Cloth Diapering

Daycare - fave brand and # needed?

Hi ladies, DD is about 3.5 months and starting daycare soon. We've been using prefolds but want to get some AIOs for DC. What is your favorite brand? Also, how many would you recommend, since we'll still use prefolds the rest of the time. I guess we'll try to wash every other day still. She's about 13 lbs and chunky. Will OS fit do you think? Any advice is welcomed- thanks!!
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Re: Daycare - fave brand and # needed?

  • We used BG Freetimes. We sent 6/day, they usually used 5/day at that age. I would get a minimum of 12, but 18 would really be better for washing schedule.

    Don't forget several wetbags. We sent a wetbag to DC each day, and had one at home. We found 5 wetbags to be a comfortable amount.

    Also, a cd friendly diaper cream. I find the sticks to be the most DC friendly.
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  • TJ is wise. I agree with all she said.

    As far as brand goes, for us aplix/hook and loop was really important for DC. Otherwise they'd get it on too loose or forget to snap a hip snap causing wing droop. So we picked brands with good aplix. (Sorry TJ but we hates all things BG because of their aplix sucking so bad.) We like SoftBums pockets, Rumparooz pockets, Grovia AIOs, and Blueberry pockets. I also hear good things about Kawaii HD2 in aplix and Tots Bots Easy fits AIO in aplix, but I haven't tried either. Simplex AIOs are also awesome, but I'm not sure if they are readily available in aplix. They did a trial realease a while back, but I haven't heard if they are going to continue to sell them or not.

    We have 3 DC wetbags and also send 6 diapers per day. As TJ said, 15-18 is a great number so you have time for Monday and Tuesday's diapers to dry before Wednesday morning.
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  • Blueberry Simplex now come in aplix. However, I did pockets since they wash easier. I did 8 pockets per day and just left what wasn't used in her cubby and replenished as needed.
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  • Good call on the aplix @clldll. My DC did fine with snaps, but I've heard a lot of DC's preferring aplix. Or rather doing a better job with aplix. And yes, sadly BGs aplix sucks.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
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  • I got a few of the new Thirsties OS pockets and the aplix is much improved over the old Size 2 duos. So I'm going to count those among my DC pockets.

    I'm also really liking the TotsBots v4. They dry really fast and there's more natural fiber content than the older versions. Also with really good Aplix.
  • I also just got a few thirsties pockets with aplix and they will be my babysitter diapers. I really like how trim they are. We have a few Kawaii HD2 which are awesome in theory, but just don't fit my skinny guy well.
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  • Thank you everyone!  I was all set to order a bunch of BG Freetimes but not if the aplix isn't great.  I will try a few of the ones listed and see what works best - thanks again! 
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  • Just for what it's worth. I wouldn't send aplix to daycare because other care givers in my experience weren't good at using the laundry tab. Causing horrible diaper chains in the wash! And I wasn't about to go through a bag of dirty diapers to attach the tabs.

    We sent snaps to daycare with no issue. And it was nice to be able to say "it fits with two snaps showing." And know that that would give them a good fit.
  • Just for what it's worth. I wouldn't send aplix to daycare because other care givers in my experience weren't good at using the laundry tab. Causing horrible diaper chains in the wash! And I wasn't about to go through a bag of dirty diapers to attach the tabs. We sent snaps to daycare with no issue. And it was nice to be able to say "it fits with two snaps showing." And know that that would give them a good fit.
    I've had mixed experiences with this. DS's first daycare had no problem with snaps. But we had to move him because the location was a bit too far out of the way. Current daycare couldn't figure out snaps to save their lives, so I send them applix. Just another good reason to have a diverse stash.
  • I'm compelled to answer because you have the greatest SN ever!!!

    My littles are starting daycare today (tears!), but I got a bunch of kawaii PnNs because she's a tiny one and their aplix is great...and they're cheap. We'll see how they do, and try our BG snaps if she outgrows the PnNs, and if that doesn't go well, I'll get some more kawaii HD2s since they're aplix.

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  • Just for what it's worth. I wouldn't send aplix to daycare because other care givers in my experience weren't good at using the laundry tab. Causing horrible diaper chains in the wash! And I wasn't about to go through a bag of dirty diapers to attach the tabs.

    We sent snaps to daycare with no issue. And it was nice to be able to say "it fits with two snaps showing." And know that that would give them a good fit.

    I've had mixed experiences with this. DS's first daycare had no problem with snaps. But we had to move him because the location was a bit too far out of the way. Current daycare couldn't figure out snaps to save their lives, so I send them applix. Just another good reason to have a diverse stash.

    But if they couldn't figure out snaps... Could they figure out laundry tabs? My newborn diapers quickly looked like crap from a stray diaper or two not having the laundry tabs secured.
  • Just for what it's worth. I wouldn't send aplix to daycare because other care givers in my experience weren't good at using the laundry tab. Causing horrible diaper chains in the wash! And I wasn't about to go through a bag of dirty diapers to attach the tabs. We sent snaps to daycare with no issue. And it was nice to be able to say "it fits with two snaps showing." And know that that would give them a good fit.
    I've had mixed experiences with this. DS's first daycare had no problem with snaps. But we had to move him because the location was a bit too far out of the way. Current daycare couldn't figure out snaps to save their lives, so I send them applix. Just another good reason to have a diverse stash.
    But if they couldn't figure out snaps... Could they figure out laundry tabs? My newborn diapers quickly looked like crap from a stray diaper or two not having the laundry tabs secured.
    His current DC insists that they use sposies during the day and then they will return him to me in a CD. So they only put one diaper on him per day. I always drop him off in a snap diaper.

    I could see this being a pain with NB diapers, since you go through so many of them, it would be a pain to check through them before adding them to your diaper bin.

    We are adding 2 more days of DC at a different facility in September, so I'm going to bring both snaps and Aplix and demonstrate them both. I'm thinking I might instruct them to fold the diaper over and close it, just like they would a sposie. That should also take care of questions about poo, if it's not convenient to plop into a toilet, I will tell them to fold it up into the diaper so I can deal with it later. So at least when I go through them at the end of the day they'll be fairly easy to handle, and all the yucky stuff should stay mostly inside the diapers.
  • I probably wouldn't send freetimes or even AIOS for daycare.  I'd probably stock up on Kawaii's.  While I hate stuff pockets, I'd cry the least if those got ruined. 
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  • I would also pre stuff pockets. You can use your prefolds that you already have. :) Once stuffed, they are the same as AIOs.
    Chad and Fawn

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