My awesome buddy
@symphony4586 has been in labor since using a cervidil at 12:30 am. She is currently having contractions 2-3 mins apart and says "they're not too bad" lol let's all be jealous. Unfortunately, she had a heart decel scare around 8:30 but, she's fine now. Also, baby is wiggly and the midwife is having difficulty viewing him on the monitor.
Go symphony, go!
Update 1
The cervidil is out and she's been walking and using the yoga ball to help. The midwife is going to use some prostiglandin gel on her in hopes of it speeding things up.
Update 2
Things are picking back up however, the nurse seems to be giving her a hard time when it comes to hypnobirthing.
Update 3
Unfortunately, after every thing, it turns out that she was only 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. By midnight, the midwife decided that they should go home for the weekend and come back on Monday if nothing has happens by then.
UPDATE 4 (he's here!)
Around 5:34 am, I received a message that her baby was delivered by c-section. Her contractions got stronger yesterday morning after going home and she ended up coming back in to find that she was 8cm and her water broke. From then on, it took about 10 hours to get to 10cm but by every time she tried to push, little guy's heart rate dropped. So, they did the c-section to make sure he came out safely!
Congratulations symphony!!!
Re: Labor buddy on duty! (UPDATE 4 Symphony4586 's baby is here!)
Woot! Good luck!!
We have our "Irish Twins"
DD born 8/7/2013
DS born 7/28/14