That run around in underwear all day? I try and keep DD1in clothes so she doesn't pull off her diaper but we strip her at meal times and she's waiting an hour for jammies.DS3 lives in his underwear unless we leave the house. It's his choice and saves me a ton of laundry so I don't mind.
Re: Are my kids the only ones
BFP 4/5/09, EDD 12/4/09, m/c 7/31/09
BFP 5/27/11, EDD 1/17/12, DS born 1/16/12
BFP 8/16/14, EED 4/29/15, We are having another BOY!
Yup. DS is Tommy Pickles! Nothing like living with an escape artist.
Just another cloth diapering, baby wearing mama.
I also got her into soft pants. If there is anything I've done right it's that!
He keeps stripping.
DS2 frequently gets stripped down after meals and loves running around slapping his belly.