I didn't really get to do this when I first posted, as I was in a panic and needing support, but I will make up for this now.
Me: 38. Diagnosed PCOs 09, took 'em long enough. Low Thyroid 13.SO: 41. Diabetic.
We are not married yet in the legal sense.
Together since Feb 09. TTC since Jan 11.
6 Clomid cycles. Mostly BFN one BFP but chemical Aug 12.
IUI #1 Menopur and Ovidrel Nov-Dec 13 BFN.
IUI #2 Menopur and Ovidrel Feb-Mar 14 BFN.
IUI #3 Menopur and Ovidrel Mar-Apr 14 BFN.
May 14 had the you're too tubby meeting.
Lost 10 lbs. to start again. Still losing - 15 lbs now, 13 more and IVF possible.
IUI #4 Gonal-F and Ovidrel July-Aug 14 mid cycle. Trigger 8/1
That's the basic package. (I've tried figuring out how to get the signature to show, but haven't master it yet. So apologies if it appears again at the bottom.) I've been struggling with my infertility because I've basically been doing all the coordination and thinking for this on my own. I have always tried to include my SO but I don't think he's every really gotten how complicated and convoluted it can be. I like to have a plan, even if the plan gets adjusted or scraped for a newer better version, there still needs to be a plan. I'm meticulous and orderly but my ovaries are not cooperating with me. I got through all the testing, all the poking, all the reading, all the strangers with suggestions, all the family with suggestions, all the family with objections, everything that could be thrown at me. I've started crying at my desk since the medication began. Seen as a solid stoic person and now I've been seen sobbing as I work. People used to fear be because I was blunt and to the point, now they just think I'm going to snap. Since that began I've been feeling a little more rudderless with no one to pick up the handle. SO doesn't seem to know how to handle it. I don't know where to turn, so here I am. I'm frustrated at vague directions and miss-communications between the doctor and I, the nurse and I, the nurses from one office to the nurses at another office, the SO and I and any variety that could come. I don't really talk to anyone about this because no one seems to know how to listen or what to say when I used to try. I've been poking around for a couple of days here. It makes me feel better that others have some of the same concerns and questions. I hope to derive more hope, the hope I was beginning to lose, from reading and talking with the others here.
Thank you if you read all my ramblings.
*bfp mentioned*
Me: 38. Diagnosed PCOs 09, took 'em long enough. Low Thyroid 13.
SO: 41. Diabetic. We are not married yet in the legal sense.
Together since Feb 09. TTC since Jan 11.
6 Clomid cycles. Mostly BFN one BFP but chemical Aug 12.
IUI #1-3 Menopur and Ovidrel BFN.
IUI #4 Gonal-F and Ovidrel BFN.
IUI #5 Gonal-F and Ovidrel BFP 9/15
Maternit21 all clear and a boy!

Re: Introduction
I've done 5 IUIs and now moving to IVF. I've also struggled with communicating with DH and know all too well the crazies you get from the meds.
As hard as it is, try to stay positive and calm. Best of luck with your IUI and big hugs.
TTC#1 since June 2012
Dx: Unexplained Infertility / AMA
BFP after 4th IUI cycle with Gonal F + Ovidrel on March 2014 | EDD 12/7/14 | MMC on 4/14/14
IUI#5 with Gonal F and Ovidrel trigger on 6/6 - BFN
On to IVF #1 with a new RE. Started Gonal F and Menopur on 8/15. Added Ganirelix on 8/24. Trigger on 8/26 for ER on 8/28. 8R 7M 3F. Transferred all 3 on 8/31. BFP on 9/11 | EDD 5/20/15 - Beta #1: 56.7. Beta #2: 97. Beta #3: 1148. Beta #4: 3559. Beta #4: 7678. MMC confirmed on 10/13. D&C on 10/14 at 9w. Confirmed male with Trisomy 14.
On to IVF #2 in March. CCS Testing on 2 embies. No go. Waiting to start IVF #3 in July. Surprise BFP on 6/14! EDD - 2/20/16 - Beta #1: 121.4. Beta #2: 236.4. Beta #3: 2014.
"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." - Eleanor Roosevelt
My Ovulation Chart
DH: 45
BFP #1 3/19/14 EDD 11/29/14 MMC D&C 4/24/14
BFP #2 12/4/14 Beta #1 218 at 12dpo Beta #2 1055 at 16dpo
Saw heartbeat 12/29. Please be a rainbow.
All welcome
Me: 41, DH: 45
DD, 6/15/2013
TTC #2 beginning January 2014
AMH 1.05; FSH range 7-11
July 2014: IUI #1. Follistim + Pregnyl. 2 follicles--BFN
September 2014: IUI #2. Follistim + Pregnyl + Ganirelix + Crinone. 4(?) follicles--BFN
October 2014: IUI #3. More Follistim + More Ganirelix + Pregnyl + Crinone. 4 follicles--BFP! Beta #1=10 Beta #2=33 Beta #3=97 Beta #4=158. M/C 11/1/14
December 2014: IVF #1. Microdose Lupron protocol. 9R, 9M, 9F. 3 5-day blasts transferred 12/15. BFFN.
August 2015: IVF #3. 14R, 13M, 11F. Froze 5 blasts for CCS testing. 3 normals. FET planned for 10/2015.
My Ovulation Chart
Me 36 DH 39
BFP 11/28/14 ~ MMC 12/29/14
TTCAL Siggy Challenge
Me: 43, DOR FI: 44, SA normal
TTC Since Nov 2013
01/2014: Meeting with RE to discuss options
02/2014: Clomid + Trigger + TI = BFN
03/2014: on the bench
05/2014: meeting with RE to discuss Donor IVF options
09/2014 - IVF#1 - converted to IUI - BFN
Welcome! There is always a friendly ear here, it is a great tool! Best wishes
My BFP Chart