My son turned 3 about a month ago and we are really struggling with potty training. We started when he was 2.5 and yet it didn't seem to click until literally the day he turned 3. He will pee in the potty (our toilet with a toddler insert seat) now and most of the time he will tell us when he has to pee, then he will run to the bathroom. He will also use the toilet to pee when we visit friends or family.
I have two main issues:
1) He almost exclusively poops in his underwear. He never even seems to notice unless it literally falls out. What makes is worse is he poops 3-4 times per day. He is not constipated or diarrhea, both my kids just go a lot. When he has an accident he will happily help clean up, listen very seriously about how poop goes in the potty, but then does it again an hour later.
2) He won't use public restrooms. I understand why, but we have tried to get him to stand up to pee with no avail (Cheerios, food coloring, modeling, books, etc) and he doesn't want to sit. He will sit to try if we tell him he has to but he never goes. This results in pee accidents when we're not at our house or someone else's house.
My biggest problem is he has to start preschool in 4 weeks. They don't allow kids that aren't potty trained. At this point he has been exclusively in underwear except for overnight for about 8 weeks so I'm frustrated with all of the "Train Your Kids in 1 Day" methods because he IS just wearing underwear. Going naked doesn't seem to help either. The diapers are gone except pull ups for overnight. We've had 4 poop (at home) and 1 pee (at library) accidents today alone.
I honestly am wondering if I should not put him in this year - he did the 2 year old class last year and loved it, he is so smart and loves other kids. I hate to not give him the enrichment, but I'm so afraid he'll get kicked out or teased. I am almost certain he'd have an accident because it's 3 hours per day and he goes so often. Any other ideas, thoughts, anything?
Re: 3 YO Boy Potty Training Troubles - Sorry Long!