Secondary IF

Stupid CD12

edited July 2014 in Secondary IF
I had my CD12 appt today, and I have unknown fluid on the right side, and one follicle on the left @19. They took my progesterone, and the dr will look at fluid pics this afternoon. If fluid is mucus, and progesterone is under 1, trigger tonight, if fluid is blood, and progesterone is over 1, this cycle is a bust. My period wasn't that heavy, and yesterday I had spotting, but only 1 time when I went to bathroom. WTF body, what is your freaking problem. I hate that even if it isn't a bust, I only have 1 freaking follicle- yes, it only takes 1, but wtf.
ps- the best was my blood pressure was high, and the tech goes, "you must be stressing over something"- REALLY? YOU THINK?

My History:
Lots of BFN's & failed IUI's w/clomid and/or femara
Finally BFP with femara & t.i.- son born 6/17/2010
Started TTC again around when DS was 3ish
Lots of BFN's with femara & t.i & ovidrel
Tubes clear, S.A came back low motility but high count
About to switch to injectables w/femara, did one last cycle with just femara & an IUI with ovidrel- stupid motility was fantastic in the sample, but count was 700,000 AFTER wash! Had to sign a paper to even still do IUI- BFFP (big fat freaking positive) Go figure!

1st Beta 13dpiui 54, 2nd beta 48 hours later 115, 3rd beta 48 hours later 310, 4th beta 72 hours later 1748.

Re: Stupid CD12

  • The nurse at my RE office said the same thing about my blood pressure. She could clearly see that I was on the verge of tears. Really bitch? What was your first clue?
    Ugh, that SUCKS! I'm sorry. Hopefully it's mucus. (that may be the first time that has ever been said) Keep us posted.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC #2 since 1/1/13

    image    imageimage
  • The office is closed & no one called me- I guess I don't trigger tonight?! wtf

    My History:
    Lots of BFN's & failed IUI's w/clomid and/or femara
    Finally BFP with femara & t.i.- son born 6/17/2010
    Started TTC again around when DS was 3ish
    Lots of BFN's with femara & t.i & ovidrel
    Tubes clear, S.A came back low motility but high count
    About to switch to injectables w/femara, did one last cycle with just femara & an IUI with ovidrel- stupid motility was fantastic in the sample, but count was 700,000 AFTER wash! Had to sign a paper to even still do IUI- BFFP (big fat freaking positive) Go figure!

    1st Beta 13dpiui 54, 2nd beta 48 hours later 115, 3rd beta 48 hours later 310, 4th beta 72 hours later 1748.
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  • I cannot believe they didn't call you!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am super pissed for you!  If I were you I would call the nurse on call and have them go through your chart.

    My FF Chart:
    TTC #3 since June 2013
    BFP #1 7/21/2013--EDD 3/30/14--D&C 9/24/13
    BFP #2 1/28/14--MC 2/7/14

    IUI #1 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
    IUI #2 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
    IUI #3 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
    IVF #1, Stimmed for 12 days, ER 8/22/14, 9 retrieved, 7M, 7F!!  Freeze all due to fluid in uterus.
    FET end of October 2014 cancelled due to fluid in uterus due to possible c-scar defect
    Surgery scheduled 12/12/14 to fix possible isthmocele
    3/26/15 transferred one 8 cell grade 4 embryo and one 6 cell grade 3 embryo = slow rising betas for 2+ weeks = ectopic MTX shot 4/29/15
    Repeat c-scar surgery June 2015
    2nd and last IVF cycle August 2015, stimmed for 12 days, 2 egg retrieved, both mature and both fertilized.  Transferred both 8-cell embryos on Day 3, beta 9/5/15 = BFFN

  • They just called me! 6:15pm! No blood, progesterone good, thank god- they want me to trigger tomorrow, not tonight. Here we go, bring on the eggs & sperm!

