April 2014 Moms


I just watched the Bachelorette finale and I need NEED to get these points off my chest:

1. Andi's face bothers me. The facial expressions with her lips make me want to throw something at the television.
2. Nick is a creep/socially awkward but I am kind of happy he called her out on a few things because she has been "woe is me" the whole season.
3. Did you throw up when Josh and Andi were saying how much they loved each other when she gave him the final rose? EW!

Going to the casting call if Chris is the next Bachelor. 
The End.

Re: @MamaFantastic

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    you need to log in to the chat room and read our conversation about it!!  we all said the exact same 3 things :)

    what i want to know is...  WHY did they not announce the next bachelor at the end of the show?!  was it an oversight because they spent so much time dealing with nick and his super special wounded heart?  was it just an oversight?  was it intentional (i.e. will we need to tune in next week to bachelor in paradise to see the big reveal)??

    come join us on monday in the chat room...  we're going to live discuss the BIP premiere :)
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    Yeah Nick needs to get help. Scary scary scary. I was actually nervous for Andi before she saw Nick despite my feelings toward her.

    Oh and I saw on yahoo today a thing of pictures of Andi prior to being on tv and she does NOT look the same. I might go as far as to say her nose is not real.

    They probably didn't announce it because Chris needs to find someone to look over his farm haha But seriously. .. thats a possibility.
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    I think im just really hopong to see more of Chris haha
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    i think it's preeeeeetty apparent chris is the next bachelor.
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    Oh and new drinking game - drink every time the host says the word "drama" 

    It is pretty ridiculous. 
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