What the crap is wrong with GROWN ADULTS that they feel so entitled?! Grow up. Just because you don't get your way...well...welcome to being an adult. And posting passive aggressive garbage on Facebook like "Oh what am I going to do? I really loved doing this work but now I don't know what's going to happen." just so people will ask questions & feel sorry for you is just juvenile. Put on your big boy britches & get over it.
I do not respond well to people who think they are entitled to everything going their way. Just ask my 3 year old how well that works around my house.
I've had my BIL's kids here all week as well as my 2 (one of whom is a month old) so haven't had a moment's peace. Oh, and I'm behind on work. Oh, and I went 4 days without a shower because I simply did not have time so had to just wipe down with a washcloth whenever I had a spare 20 seconds.
OH had a day with a shorter shift so I ask him to take the baby for an hour (while I shower and catch my work up). He says no, he needs "downtime" to play video games because of working a lot since I get so much free time through the day. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
The fairies do not come in while he's at work and clean the house, make the dinner, see to the kids, magic me clean and do my work - *I* do it. On next to no sleep (and next to no caffeine because BFing) because I also look after the baby all night so he can be rested for work.
I wanted an hour of having 2 free hands, it's not a big ask.
@babybell22 no bueno to husbands who travel for work.
MB#1: DH was supposed to be off work for a week, then on 50% work for another week, then 80% and then back full time. Yeah... That went more like 4 days, 1 day, no days and to top it off they are making him go to Boston tomorrow and Wednesday. Dude.... Not cool.
So when the baby is quiet, just fed and content after fussing and cluster feeding all morning and I decide to take that opportunity to take a bath and relax for half an hour... That is not the time to tell me to "make it quick". DH needs to get with the program.
DH has said that to me, too. So I take twice as long
Lactation stations at the fair are for breast feeding moms to have a place to sit in privacy and feed their baby without a huge audience watching, not for men to sit and prop their feet up in. There is a special dad waiting area for that sir, hence why my husband and almost 2 year old was not sitting with me!! And F the volunteers manning the station who don't have the balls to enforce this! I wouldn't care if it was just him and his wife, but when there are only 4 seats, 3 that are full you need to leave.
I got exactly one hour of sleep last night in between the cluster feeder and my teething baby-toddler. I don't know what energy I'm running on but, soon I'm just going to be on auto-pilot.
My manager texts me today to ask if I told a resident he could go month to month and he just transferred to a new unit. Im like no, I did not say that because that is something I could never authorize. She texts again, "are you sure" yes mother trucker I'm sure!!!
Gaaaaa!!! You were the one who made his transfer a cluster fuck in the first place. I'm thinking why don't you just ask who told him that?! Mind blowing!
Our house is going on the Market in exactly a week. DH did this without asking if I was ready. We said we were doing it after the baby is born, but I didn't realize it was happening at 3 weeks pp. Someone is coming tomorrow at 3 to tell us how to stage it, and a photographer is coming Friday at 8 am to take pics for the realtor's website. DH is working all week, followed by his club volleyball games and the bar today and Wednesday. Which leaves all the cleaning and organizing to me. With a toddler and a newborn. I've been trying to clean since 7:30, but have only been able to wipe down the bathroom mirror and sink due to cluster feeding. The best part? We haven't found a house we want to buy yet, and we don't have a back up plan if we have to be out before we find one. Boo.
Our house is going on the Market in exactly a week. DH did this without asking if I was ready. We said we were doing it after the baby is born, but I didn't realize it was happening at 3 weeks pp. Someone is coming tomorrow at 3 to tell us how to stage it, and a photographer is coming Friday at 8 am to take pics for the realtor's website. DH is working all week, followed by his club volleyball games and the bar today and Wednesday. Which leaves all the cleaning and organizing to me. With a toddler and a newborn. I've been trying to clean since 7:30, but have only been able to wipe down the bathroom mirror and sink due to cluster feeding. The best part? We haven't found a house we want to buy yet, and we don't have a back up plan if we have to be out before we find one. Boo.
He's doing a lot of stuff lately without asking/agreeing with you first.
Telling me you worked all day is not a valid excuse to not get up with the baby and feed him. What do you think is going to happen when I go back to work?
Before the baby DH had been getting into the habit of falling asleep on the couch downstairs at night. He doesn't generally wake up so he will be down there until his alarm goes off in the morning. It didn't make me happy, but I was so uncomfortable when pregnant I let it go. Now that DD is here I have told him every night I need him upstairs so he can help. Every night he promises, and every night he's on the couch all night. I am furious and totally flipped out on the phone earlier. I don't know what else to do to get my point across. It's starting to feel more like roommates and less like a marriage.
