So my LO is sleeping in a bassinet next to the bed, but she is such a noisy sleeper that it doesn't allow my hubby and I to get much rest when she is actually asleep. I don't want to move her to the crib yet but feeling like I might have to. Anyone else experiencing this? How young is too young, in your opinion, for the crib?? LO is 3 weeks.
Re: Noisy little nugget
DS2 will probably be in our room longer only because the boys will be sharing a room & I don't trust DS1 to not climb into the crib.
The only reason DD (4 weeks tomorrow) isn't in a crib in her room is because I don't want her crying & potentially waking up DS (3 years next month) all night long.
If you can hear your baby crying from the crib so you can get up with her then I wouldn't think any age would be unsafe. My pediatrician is really big on the baby being far enough away so every little grunt & noise doesn't wake the parents up. But she's in a pack & play right outside our bedroom door for the reason I said above.
Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia. 5lb12oz 19"
#2 due Christmas 2016.
Mom to one beautiful July '14 little girl
We keep the rock'n'play in the living room during the day for napping, and in his room at night. We 'll probably switch to the crib in a month or two.
@ashleysyn2 That siggy pic is too cute! I love it and love the Adens. How is your DD adjusting to the new babies?