
15 Day No Spend Challenge Check In - 08/02/14

How is everyone doing today? I started thinking about new diy projects for the house yesterday. I really wanted to shop for a few things but the reality is I have a whole craft closet over flowing with stuff and a shit load of building material in one of our sheds. I'll be shopping through my own stuff for quite a while.

Re: 15 Day No Spend Challenge Check In - 08/02/14

  •  It sounds like everyone is doing great! I'm really starting to see how much stuff we already have packed into our house. I tend to buy something with the best intentions of using it. Then I forget about it and buy it again later. I have two of the same blue t-shirt that I've never worn. Maybe the challenge can help me get rid of some clutter too.
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  • cedenton said:
    Haven't spent any money today and found a cool app where I can inventory my pantry and create meal plans. I think it's going to help us stretch our grocery budget more.
    That's great! What app are you using?
  • It's called Mealboard (for iOS). So technically I did spend $...the $4 for the app. Also our A/C broke. :(
  • cedenton said:
    It's called Mealboard (for iOS). So technically I did spend $...the $4 for the app. Also our A/C broke. :(
    I'm so sorry about your A/C. That must suck. I hope your and your family can stay cool enough. The $4 is okay. At least it was on something that is going to help you save money and be better organized in the future. I need to do that.
  • Ok, so I'm really craving HuHot tonight.  We have gift cards that will cover the actual meal, but we're just short the tip.  Can I put part of my $11 that I have left of my grocery budget towards that to be able to go out to eat?  Is that breaking the rules in all your opinions?
    I think that's fine. You're still staying within the budget even if it's moving money around a bit.
  • Ok, so I'm really craving HuHot tonight.  We have gift cards that will cover the actual meal, but we're just short the tip.  Can I put part of my $11 that I have left of my grocery budget towards that to be able to go out to eat?  Is that breaking the rules in all your opinions?
    I think that's fine. You're still staying within the budget even if it's moving money around a bit.
    This just made my night!  I thought it was OK, but @MermaidsMagic said WWGPD, so I had to ask lol
    Lol that made me giggle snort.

  • cedenton said:

    It's called Mealboard (for iOS). So technically I did spend $...the $4 for the app. Also our A/C broke. :(

    I'm so sorry about your A/C. That must suck. I hope your and your family can stay cool enough. The $4 is okay. At least it was on something that is going to help you save money and be better organized in the future. I need to do that.

    Thanks! Lucky we have a friend who does HVAC work and we came out of it only $110 in the hole.
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