September 2014 Moms

Something missing....

Thought this might draw a few smiles :)

This was me this morning-- standing in the garage "ready" to go to work...

Then as I put my shoes on I realized I had forgotten pants!! I then started laughing so hard at my own special brand of stupidity that I had to take a picture and share it with my ever patient family and DH.

Any one else experience interesting "special brain" moments like this?!

Re: Something missing....

  • I forgot my bra once.. My socks.. And I went to work in flip flops
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  • Last Saturday I went commando under my sundress for a grocery shopping trip. Totally didn't notice until I got back home. Felt like I was officially going crazy!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I almost fed my cat laundry detergent and put cat food in the washing machine while trying to feed her and do laundry at the same time. Luckily I caught it before it hit her bowl but she wouldn't have eaten it anyway and my clothes would've been quite nasty

    TTC since 2.11
    BFP #1: 3.15.11- c/p
    MTHFR Dx 6.13-Rx- folate and B12
    BFP #2: 11.9.13 -m/c Trisomy 4
    BFP #3 1.18.14 EDD 9.27.2014

  • I've forgot my bra multiple times and nearly forgot that my nightgown was not a dress. It's just so comfy and I was too tired to even notice that I was about to go to the store in it. I blame it on pregnancy brain, and lack of sleep.
  • Look y'all!! A troll with no pants!!
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