Our area has an age 4 preschool, age 5 preschool and then kindergarten at age 6. For the preschool programs, there aren't enough spots for all the kids, so it goes by need (many different things they are graded on). DS will be 4 next month and got into the preschool program. We requested mornings, but got afternoon and can't switch. If he goes into the program, he automatically gets in the 5 year old program next year. If he doesn't attend this year, he has to be rescreened and we risk not getting him in and then won't have anything until he's 6 for kindergarten.
Pros would be all the benefits he gets from being in a preschool program and then he's automatically in the preschool program next year
He will have to eat lunch (by himself) at daycare at 10 am to get on the bus in time
He will be in preschool 11 to 3 with no nap (right now he naps everyday 12 to 2p and needs it)
He will have to ride the school bus for 1.5 hours after school to get back to daycare
He has really bad separation anxiety and just went through a really rough daycare change last September (cried at drop off everyday for over a month)
He's finally starting to feel at home with his new daycare and I am worried about switching his schedule up so much this soon. I don't know if it would be better to put it off a year so he's a bit older or if we should just do it to get it over with. I don't really have any friends that can offer their input, so I would appreciate any thoughts.
Re: Preschool
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)