Before the baby DH had been getting into the habit of falling asleep on the couch downstairs at night. He doesn't generally wake up so he will be down there until his alarm goes off in the morning. It didn't make me happy, but I was so uncomfortable when pregnant I let it go. Now that DD is here I have told him every night I need him upstairs so he can help. Every night he promises, and every night he's on the couch all night. I am furious and totally flipped out on the phone earlier. I don't know what else to do to get my point across. It's starting to feel more like roommates and less like a marriage.
If he only wakes for his alarm I would set it to go off at a ridiculous hour or every time LO wakes up, if you can set multiple alarms that is. Maybe that will get your point across?
I have this friend that I've known since elementary school but she has just grown into such a miserable person over the years that I'm probably the only friend still talking to her. I've been trying to wean myself out of the friendship, especially since she is moving out of state next month. She came to visit me in the hospital less than 24 hours after my c-section (I was actually being wheeled into the postpartum room as she showed up) and then texted me the night I got home from the hospital asking if she could come visit the next day. Um, no! I just had major surgery and am a FTM so am trying to get adjusted to having a BABY and breastfeeding and all that jazz. So I let her come over a few days later and bitch has the nerve to hold my baby and tell me that her hands have dry skin, why haven't I been putting lotion on her? None of your freaking business, she's my child! Then she tells me as she's leaving that she would like to stop by once a week to see the baby until she moves next month. No! Leave me alone!! I think I'm going to tell her that the doctor said I'm not allowed to have visitors because the baby is so young.
TTC History
Me: 35 DH: 34 Married 07/2012 DD born 07/2014 DD2 born 10/2018 DS born 10/2022
IF history: TTC #2 since January 2016 June-Aug 2017: 3 IUIs w/Clomid = BFN Sept 2017: Dx w/Endometriosis Oct 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN Nov 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN Dec 2017: pre-IVF testing Jan-Feb 2018: IVF--17 eggs retrieved, 13 fertilized, 9 frozen and 1 transferred on 2/10 = BFP on 2/19!!! EDD 10/29/2018 FET Oct 2021: BFP on 10/31! MC at 5 weeks FET Feb 2022: BFP on 2/15! EDD 10/29/22
I'm thankful that I have my grandfather here to help with DS, BUT as I have been trying to "let him care for the baby more" he has been messing up over and over. The last 2 mornings I let him care for DS, the baby didn't get any sleep. Grandpa is changing him every hour, because a fussy baby MUST mean a dirty diaper. He put the bottle together wrong and soaked DS, then used the wrong nipple (fast flow) and DS threw up everywhere. I'm all for help... as long as its actually help...
I havent made DH help me at night with the baby since he went back to work. Even on the weekends. I used to ask for him to take the baby from 8-10 pm so I could shower and nap, but now I dont do that either, because I just got sick of the excuses. (7:55 pm - oh I need to take out the garbage and walk the dog oh and poop for 20 minutes and I JUST realized!)
So whatever, hes got another thing coming when I go back to work. But Im dealing with it now. However I am not dealing well with his daily phone calls from work where he whines that hes tired and needs caffeine. Your mom still thinks you're a big baby, whine to her, I dont have time to treat you like my second, very large child.
My DH informed me that last night my mother went on a bitchy hate filled rant about me to him.
I am so fucking done with her and her bullshit. We are moving ASAP and she'll be lucky if she ever sees her fucking grandchild ever again.
You want to go off about how I am being the worlds biggest bitch while I'm dealing with vertigo, a newborn, a sick DH and the constant bullshit from her bratty ass kids?!?
No. I'll show you bitchy. And you can deal with the morherfucking fallout.
My DH informed me that last night my mother went on a bitchy hate filled rant about me to him.
I am so fucking done with her and her bullshit. We are moving ASAP and she'll be lucky if she ever sees her fucking grandchild ever again.
You want to go off about how I am being the worlds biggest bitch while I'm dealing with vertigo, a newborn, a sick DH and the constant bullshit from her bratty ass kids?!?
No. I'll show you bitchy. And you can deal with the morherfucking fallout.
@helloblueeyes Wow! I'm so sorry!!! That's really messed up. How can she not realize what you are going through? I hope it gets better for you sooner than later.
If I started this about DH's doofus behavior, I wouldn't stop, so let's go for a work bitch.
