34w canteloupe/butternut squash 2. How are you feeling? exhausted!!! 3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news? today weekly bpp test, friday MFM apt to discuss possible growth issues (LO only gained a pound between growth scans, so it's slightly off, not to mention the estimate still put her at only 3lbs!!!)
milestones-34w!!! one more week and I'll be safe to deliver at the hospital in town! 4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet?
I've been sucky about participating in these, but DD is entertaining herself right now, so I'm going for it.
1. How many weeks are you / How big is baby?
35 weeks, so I have 35 days left. Baby is a coconut.
2. How are you feeling? Feeling pretty pregnant at this point. The worst part for me is that my uterus sits on my vena cava sometimes, which restricts blood flow back to my brain, causing some pretty uncomfortable symptoms. Nausea, sweating, loss of vision, near-fainting type stuff. It's happened at both my last appointments while I've been laying on my back so they can do the Doppler. It's a little embarrassing, and a lot unpleasant. It happens once or twice a day.
3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news? I just started having weekly appointments, so I guess the end is really near. On Sunday I will be one month out from my EDD.
4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet?
We finally decided on Ivy. I painted letters spelling it out and hot glued ribbons to them to hang in her room, so we aren't changing it now! That is, for if she ever has a room. We need to move before that actually happens.
1. How many weeks are you / How big is baby? 34 weeks, butternut squash
2. How are you feeling? Exhausted. Starting to get random shooting pain down my right leg. I guess it's sciatica? Never had that with dd. And it's hard to keep up with her lately.
3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news? I missed a week or two of these, so since then, I had my placenta rechecked and it's in a good place and the cyst they were seeing on baby's brain is gone. (Woot!)
I have an appointment today.
4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet? No, we have a couple of choices and will decide when we meet him.
"What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"
34 Weeks, butternut squash 2. How are you feeling? I'm tired, I've been having trouble sleeping but I think we just have a lot going on at the moment so it's probably due to that more than pregnancy. We still don't have the nursery finished, it's actually half gutted because my husband decided we needed to replace the insulation and update the windows while he's at it... He's a tradesman and you know what they say about tradesman's homes, never done! But to top it off he is also an Air Force Reservist and his two week tour begins today, so any progress on the nursery is on hold and I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my husband MIA for the next two weeks, praying this little lady stays put until her Daddy's home!Sorry, end rant. 3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news? Just had my 34 week appointment yesterday, I have only gained 1.5lbs in the last 5 weeks, although I am measuring on track so they are just keeping an eye on it versus being concerned at this point. They're thinking its because I'm 5'2'' and running out of room, my appetite has been hard to maintain lately. Of course, this just adds to my stress because I'm certainly trying to gain, it just doesn't seem to stick! 4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet? We do a have name picked out, almost sure enough to have things monogrammed but I worry if we do then for some reason we will change our minds the day she is born... So we will keep it on the DL for now!
1. How many weeks are you / How big is baby? 34 weeks/Cantaloupe
2. How are you feeling? This changes daily now. Ok so far today. I have less energy every day and feel so damn big. Lifting my legs to go up steps is so hard. Still getting pains in my shins when I sit too long. Two days ago I was convinced I would not make it 6+ more weeks and that getting larger was literally impossible, my lungs were going to collapse, had a melt down, blah blah blah. I am also still paranoid about having to care for a baby.
3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news? I start my weekly appointments next Wednesday. My first of two baby showers in this weekend Super excited about that.
4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet? Declan Daniel
1. How many weeks are you / How big is baby?33 weeks. Over 4lbs and 17 inches
2. How are you feeling? Still feeling great! My carpal tunnel is annoying but otherwise no big complaints.
3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news? I had an appointment Monday. Gave OB my birth plan and she is on board with everything. Gearing up for my VBA2C med free birth. I met with my doula today who is also my hypnobabies instructor and everything is just falling into place to have the birth I want.
4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet? Team Green. We have a girls name- Hattie Love. If its a boy we have a few that we like but its not set in stone.
1. How many weeks are you / How big is baby? 35 weeks /coconut
2. How are you feeling? This whole pregnancy I have felt so much better then my previous pregnancy. By this time last time I was done and in so much pain. This time it is minor in comparison.
