
Is this MSPI goof really enough?

vszappvszapp member
edited July 2014 in Breastfeeding
We think DS is MSPI due to resolution of fussiness after stopping dairy and soy, though his diapers are still variable. Last night I ate a sweet potato dish that had tamari by accident. Today he has been whiny and gassy and pooped more than usual. Is a few bites of something with a bit of soy sauce enough to trigger a reaction in most babies? Or is it more likely something else I ate? When you slip up and eat something your LO is sensitive to, how long does it take to resolve? I feel like we're chasing a ghost trying to figure out his triggers.
edited: iphone blunders



Re: Is this MSPI goof really enough?

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    Yes, I think that amount of soy is enough to bother your LO. My DS was super sensitive. I had an almond milk latte once and he reacted to the trace of cow milk on the steamer (I'm guessing).

    Whenever I slipped up, it took a few days to resolve.

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    @AmyG*‌ - for sure, not trying to over analyze. I wouldn't be too worried except that at his 2 month checkup they found blood in his diaper. I've never seen it, but that definitely makes me want to figure this out if possible.



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