I stopped by the office today to drop off some paper work. #1 I was introduced to the guy they have hired to replace/help the girl who is replacing me (bossman's DIL) because she can't handle all my work and has decided to go back to school instead.
#2 the person I trained, who has all my notes, etc has been having 3 other people do parts of my job (in addition to their own, cause she can't hack it - though she doesn't have anything other than my stuff to do. She has no job other than replacing me) These people are showing me all the problems my replacement has created by not following my instructions, but since they aren't trained by ME they know neither how to fix these things nor how to do them correctly.
#3 so the new hire is being trained by someone who doesn't know what the hell she is doing. Awesome.
My work like will be a flipping disaster when I go back. But, today I just don't give two ^*+#'s about it.
While the sentiment is not lost on me that my MIL wants to do something nice, how about you ask before buying an antique dresser and repainting it for DD room. And how about you tell me you've done it instead of waiting until after I've told you I bought a dresser and tell DH about it. And now DH thinks I'm throwing a fit over them trying to do something nice. No, I'm throwing a fit because PEOPLE NEED TO ASK ME IF ITS OKAY! What if I think it's fugly?!
@babybell22 do you have a baby wearing wrap? I've found it helpful during times when she just needs to be held but I still need to be mobile. I've even peed in Buy Buy Baby while wearing her #noshame
This is my biggest rant of the day. I can't wait for the day when I can go to the bathroom without having to spray myself down. And I'm tired of sitting on DD's boppy. It still hurts to sit anywhere without a pillow.
Every time my mother is around she wants to take over and play with my LO then hands him to me when its time for him to eat. We went out the other day and she had to push his stroller and get him in and out of the car and hold him when he started fussing even though he needed to eat (she always holds him to try to calm him down when hes hungry. No he needs to eat he doesnt want you to hold him, thanks for waiting so long hes now screaming. Again. And wont latch on, awesome.) I feel like all im good for is feeding him and then she does everything else.im sick of feeling useless and so beyond annoyed with her, he is MY child NOT yours, just stop!
Oh and she has been on this kick of waking him up not long aftet i finally put him down, just so she can "play with" or "hold" him. He needs his sleep leave him alone!
No matter what i say she doesnt listen and just doesnt see where im coming from. Ugh! ~X(
Every time my mother is around she wants to take over and play with my LO then hands him to me when its time for him to eat. We went out the other day and she had to push his stroller and get him in and out of the car and hold him when he started fussing even though he needed to eat (she always holds him to try to calm him down when hes hungry. No he needs to eat he doesnt want you to hold him, thanks for waiting so long hes now screaming. Again. And wont latch on, awesome.) I feel like all im good for is feeding him and then she does everything else.im sick of feeling useless and so beyond annoyed with her, he is MY child NOT yours, just stop!
Oh and she has been on this kick of waking him up not long aftet i finally put him down, just so she can "play with" or "hold" him. He needs his sleep leave him alone!
No matter what i say she doesnt listen and just doesnt see where im coming from. Ugh! ~X(
I definitely see where you're coming from!! My parents and inlaws don't understand the concept of naps. They come over, mess with her, and then look at me with a concerned look on their face like I did something wrong because now she's fussy and overtired. It's so annoying.
Counting my lucky stars my husband doesn't make excuses when I need him to take the LO so I can go be human. That's not a bitch but after reading some of yours, it had to be said.
+1. My DH is amazing and I'm very lucky to have him. He is a VERY involved parent in our girls' lives.
Every time my mother is around she wants to take over and play with my LO then hands him to me when its time for him to eat. We went out the other day and she had to push his stroller and get him in and out of the car and hold him when he started fussing even though he needed to eat (she always holds him to try to calm him down when hes hungry. No he needs to eat he doesnt want you to hold him, thanks for waiting so long hes now screaming. Again. And wont latch on, awesome.) I feel like all im good for is feeding him and then she does everything else.im sick of feeling useless and so beyond annoyed with her, he is MY child NOT yours, just stop!
Oh and she has been on this kick of waking him up not long aftet i finally put him down, just so she can "play with" or "hold" him. He needs his sleep leave him alone!
No matter what i say she doesnt listen and just doesnt see where im coming from. Ugh! ~X(
I definitely see where you're coming from!! My parents and inlaws don't understand the concept of naps. They come over, mess with her, and then look at me with a concerned look on their face like I did something wrong because now she's fussy and overtired. It's so annoying.
It just amazes me they act like they have no idea why they are fussy after being woken up, its not like they never had kids lol.
