I know all of you ladies are further along than me since I'm due at the end of the month. I'm 32 weeks & I've gained 17lbs so far. I'm right on track with my pregnancy with DS. How much have gained so far?
To compare something that doesn't matter, is different not only for every woman but can be different for every pregnancy with the same woman, and can cause feelings of insecurity/worry for those that 'gained too much" or "not enough".
Seriously @rlyttle? You may as well have said "let me make a post to boast about how on track I am, and give guilt trips to everyone who has gained more." How pleasant of you?
Yeah I'm going to go ahead and say how crappy you just made me feel about myself. Just for a minute, because all I care about is bringing a healthy baby into the world... But nevertheless really, really crappy.
just for fun.. I plugged in where 17lbs would put me on the 'pregnancy weight gain chart' (and yes I changed it to 32w) and CONGRATS for being the bare minumum what is 'suggested' for weight gain?!?
and are you seriously surprised no one wants to compare weight gain at this point in our pregnancies??? especially when we all feel gigantic?
eta- I'd like to add that I think this goes in the other direction that no woman should feel bad about how much they do or don't gain. I apologize if my comment on the bare minimum seemed snarky towards those worried about putting on enough weight.
@SmileyGirl18 can we please just go ahead and shut this BS down, please? I'll go ahead and speak for the many on this board who will be hurt and/or offended by this. There is absolutely NO good advice or anything helpful to come of this thread. #realtalk
I used to be thin. Then I got pregnant. And gained 55 pounds in the last 8 months. Yeah it is going to be hard to lose but my baby is healthy and my doctor isn't concerned. I surely hope your post wasn't to boast about your minimum weight gain but since you haven't really defended yourself thus far, I have a feeling that was most likely your intention. Since it appears you need some type of confirmation for your own self-esteem, I hope my differing weight gain gave you the gratification you were looking for.
Sorry ladies, no ill intent. I actually have issues gaining weight so I was pretty happy to hear my doctor say "I'm happy you are finally gaining some weight". Didn't mean to make anyone feel bad. Sorry again.
Sorry ladies, no ill intent. I actually have issues gaining weight so I was pretty happy to hear my doctor say "I'm happy you are finally gaining some weight". Didn't mean to make anyone feel bad. Sorry again.
I dont think you meant anything malicious... It was just a post with little thought to what others may be experiencing. I know some women have struggled to gain enough weight during preg which is just as real of a struggle as those who fear gaining too much. I think it is a delicate topic that warrants more sensitivity.
Definitely agree with crystal here. I freaked out earlier about the weight that I've gained, even though doctors don't seemed concern. Seeing your post made me feel worse.
And to be clear, I wasn't gaining weight in the beginning so I understand being on the opposite end of the spectrum.
I think weight is a a sensitive topic no matter if you're pregnant or not.
Finally! My September Siggy Challenge: TV Show I'll Be Binge Watching
With my first pregnancy I lost a lot of weight in the first half and then ate like crazy to gain weight back and then some.
This time I started out at my last pregnancy's end weight.... so overweight, and I've barely gained anything at all. I'm eating as much as my nausea will allow but it is a struggle. At the same time I'm heavier than I've ever been in my life and not feeling great about my weight AND have not gained much weight during pregnancy so feeling guilty that I'm not doing enough for my baby.
And really, the numbers don't matter. As long as our babies are all growing and doing well we are all rocking our pregnancies.
I used to be thin. Then I got pregnant. And gained 55 pounds in the last 8 months. Yeah it is going to be hard to lose but my baby is healthy and my doctor isn't concerned. I surely hope your post wasn't to boast about your minimum weight gain but since you haven't really defended yourself thus far, I have a feeling that was most likely your intention. Since it appears you need some type of confirmation for your own self-esteem, I hope my differing weight gain gave you the gratification you were looking for.
I used to be thin. Then I got pregnant. And gained 55 pounds in the last 8 months. Yeah it is going to be hard to lose but my baby is healthy and my doctor isn't concerned. I surely hope your post wasn't to boast about your minimum weight gain but since you haven't really defended yourself thus far, I have a feeling that was most likely your intention. Since it appears you need some type of confirmation for your own self-esteem, I hope my differing weight gain gave you the gratification you were looking for.
I had to fill out a form the other day that asked for my weight--completely irrelevant to what the form was about, i.e. not a medical thing and not someone who wanted to send me a brand new couture wardrobe--and I had the same question I have now: what are you going to DO with this information? People also always ask me how tall I am, which I have to assume is a primitve way of measuring objects around me because I can't imagine what else they're doing with that information, either. There are all sorts of interesting things to talk about--this exchange of meaningless numbers just doesn't happen to be one of those things.
I have had two ice cream sandwiches today and have exactly zero guilt. Yum!
A friend of mine texted first thing yesterday to say that it was national ice cream sandwich day and that we here in California should all be enjoying It's It. So if you have been partaking in other ice cream sandwiches, it's probably time to have a third, because, state pride and all. (I'm not from here, but when in Rome...)
My neighbor thought it was a good idea tonight to tell me that i have gained 10-15 lbs more now than she did in total... with her twins. Um, thanks for that.
My neighbor thought it was a good idea tonight to tell me that i have gained 10-15 lbs more now than she did in total... with her twins. Um, thanks for that.
well screw them! why do people feel the need to say shit like that
My neighbor thought it was a good idea tonight to tell me that i have gained 10-15 lbs more now than she did in total... with her twins. Um, thanks for that.
well screw them! why do people feel the need to say shit like that
My neighbor thought it was a good idea tonight to tell me that i have gained 10-15 lbs more now than she did in total... with her twins. Um, thanks for that.
well screw them! why do people feel the need to say shit like that
The same reason why the feel the need to tell you that you need to eat MORE or that they're worried you're starving your baby. I think it's called ignorance.
{Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
{DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
So I'm reading this now on Monday. It's 10 am and I want some ice cream.
Yeah weight not a good topic of discussion. This makes me sad on 2 different accounts that I didn't gain anywhere near enough for my twins doing them a huge disservice and making me think I've gained too much this time. Weight talk =bad times
Comparing weight gains with a close friend of mine made me feel bad enough to ask my dr. Everyone is different! I am on track (on the high end), baby is healthy, and I enjoyed my leftover baby shower cake while reading this!
I have celiac disease so it's hard for me to maintain weight. I only gained 24lbs with DS and that was hard getting to that. I'm on a gluten free diet and also have some other allergies. It's hard for me to gain. After 2 MCs last year I've been so nervous about this pregnancy. I'm pretty happy with my 17 lbs and I'm looking forward to gaining more. Trust me, I try to put on the weight for LO!!
I have celiac disease so it's hard for me to maintain weight. I only gained 24lbs with DS and that was hard getting to that. I'm on a gluten free diet and also have some other allergies. It's hard for me to gain. After 2 MCs last year I've been so nervous about this pregnancy. I'm pretty happy with my 17 lbs and I'm looking forward to gaining more. Trust me, I try to put on the weight for LO!!
So you understand then why weight gain during pregnancy is a topic many people don't want to discuss. It can be a painful subject for many different reasons.
ETA: Your OP did not come across as someone worried about not gaining enough weight.
I have celiac disease so it's hard for me to maintain weight. I only gained 24lbs with DS and that was hard getting to that. I'm on a gluten free diet and also have some other allergies. It's hard for me to gain. After 2 MCs last year I've been so nervous about this pregnancy. I'm pretty happy with my 17 lbs and I'm looking forward to gaining more. Trust me, I try to put on the weight for LO!!
And THIS would have been an excellent way to begin this thread. But guess what? You didn't.
You said "Hey, I know you're further along than me (=you'll all weigh more than me by default) but I've only gained 17lbs ! Right on track! " And then booed and stuck your emoti- tongue out when no one wanted to play your "build up @rlyttle by making yourself feel bad" game.
S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS
I have celiac disease so it's hard for me to maintain weight. I only gained 24lbs with DS and that was hard getting to that. I'm on a gluten free diet and also have some other allergies. It's hard for me to gain. After 2 MCs last year I've been so nervous about this pregnancy. I'm pretty happy with my 17 lbs and I'm looking forward to gaining more. Trust me, I try to put on the weight for LO!!
And THIS would have been an excellent way to begin this thread. But guess what? You didn't.
You said "Hey, I know you're further along than me (=you'll all weigh more than me by default) but I've only gained 17lbs ! Right on track! " And then booed and stuck your emoti- tongue out when no one wanted to play your "build up @rlyttle by making yourself feel bad" game.
Yeaaahhhh...this is exactly what you did. Just own up to the fact that you did it to feel good about yourself in comparison to others and leave it be. I don't buy it for a second that you did it because you are worried about your celiac disease. If you were, you wouldn't have put out the "just for funsies" vibe that you did.
I cant even remember my ore preg weight, I just figure since the OB hasn't bitched about it and I passed the GD then I'm ok and should continue to hide ding dongs in my desk drawer.
Re: Let's do another weight check
S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS
To compare something that doesn't matter, is different not only for every woman but can be different for every pregnancy with the same woman, and can cause feelings of insecurity/worry for those that 'gained too much" or "not enough".
You know.... just for fun.
S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS
born August 31, 2014
VR 4/20/2013 | BFP 1/5/2014 | Baby Girl EDD 9/9/2014
And to be clear, I wasn't gaining weight in the beginning so I understand being on the opposite end of the spectrum.
I think weight is a a sensitive topic no matter if you're pregnant or not.
This time I started out at my last pregnancy's end weight.... so overweight, and I've barely gained anything at all. I'm eating as much as my nausea will allow but it is a struggle. At the same time I'm heavier than I've ever been in my life and not feeling great about my weight AND have not gained much weight during pregnancy so feeling guilty that I'm not doing enough for my baby.
And really, the numbers don't matter. As long as our babies are all growing and doing well we are all rocking our pregnancies.
*Ticker/Siggy Warning*
Me: 37 DH: 38 TTC since 2011 DH normal Dx: DOR (AFC ranges from 6-11; AMH 0.16; FSH 11.9; E2 45) 11/13: 1st IVF converted to IUI due to poor response to high dose antagonist protocol (only 3 follies) = BFN 12/13: IUI #2 letrozole + Bravelle = BFP, beta #1 156, beta #2 196 (diff. lab), beta #3 1037; 1st ultrasound @ 5 wks 1 day = 6 mm gest sac; 2nd ultrasound 6 wks 1 day = tiny flickering heartbeat; 3rd ultrasound 7 wks 1 day 10.3 mm embie growing away!
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
born August 31, 2014
Yeah weight not a good topic of discussion. This makes me sad on 2 different accounts that I didn't gain anywhere near enough for my twins doing them a huge disservice and making me think I've gained too much this time. Weight talk =bad times
So you understand then why weight gain during pregnancy is a topic many people don't want to discuss. It can be a painful subject for many different reasons.
ETA: Your OP did not come across as someone worried about not gaining enough weight.
You said "Hey, I know you're further along than me (=you'll all weigh more than me by default) but I've only gained 17lbs ! Right on track!
S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS