( bad bumpie here

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  • Tomorrow I leave for Phoenix with him and his family for four days. @squirmworms‌ and @robynloureed (your new sn isn't coming up for me?) I will probably call you crying to come save me.

    I would totally save you if you needed it but I think I am getting sick. :( and I hate spreading germs. But let me know and hope i don't get sick
  • Yep, lurking here. I don't seem to have much time to get on during the day, so I miss the conversations.
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    photo 5eaaf87b-ad37-4eed-9526-ebc7b28aed0d.jpg photo d035cb36-2bee-4dc9-8bf7-15d34ec258be.jpg
  • Some days I lurk and love tit because I am too damn lazy to type anything. 
    Mom to three girls and pregnant with #4!
    L: 7/12/13
    C: 5/11/15
    E: 3/7/17
    Due 11/10/18
  • I have been lurking due to mobile bump sucking. 

    I got a new phone yesterday...probably will not activate it until the weekend.  Hopefully that will help but this week has been really rough work wise. 



  • Most days I make it on here to lurk and love title, but I try and post when I can. I don't have time to lurk other boards though, you ladies are all I care about anyway. :x

    Hello @l5e3a2h4‌ our little ones share a birthday!
    image image image

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  • equinus said:
    Most days I make it on here to lurk and love title, but I try and post when I can. I don't have time to lurk other boards though, you ladies are all I care about anyway. :x Hello @l5e3a2h4‌ our little ones share a birthday!
    Awww birthday buddies!


    always my babies

  • @l5e3a2h4‌ welcome back! Your son is adorable. I don't like that there are so many lurky jerkys! Come out come out whoever you are!

    Thank you x2! I think he's pretty stinkin adorable too;)) I've been meaning to come back for awhile now, maybe I'll encourage others to do so...? We'll see.


    ramy3695 said:
    l5e3a2h4 said:
    Told a story insensitively that had potential to hurt feelings (even though that would NEVER be my intention). I absolutely apologized once I realized what I had done but felt horrible about it :( ... in fact, I'm still very sorry it happened.
    Ah yes. I remember this.

    I'm glad you apologized.
    Epic fail on my behalf. :-< Mistake made, apologies given.. now I'll move forward and be a productive member of the group rather than a dirty stalker lurker.


    always my babies

  • Half lurky loo half poster/ commenter. I try but the days fly by so fast. ::sigh::
  • Sometimes... Depends on the day/subject.
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  • Aw @lexielovebug‌ ! I didn't know! :( I'm so sorry! My sister been going through the same thing and it's just awful.

    Hey, let me know if you want to get together. I've been taking Grey to the water park near my house. I'm sure Calista would love it!
  • lurker lately. sorry :(
  • NKF312 said:
    lurker lately. sorry :(
    Come back secret santa buddy :) I miss you. 
  • EAGUIRRE2 said:
    I usually lurk but try and comment at least once a day. I'm pretty boring and shy here and IRL so I figure no one really notices anyhow. @ramy3695‌ I heart you for that incredibly awesome GIF!!! :x
    @EAGUIRRE2 - I missed you around. Our names start the same and we have the same blue robot boppy :D I feel a kinship. :P Weird? lmk
  • I was lurking for a long while due to getting logged out on my phone every single time I went to a new page, them I just got annoyed and gave up. Giving it another try through the app. Hi!
    A blast from the past!  Hello :)


  • EAGUIRRE2 said:
    @EagleWife‌ Haha no that's not weird. I've always felt a kinship because we were both due on a Monday and you would always start the Monday ticker change. :D LOL Isn't it crazy that that was over a year ago.
    Haha! That's pretty cool :) I kind of forgot about the ticker changes. That was so long ago! @EAGUIRRE2 I was due 7/8 - what was your due date?
  • I loveeee j13 do lyfe. I do lurk more now a days. I have a good but of you guys on Facebook, so I do try to like or comment on there! Dang toddlers and no sleep. I'm drowning over here.
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