Luck hasn't been on my side this time around. I was just diagnosed with GD. Anyone that's BTDT want to give me advice, or a heads up on what to expect? TIA!
I had GD with my first but not my second (waiting for my results for this one). Usually once you figure out how to count your carbs it's not hard. I was able to control mine with just diet, not pills or insulin for me. My dr checked my blood sugar levels at each appointment and I had one extra ultrasound near the end to check DS size.
Some things will depend on your dr. My dr wanted my sugar levels under 120 1 hour after each meal and only did one more ultrasound. My daycare mom had to be under 130 1 hour afterwards and had two or three extra ultrasounds (her ds was suppose to be almost 10 lbs but came out at 7.5 lbs so take any "size" they give as a best guess).
Thank you! I already have extra ultrasounds because DD has enlarged kidneys so that won't be a huge change. I just met with a dietitian and it kind of seemed like a waste of time... basically she said to count carbs and my goal is to have levels under 120 2 hours after eating. I see the educator tomorrow morning to get my glucose meter. Is it bad that I hope it's at least a fancy one to make me feel better?
She did give me target carbs per meal. I need to work on breakfast, but for the most part my meals include the right foods, just not the right portions. I don't usually have a protein in my breakfast so I need to work on that.
The prick doesn't seem too bad. Not fun, but not as bad as the TDAP I got yesterday!
Thanks for the link @kdc2007 it definitely looks useful!
Re: GD Diagnosis
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