Every time my mother is around she wants to take over and play with my LO then hands him to me when its time for him to eat. We went out the other day and she had to push his stroller and get him in and out of the car and hold him when he started fussing even though he needed to eat (she always holds him to try to calm him down when hes hungry. No he needs to eat he doesnt want you to hold him, thanks for waiting so long hes now screaming. Again. And wont latch on, awesome.) I feel like all im good for is feeding him and then she does everything else.im sick of feeling useless and so beyond annoyed with her, he is MY child NOT yours, just stop!
Oh and she has been on this kick of waking him up not long aftet i finally put him down, just so she can "play with" or "hold" him. He needs his sleep leave him alone!
No matter what i say she doesnt listen and just doesnt see where im coming from. Ugh! ~X(
I definitely see where you're coming from!! My parents and inlaws don't understand the concept of naps. They come over, mess with her, and then look at me with a concerned look on their face like I did something wrong because now she's fussy and overtired. It's so annoying.
It just amazes me they act like they have no idea why they are fussy after being woken up, its not like they never had kids lol.
Oh my gosh I know! I know they remember the frustrations of being a new parent... Whyyyyy are you doing this to me!?! Lol. I've resorted to having to give them instructions before they are allowed over. I've busted my ass to get DD on a great schedule, I'm not letting them mess it up anymore!!
Every time my mother is around she wants to take over and play with my LO then hands him to me when its time for him to eat. We went out the other day and she had to push his stroller and get him in and out of the car and hold him when he started fussing even though he needed to eat (she always holds him to try to calm him down when hes hungry. No he needs to eat he doesnt want you to hold him, thanks for waiting so long hes now screaming. Again. And wont latch on, awesome.) I feel like all im good for is feeding him and then she does everything else.im sick of feeling useless and so beyond annoyed with her, he is MY child NOT yours, just stop!
Oh and she has been on this kick of waking him up not long aftet i finally put him down, just so she can "play with" or "hold" him. He needs his sleep leave him alone!
No matter what i say she doesnt listen and just doesnt see where im coming from. Ugh! ~X(
I definitely see where you're coming from!! My parents and inlaws don't understand the concept of naps. They come over, mess with her, and then look at me with a concerned look on their face like I did something wrong because now she's fussy and overtired. It's so annoying.
It just amazes me they act like they have no idea why they are fussy after being woken up, its not like they never had kids lol.
Oh my gosh I know! I know they remember the frustrations of being a new parent... Whyyyyy are you doing this to me!?! Lol. I've resorted to having to give them instructions before they are allowed over. I've busted my ass to get DD on a great schedule, I'm not letting them mess it up anymore!!
Lol i don't blame you, hopefully i can find a way to get my point across for longer than a few minutes :P
I meant to post this yesterday but then got distracted by something shiny.
Where are all the new moms in this state?! When I was still pregnant, there were expectant Moms everywhere and some of them must have outside babies by now but they all seem to have vaished. It's a small state, it's not like there's anywhere to hide and I need to make friends who have kids!
I'm still pregnant. And everyone I know and everyone they know wants to know "haven't you had that baby yet?!"
Oh yeah, I had him and I'm keeping it a secret. But now that you, a girl I knew in high school and haven't seen or spoken to in 14 years, have asked, I'm going to spill the beans.
Every time my mother is around she wants to take over and play with my LO then hands him to me when its time for him to eat. We went out the other day and she had to push his stroller and get him in and out of the car and hold him when he started fussing even though he needed to eat (she always holds him to try to calm him down when hes hungry. No he needs to eat he doesnt want you to hold him, thanks for waiting so long hes now screaming. Again. And wont latch on, awesome.) I feel like all im good for is feeding him and then she does everything else.im sick of feeling useless and so beyond annoyed with her, he is MY child NOT yours, just stop!
Oh and she has been on this kick of waking him up not long aftet i finally put him down, just so she can "play with" or "hold" him. He needs his sleep leave him alone!
No matter what i say she doesnt listen and just doesnt see where im coming from. Ugh! ~X(
Oh this reminds me of my mom. She means well. My parents, BIL, SIL, and their kid were invited over for dinner on Sunday. First, when DH was going to take pics of the 2 cousins meeting for the first time mom was holding my LO. I had to point out that if my brother was holding his kid, I should be holding mine! Then my parents insisted on making dinner, but it was so elaborate and took so long that by the time it was ready Elias was ready for his feeding. I'm still adjusting to BFing so that meant I got to sit in our bedroom for 45 mins while my food got cold. That led to an epic mommy meltdown.
