Hey ladies! Just wanted y'all to know my water has broken and we are on our way now to the hospital. I'm currently 34+5 weeks! I'll update later.
****hey y'all! Babies are here and healthy! Connor was 4 lbs 7 oz and Corbin was 3 lb 15 oz. they were born at 3:00 and 3:05 pm. I delivered vaginally, and they are in NiCU but just bc they are tiny! Ill give more info when everything calms down
****update again:)
Hey ladies,
So both little men were taken off of all breathing tubes and are doing well on their own. Last night they each received their first feedings of colostrum through their feeding tubes. Corbin did wonderfully, he had no problems tolerating milk. Connor was a little bit more of a troublemaker and didn't tolerate it so well. We are trying again this evening. Tomorrow the occupational therapist is going to evaluate them to see if they are ready to try either a bottle of breast milk (supplemented with formula until milk really comes in) or nurse directly from me. As for me I will be discharged tonight. It's bittersweet as I don't want to leave my babies, but on a positive note I'll have some time to heal up and get ready for them to get home!
Re: Water broke! 2nd Update!!!!!!
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14
Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz
DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
Cooking #2
BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013
BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm. 6 lbs 15 oz!
Lindsay & Nicholas
Mom of Boys!!
Baby #1 - 3 years old
Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14
^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^
Good luck! T&'P's!
*O17 June Siggy Challenge - You had 1 job!*
SD (11/2010)
DD1 (09/2014)
DD2 (10/2015)
Baby Girl #4 (11/2020)
Married DH 3/14/09
TTC Since Jan 2011
Diagnosed with PCOS Jan 2013
BFP#1 June 2013/ EDD 2/23/2013 Blighted Ovum confirmed July 18, 2013
took Cytotec July 20, 2013
BFP #2 12/28/2013 EDD 9/11/2014 Its A Girl!!! Rebecca Ann!
Rebecca Ann born 8/31/2014 6lb 1oz 19 inches long 8:55am!!!!