Hi my lo started screaming at the bottle at 4 months ; he is now 6m.. Always formula feed.. He found out that he has allergy to dairy and soy.. The fear of eating is so bad that he refuse to eat.. He is on Prilosec and now in elecare formula.. He is seeing gi feeding specialist .. He has a lot I tests done and all fine so far .. The team think he just had so muh anxiety and fear with eating .. And we have to teach him happy eating behaviors .. I am at him 24/7 by myself and every feeding is exhausting ... If he doesnot maintain or gain weight .. They will have to admit him
Just asking anyone been through this or know situation similar to this that can share your input !! I have been trying hard to feed him happily but exhaustion and sleep deprvr can't keep me running .. Please help
Re: Desperate need help my lo refuse eating !!!