Why oh Why…. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
So… I texted the ex and told him Thank You for giving me the Lil One’s insurance money for the month of August early because I had no money and I had two things scheduled to come out of my account on Monday. I did say that the rate increase had affected me more than I though and that I had a big co-pay for my dentist appointment and paying for the yard maintenance (sorry, couldn’t take it anymore)… I said I was appreciative and at the end I said Love You…
…I said it cause it is true and I am mad that it is still true.
When I texted him good afternoon and asked him how he is doing, he asked me why did I say I love you?
Me: Cause I do despite everything that has happened. And I probably will love you for awhile.
Ex: If you love me, why do you treat me so bad?
And once again, just down hill… *sigh*
We have been going back and forth since 3pm CST time about what the heck was broken and how I was in the wrong…
…I don’t know how many more times I can say that I take responsibility for what happened to us. Don’t know how many other ways I can say it. Do I have to put up a billboard? Hire a skywriter? Put out a Facebook blast?
How much longer can I continue not to call him out on what he has done wrong?
Maybe because it is still so fresh… Four months out since he moved out…
Re: Why oh Why...
Also why i understand your feelings. Please dont tell him you love him. It gives him ammo against you, it opens.up the door for him to put all the blame on you. So feel free to tell is here your feelings, we get it, weve been there just dont tell him
If it's over, no more I love yous (isn't that a song) and no more mid day texts to see how he is doing. You are making this extra hard on yourself.