    My History:
    Lots of BFN's & failed IUI's w/clomid and/or femara
    Finally BFP with femara & t.i.- son born 6/17/2010
    Started TTC again around when DS was 3ish
    Lots of BFN's with femara & t.i & ovidrel
    Tubes clear, S.A came back low motility but high count
    About to switch to injectables w/femara, did one last cycle with just femara & an IUI with ovidrel- stupid motility was fantastic in the sample, but count was 700,000 AFTER wash! Had to sign a paper to even still do IUI- BFFP (big fat freaking positive) Go figure!

    1st Beta 13dpiui 54, 2nd beta 48 hours later 115, 3rd beta 48 hours later 310, 4th beta 72 hours later 1748.
  • Glad to hear this! FX!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC #2 since 1/1/13

    image    imageimage
  • so glad this cycle is a GO!!!!!!
    Me: 36, DH: 36
    DH's SA = normal
    1 tube only wonder
    AFC 3-5, AMH 0.30

    BFP #1 3/29/11.  EDD 12/4/11... Missed m/c 5/9/11. Cytotec fail. D&C 5/17/11.
    BFP #2   7/5/11.  EDD 3/14/12... Our rainbow Kellen born 3/14/12 via c/s.
    BFP #3 5/30/13.  EDD 2/8/14...  6wk u/s HB 126. 8wk u/s lost HB. D&C 7/12/13.
    BFP #4 2/18/14.  EDD 10/30/14... Ruptured ectopic with L tube removed & D&C 3/7/14.
    BFP #5 7/27/14.  EDD 4/9/15...  m/c @ 5w4d.

    IVF #1    Oct 2014 - antagonist protocol: 9R, 7M, 5F. 3dt of 3 Grade 2 embies. BFN. 
    IVF #2    Jan 2015 cancelled due to dominant follicle.  Converted to IUI #1. BFFN
    IVF #2.1 March 2015 cancelled due to dominant follicle.

    BFP #6  (SUPRISE!) 3/19/15.  EDD 11/30/15...  CP at 4w2d.
    IUI #2:    Clomid + Follistim = 3 follies. BFN.
    IVF #2.2 May 2015 - horrible response to micro lupron flare protocol: 3R, 3M, 3F. 3dt of 2 Grade 3 embies. BFFN. 

    BFP #7 (beyond surprised again!) 4/26/16. EDD 1/5/17. beautiful betas!!!! and then near-fatal hemorrhagic corpus luteum. turns out baby was ectopic after all; another lap 5/6 (@24dpo).

    the universe can fuck off.

     "You are overly paranoid and delusional that every one is out to get you." -lastsliverofhope

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    all AL welcome. TTC #2 for 43 44 months.
    follow my infertility journey here at

  • Thanks! I hope this is my month...

    My History:
    Lots of BFN's & failed IUI's w/clomid and/or femara
    Finally BFP with femara & t.i.- son born 6/17/2010
    Started TTC again around when DS was 3ish
    Lots of BFN's with femara & t.i & ovidrel
    Tubes clear, S.A came back low motility but high count
    About to switch to injectables w/femara, did one last cycle with just femara & an IUI with ovidrel- stupid motility was fantastic in the sample, but count was 700,000 AFTER wash! Had to sign a paper to even still do IUI- BFFP (big fat freaking positive) Go figure!

    1st Beta 13dpiui 54, 2nd beta 48 hours later 115, 3rd beta 48 hours later 310, 4th beta 72 hours later 1748.
  • i am triggering tonight too i think! good luck, this board is overdue for some good IUIs!!!!!

    TTC #2 since 8/2012

    IUI #1 April 2014: BFN

    IUI #2 July 2014: BFN

    IUI #3 August 2014: BFN

    BFP: September 15, due May 22nd 2015

  • Gladd they called you back. Good luck today!

    Kid #1 - 09/03/12
    Kid #2 - maybe???
    Diagnosed with Severe Ashermans 
    Hysteroscopy #10 - scar tissue grew back reblocking my right tube
    #11 or IVF with scarring still inside?
    1 lone embryo from September 2016 retreival, dx with Trisomy 16, starting fresh
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