May 2014 Moms

So nervous yet so excited.

I am going up to work on Monday to turn in my official letter of resignation. I already spoke to my boss on the phone about it and she has been wonderful.

I just couldn't imagine going back to work, and then DH got his dream job down in Florida so we will be relocating by the end of August (DH is actually already down there and flying home on weekends). I am SO excited to be a SAHM but quitting my job makes it seem more real...if that makes any sense. Maybe it didn't seem real because I'm a teacher so I'd be off until September anyway. 

Has anyone else decided not to go back to work after LO was born? 

Re: So nervous yet so excited.

  • I wish... We are trying to figure out how to afford for me to stay home. I'm starting a Marykay and scentsy business to see if we can make some money that way and get them off the ground so I can! Enjoy it mama!
  • Congrats and enjoy it!!! I would do p/t if I could, but for now I am going back on Friday, sort of freaked out by it :/  Good luck with your move!
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  • Congrats! I think about staying home ALL the time, but it would only be sustainable for like a year or two and I worry I wouldn't be able to find another job with the crummy job market in MI. Whats funny is if you had told me 5 months ago that I'd want to be a SAHM, I would have laughed out loud. You are so lucky you can stay home!
  • Luckyyyyyyyyy. We can't afford for me to be a SAHM - I'm the breadwinner.
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  • I am a SAHM and I feel so grateful to be able to do it. It almost wasn't going to work out but my dh ended up getting a better job in February.
  • Enjoy and very happy for you!
  • I decided at the end of last school year to stay home (also a teacher). Made the decision before baby came. I told my principal in April and it was a very hard decision but at this point I'm not regretting it (even though I would still have a few more weeks before I'd go back). I would be having to get my classroom ready at this point and I am not missing that like I thought I would. Congrats on making the decision!
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  • I resigned, as well, but will be doing some pt work for them from home. I was so nervous to quit, but then it turned out my boss is leaving at the end of this month to be a SAHM to her 2 year old (what are the odds??). So it worked out well! Congrats!

    Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014

    Baby #2 due 4/26/16!

  • I'm about halfway to making that decision. I work from home and it's hard enough with one child; I don't see how I can keep it up with two unless I put one or both in daycare. And that would eat up most of my income so it makes more sense just to quit.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

  • aimee223 said:

    Luckyyyyyyyyy. We can't afford for me to be a SAHM - I'm the breadwinner.


    I wish I could stay home :(

    Me too :( DH is looking for a better job so fingers crossed
  • I want to be a SAHM but I'm suppose to return back to work next monday. However I'm having zero luck finding daycare with spots open so. It might actually happen after all.
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  • I wasn't planning to be a sahm, it just kinda happened. I quit back in jan (long story. Boss was a dick n I had medical issues on top of pregnancy n military duties. Basically I could sue him but I don't feel like dealing with the stress). Once she came we realized it would cost my entire paycheck basically to put her in day care. So I'm enjoying the time home with her for now until we move and I either go back to work or school for my paramedic certs. Congrats! Sounds like your so happy and that's great that your able to do that!!!
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    **Lighting a candle in memory of our angel babies and angel mama in heaven from May'14**
  • Thank you for all of the congrats ladies. 

    If we were staying here in NY I would have probably gone back to work and like @lavendergiraffes I would be starting to set up my classroom/plans/copies/etc. about now. Even though most of my paycheck would have gone to childcare (we had a nanny lined up). Still, it is just so strange :)
  • I would love to be a SAHM, but it's just not financially possible right now.
  • I left my job as a restaurant manager, to many crazy hours but I just started waitressing 2-3 shifts a week to help out with spending/luxeries money. DH gets in the door and I run out on my work nights but no daycare costs and I am mostly a SAHM this way.
  • While on leave, which for me was really my vacation days, the Principal informed me that they weren't bringing me back this fall. After searching all June for another FT teaching job with no luck, DH and I decided that I should take a part time offer and stay home with DD the rest of the time. It took some time, but I am finally at peace with the decision. We are taking a hit financially, but it should be well worth it.

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  • I'm supposed to go back to work August 18 but have decided to resign as well. I'm just dragging my feet on telling my bosses (all males). Although each of their wives are stay at home moms so they should know the drill. With my hour commute each day I would never see my LO! I'm grateful to have the opportunity as well.
  • Sam0905Sam0905 member
    edited August 2014
    I so wish that I could stay home with my baby. I went back to work a week ago and I hate it. It definitely hasn't gotten any easier yet and I really don't think it will. Unfortunately we can't afford for me to stay home, but I might be able to go part time if MH gets a better job. And if one more person says, "oh it must be great to be back at work so you can get out of the house and have some adult conversation!", I'm going to smack them. I'd rather babble at my baby all day and take care of him like I feel I should than have "adult conversation" with the fools I work with.
  • Oh, @Sam0905‌ ... I'm with you there. I've almost forgotten how to 'small talk' with adults because I've spent so much time babbling with my son. And I totally prefer it that way.
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  • With DS1 I had some complications and had to be off my entire first tri. When I was cleared we decided that it wasn't worth the risk. I had already had one m/c and my job was not very pregnant friendly. It was so weird to go back in and quit. My boss was very understanding and glad I chose that path as he was also concerned about the risks. We have since decided I will stay home until the boys are at least in school. We'll see. I guess we're still playing it by ear.

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    Congrats to my GP Sister from another mister Bruinsbabe!!

  • I turned in my resignation last week after much consideration. I plan on getting a part time job for weekends and nights a few days a week when I actually have some free help. With my job it made no sense to go back with how much I made bc it would've all gone to childcare and I would've needed to get another job on top of that just to pay the bills and not see my child at all? No thanks.. its going to be rough financially for a while but im going to do everything I can to make it work.
  • I quit my big girl job and took a part time job working some nights and weekends so I can spend all day with A and H watches her while I'm working. Its the best of both worlds. I get to be a SAHM during the day, and I get adult interaction at night.

    Turning in my resignation was the best feeling ever.
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  • Sam0905 said:
    I so wish that I could stay home with my baby. I went back to work a week ago and I hate it. It definitely hasn't gotten any easier yet and I really don't think it will. Unfortunately we can't afford for me to stay home, but I might be able to go part time if MH gets a better job. And if one more person says, "oh it must be great to be back at work so you can get out of the house and have some adult conversation!", I'm going to smack them. I'd rather babble at my baby all day and take care of him like I feel I should than have "adult conversation" with the fools I work with.
    Hahahahaha - so true in many cases!
  • I would go part time if given the choice. We could afford it money wise but It's not just the less money part- it's health insurance and a very generous 401k match. I feel like I'm short changing our future by leaving that on the table. But I'd be home with him more if I could. Enjoy your new plan! I'm sure it feels wonderful to be making that decision.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

  • I would go part time if given the choice. We could afford it money wise but It's not just the less money part- it's health insurance and a very generous 401k match. I feel like I'm short changing our future by leaving that on the table. But I'd be home with him more if I could. Enjoy your new plan! I'm sure it feels wonderful to be making that decision.
    This is part of the reason I'm nervous. I'll be losing this.
  • I'm jealous! I'm a teacher too but DH is the breadwinner. However I have the free healthcare and pension that makes me go back. I work 181 days a year. I need to just telling myself that. In the near future a move out of NY may be my ticket to a SAHM.
  • Congrats I love being a stay at home its the best gift ever
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  • @caballo718 - moving out of NY is the only way. This place is just insane in terms of COL.
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