July 2014 Moms

Chiropractor for baby?

My chiro specializes in prenatal and infant care and suggested that I bring DD in for a visit when I'm feeling up to it.

I have heard good things, but wondered if anyone here had anything positive or negative to add from personal experience?

We've had trouble with fussiness after her first night bottle that sometimes lasts until she's ready to eat again. Maybe I'm grasping at straws, but maybe not and it might really help.
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Re: Chiropractor for baby?

  • We've been going since LO was 4 weeks old. Before her first adjustment, she had been a bit constipated. Within minutes of her adjustment, she pooed like a rock star. She gets work on the part of her spine related to the intestines weekly - it's the only spot that needs adjusting.

    Have you seen it done? Our chiro, who is a family friend, just holds her and cuddles her. While cuddling, she works her spine with one hand. It's so gentle that you wouldn't even know it's being done. She has also been laid face up on my belly for some neck work.

  • Yes!!! My DD1 was adjusted within hours of being born. It's just some gentle pressure that's applied to put everything in place. My chiro/cousin moved, unfortunately.
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  • drbuchdrbuch member
    With my first, he was 4 weeks before I took him (scared FTM got in the way of me getting over myself and going sooner) however, he is adjusted about once a month since then.

    This new babe will be adjusted as well. My chiro is very gentle with them and does cuddle with them as PP said.
  • I had a coworker who formerly worked for a chiro who even adjusted babies right after birth, she said the parents really were appreciative. 
    I'm glad it went so well for you guys, it certainly sounds like it helped with her gas. 
  • Ok can I ask noob chiropractor questions? Never been to one, but definitely interested for both me and LO. Does insurance cover visits? Do you need a referral from your primary care like for a specialist? I'm hopeful that a visit could help his sometimes painful gas.

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  • ADC1979 said:

    Ok can I ask noob chiropractor questions? Never been to one, but definitely interested for both me and LO. Does insurance cover visits? Do you need a referral from your primary care like for a specialist? I'm hopeful that a visit could help his sometimes painful gas.

    It depends on your insurance policy. Mine does not, but my mom's does. If i do not pre-pay (pay for a chunk of visits at once), it is $46 per visit. If I am seen, the baby is $15, so not as outrageous as other doctors visits.

  • Just read that the chiro can help with reflux too. :D

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


  • Pup4gdb said:
    Ok can I ask noob chiropractor questions? Never been to one, but definitely interested for both me and LO. Does insurance cover visits? Do you need a referral from your primary care like for a specialist? I'm hopeful that a visit could help his sometimes painful gas.
    It depends on your insurance policy. Mine does not, but my mom's does. If i do not pre-pay (pay for a chunk of visits at once), it is $46 per visit. If I am seen, the baby is $15, so not as outrageous as other doctors visits.

    Thanks for the info! That doesn't sound too outrageous even if it's not covered.

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