Thought this might draw a few smiles

This was me this morning-- standing in the garage "ready" to go to work...
Then as I put my shoes on I realized I had forgotten pants!! I then started laughing so hard at my own special brand of stupidity that I had to take a picture and share it with my ever patient family and DH.
Any one else experience interesting "special brain" moments like this?!
Re: Something missing....
S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS
TTC since 2.11
BFP #1: 3.15.11- c/p
MTHFR Dx 6.13-Rx- folate and B12
BFP #2: 11.9.13 -m/c Trisomy 4
BFP #3 1.18.14 EDD 9.27.2014