July 2014 Moms

Scarlett Olivia's Birth Story (the long version)

As a back story, those of you who know me know that I was 100% on board with the fully medicated, pump me full of drugs as soon as I enter the hospital, birth plan.  This is because I couldn't figure out a way to get a c-section.  ;P

At 39w, I asked for my membranes to be stripped, but I wasn't effaced enough (less than 50%) for that to happen.  At my 40w appointment, around 9am, she was able to strip them, even though I swear my vagina/cervix broke her hand (there was a lot of cracking which I suppose could logically be attributed to a boney cyst) and I was clocked in at 2cm dilated, -2 station, and still "fingertip" effaced.  I went home after my early morning appointment and felt the standard contractions I'd been feeling for a couple weeks (not painful, but regular).  Around 8pm, they started to get more obnoxious, around 9pm I started timing the ones that were annoying me.  Around 10pm, I asked for my husband to call in and went to take a shower.  They said to go to L&D.

Upon arrival at L&D they checked me and I was 3cm and 80%.  I was told to walk.  For a long time.  Booooooring in a department that isn't that big, but am totally thankful that it went in a circle.  At the check at 3:30am, I was 4cm, 80%, and her head was "right there".  Sooo. Admitted!!  Yay!!  I was promised drugs as soon as I got to my room, so instead of waiting for the wheelchair, I figured I'd been walking in circles past it for hours, and walked myself. It was about 4:15 when I got there.  This is important info.

They gave me stadoll (which did almost nothing for me) around 4:30 (I had to go to the bathroom, geez) while waiting to pump a bag of fluids and run blood before being able to give an epidural.  DH says that I was having contractions (on the monitor) approximately every 45 seconds and that I went from being exhausted/passed out to being in pain with every few contractions... so great that the drugs were "taking off the edge".  I loved my nurse, and she summoned the anesthesiologist as soon as the bag of fluids was close to the end.  EPIDURAL!!!! 

I sat up, and got ready to finally feel some relief!  The joke was on me though.  While she was prepping the site for the epidural, my water broke.  Like, huge gush, I gave birth to a water baby broke.  She finished giving the epidural (it takes 10-15 minutes to hit your system, you know) around 5:20, and I may have tried to make a bad joke about whether she had ever delivered a baby (she had a look of horror and said no).  I went to lay back down, except... there was like... a baby hanging out of me.  Or that's what it felt like anyway.  So I told the nurse that I thought she was coming out now, and she asked whether I meant I felt the urge to push... I was like, "nooo... I think her head is literally in my vagina!!".  Awesome.  So she tried to find a heartbeat, and kept moving down my stomach... until she found it in my pelvic bone and was immediately on the phone saying "get here, we're going to have a baby!!".

There was either 30 seconds (the amount I actually did) or 4 minutes (from the time we decided I should until she was completely out) of pushing and *BAM* our perfect little angel was born at 5:25am.  :) The first word she heard may, or may not, have been "F**K!!" followed by a rant regarding natural births, riddled by swear words.

I ended up with a 2nd degree tear and no pain medication for the stitches (they started giving locals and my wonderful nurse pushed morphine but it was late).  Scarlett and I spent some time snuggling, but unfortunately, her temperature didn't get high enough, so after trying to wrap her in warm blankets, and snuggle more, she spent a little time under the heat lamp to get up to a regular temperature. 

SOOOOOO... that's the long version of my (completely surprise) unmedicated birth story.  ;)  The stats are:  5:25am on 23 July 2014, weighing 7lbs, 4oz and 20 inches long.  :)

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