3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news? Growth u/s today and nst tomorrow. Dr appointment on Monday with another nst (thanks gd)
4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet? Grant Alexander
Hi Wednesday ladies and due date twins! Hope everyone is having a great week!
1. How many weeks are you / How big is baby? 34 weeks / butternut squash
2. How are you feeling? pretty good this week, just tired in the evening
3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news? Had regular appt today - all good. Passed my third and final 1 hr glucose test last week - so happy. Yes my doc had me do the 1hr GTT each trimester. He was so worried that I was going to have GD.
4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet? We do! Her name is Madelyn Grace.
@justcricket - We almost went with Rose as a middle name. Love it!
@12jemjem34 - Scarlett was on our short list, it was really between that and Madelyn, but we finally chose Madelyn. LOVE Scarlett Rose as a girls name.
Re: !!!Wednesday Ticker Change!!!
2. How are you feeling?
3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news?
today weekly bpp test, friday MFM apt to discuss possible growth issues (LO only gained a pound between growth scans, so it's slightly off, not to mention the estimate still put her at only 3lbs!!!)
4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet?
1. How many weeks are you / How big is baby?
2. How are you feeling?
Feeling pretty pregnant at this point. The worst part for me is that my uterus sits on my vena cava sometimes, which restricts blood flow back to my brain, causing some pretty uncomfortable symptoms. Nausea, sweating, loss of vision, near-fainting type stuff. It's happened at both my last appointments while I've been laying on my back so they can do the Doppler. It's a little embarrassing, and a lot unpleasant. It happens once or twice a day.
3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news?
I just started having weekly appointments, so I guess the end is really near. On Sunday I will be one month out from my EDD.
4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet?
"What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"
2. How are you feeling?
I'm tired, I've been having trouble sleeping but I think we just have a lot going on at the moment so it's probably due to that more than pregnancy. We still don't have the nursery finished, it's actually half gutted because my husband decided we needed to replace the insulation and update the windows while he's at it... He's a tradesman and you know what they say about tradesman's homes, never done! But to top it off he is also an Air Force Reservist and his two week tour begins today, so any progress on the nursery is on hold and I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my husband MIA for the next two weeks, praying this little lady stays put until her Daddy's home! Sorry, end rant.
3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news?
Just had my 34 week appointment yesterday, I have only gained 1.5lbs in the last 5 weeks, although I am measuring on track so they are just keeping an eye on it versus being concerned at this point. They're thinking its because I'm 5'2'' and running out of room, my appetite has been hard to maintain lately. Of course, this just adds to my stress because I'm certainly trying to gain, it just doesn't seem to stick!
4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet?
We do a have name picked out, almost sure enough to have things monogrammed but I worry if we do then for some reason we will change our minds the day she is born... So we will keep it on the DL for now!
2. How are you feeling? This changes daily now. Ok so far today. I have less energy every day and feel so damn big. Lifting my legs to go up steps is so hard. Still getting pains in my shins when I sit too long. Two days ago I was convinced I would not make it 6+ more weeks and that getting larger was literally impossible, my lungs were going to collapse, had a melt down, blah blah blah. I am also still paranoid about having to care for a baby.
3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news? I start my weekly appointments next Wednesday. My first of two baby showers in this weekend
4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet? Declan Daniel
2. How are you feeling? Still feeling great! My carpal tunnel is annoying but otherwise no big complaints.
3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news? I had an appointment Monday. Gave OB my birth plan and she is on board with everything. Gearing up for my VBA2C med free birth. I met with my doula today who is also my hypnobabies instructor and everything is just falling into place to have the birth I want.
4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet? Team Green. We have a girls name- Hattie Love. If its a boy we have a few that we like but its not set in stone.
2. How are you feeling? This whole pregnancy I have felt so much better then my previous pregnancy. By this time last time I was done and in so much pain. This time it is minor in comparison.
3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news? Growth u/s today and nst tomorrow. Dr appointment on Monday with another nst (thanks gd)
4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet? Grant Alexander
2. How are you feeling? pretty good this week, just tired in the evening
3. Upcoming appointments / milestones / other news? Had regular appt today - all good. Passed my third and final 1 hr glucose test last week - so happy. Yes my doc had me do the 1hr GTT each trimester. He was so worried that I was going to have GD.
4. GTKY - Do you have a name for LO picked out yet? We do! Her name is Madelyn Grace.