Re: 08/04 BFM
What the crap is wrong with GROWN ADULTS that they feel so entitled?! Grow up. Just because you don't get your way...well...welcome to being an adult. And posting passive aggressive garbage on Facebook like "Oh what am I going to do? I really loved doing this work but now I don't know what's going to happen." just so people will ask questions & feel sorry for you is just juvenile. Put on your big boy britches & get over it.
I do not respond well to people who think they are entitled to everything going their way. Just ask my 3 year old how well that works around my house.
MB#1: DH was supposed to be off work for a week, then on 50% work for another week, then 80% and then back full time. Yeah... That went more like 4 days, 1 day, no days and to top it off they are making him go to Boston tomorrow and Wednesday. Dude.... Not cool.
Eff today.
Why do people send their sick kids to places? Trying to keep the baby healthy and germ free with a sick toddler is hard without help.
Gaaaaa!!! You were the one who made his transfer a cluster fuck in the first place. I'm thinking why don't you just ask who told him that?! Mind blowing!
We have our "Irish Twins"
DD born 8/7/2013
DS born 7/28/14
Mom to one beautiful July '14 little girl
If he only wakes for his alarm I would set it to go off at a ridiculous hour or every time LO wakes up, if you can set multiple alarms that is. Maybe that will get your point across?
Married 07/2012
DD born 07/2014
DD2 born 10/2018
DS born 10/2022
IF history:
TTC #2 since January 2016
June-Aug 2017: 3 IUIs w/Clomid = BFN
Sept 2017: Dx w/Endometriosis
Oct 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Nov 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Dec 2017: pre-IVF testing
Jan-Feb 2018: IVF--17 eggs retrieved, 13 fertilized, 9 frozen and 1 transferred on 2/10 = BFP on 2/19!!! EDD 10/29/2018
FET Oct 2021: BFP on 10/31! MC at 5 weeks
FET Feb 2022: BFP on 2/15! EDD 10/29/22
So whatever, hes got another thing coming when I go back to work. But Im dealing with it now. However I am not dealing well with his daily phone calls from work where he whines that hes tired and needs caffeine. Your mom still thinks you're a big baby, whine to her, I dont have time to treat you like my second, very large child.
I am so fucking done with her and her bullshit. We are moving ASAP and she'll be lucky if she ever sees her fucking grandchild ever again.
You want to go off about how I am being the worlds biggest bitch while I'm dealing with vertigo, a newborn, a sick DH and the constant bullshit from her bratty ass kids?!?
No. I'll show you bitchy. And you can deal with the morherfucking fallout.
Wow! I'm so sorry!!! That's really messed up. How can she not realize what you are going through? I hope it gets better for you sooner than later.
We have our "Irish Twins"
DD born 8/7/2013
DS born 7/28/14
I stopped by the office today to drop off some paper work. #1 I was introduced to the guy they have hired to replace/help the girl who is replacing me (bossman's DIL) because she can't handle all my work and has decided to go back to school instead.
#2 the person I trained, who has all my notes, etc has been having 3 other people do parts of my job (in addition to their own, cause she can't hack it - though she doesn't have anything other than my stuff to do. She has no job other than replacing me) These people are showing me all the problems my replacement has created by not following my instructions, but since they aren't trained by ME they know neither how to fix these things nor how to do them correctly.
#3 so the new hire is being trained by someone who doesn't know what the hell she is doing. Awesome.
My work like will be a flipping disaster when I go back. But, today I just don't give two ^*+#'s about it.
What if I think it's fugly?!
Oh and she has been on this kick of waking him up not long aftet i finally put him down, just so she can "play with" or "hold" him. He needs his sleep leave him alone!
No matter what i say she doesnt listen and just doesnt see where im coming from. Ugh! ~X(
Oh yeah, I had him and I'm keeping it a secret. But now that you, a girl I knew in high school and haven't seen or spoken to in 14 years, have asked, I'm going to spill the beans.
Fucking idiots.
Oh this reminds me of my mom. She means well. My parents, BIL, SIL, and their kid were invited over for dinner on Sunday. First, when DH was going to take pics of the 2 cousins meeting for the first time mom was holding my LO. I had to point out that if my brother was holding his kid, I should be holding mine! Then my parents insisted on making dinner, but it was so elaborate and took so long that by the time it was ready Elias was ready for his feeding. I'm still adjusting to BFing so that meant I got to sit in our bedroom for 45 mins while my food got cold. That led to an epic mommy meltdown.