November 2014 Moms


Good morning lovelies! I'm wondering if anyone has had any lower back issues and can give me some suggestions on how to relieve the pain. I am almost 25 weeks pregnant so taking meds is out (unless someone knows of something that is 100% safe). I have a 20 month old and an almost 3 year-old, so it's near impossible to not have to lift something/someone (although since doing whatever I did to my back I haven't lifted anything). The pain is in my lower back and is excruciating at times. Doing something as simple as getting up off the chair/couch/bed is a grueling task :( Any tips or suggestions? I do have a dr. appointment scheduled for Thurs., just trying to find comfort until then. Thanks!

Re: Back!!!

  • Honestly there isn't a ton you can do. I sparingly will use icy hot. Low temp heating pad on back for 20 mins or less or warm (not hot) baths. Yoga has helped me too- but the first week will feel rough!
  • I got a hot water bottle and usually lie on it for fifteen minutes after work. Then FI rubs it out. It's a good routine
    BABY GIRL, 11-11-14 

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  • I am going through the same thing! It was so bad Sunday, the worst it's been I called my Dr. She had me go to the ER just to make sure it wasn't pre term labor. It was constant pain for hours with stabbing pains coming and going. Cervix and baby are good! But they had no idea what was wrong with my back. Thinking it's a nerve or a disk. I was in horrible pain on the hospital bed and could barely move for her to check my cervix. She gave me Tylenol w/ Codeine which is completely safe. It helped some but not as much as I hoped. Maybe see if your Dr will prescribe some for you when it really gets bad?

    Otherwise moist heat has helped some, dry heat hasn't helped at all. Massage hasn't helped at all. Bathes haven't helped at all. I've just been trying to take it easy, but it's hard I have a toddler too. Hang in there! Sorry can't be more help. At least we only have 15 weeks left!!! Well unless we go overdue lol.....
  • Chiro.  

    I learned to manage my back pretty much on my own through certain exercises and stretching....  but I locked my SI joint (lower back) just over a week ago and could not fix it myself while pregnant.  So I went to a chiropractor and she was amazing.  Going for a follow up today.  She also works on my RLP and SPD and other things pregnancy related.   Looking forward to seeing her in the fall so she can start the Webster technique to get me ready for birth.  :)

    Don't suffer. If your pain is indeed excruciating it is not likely to just fix itself on its own.
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
    Lilypie - (C6hS)

  • Chiropractor! They work wonders!
  • Same boat here at 26 weeks!  I went to the gym last night and could hardly sleep last night.  My lower back is still really sore and tender.  I used a heating pad for a bit last night and also did some yoga.  I hope you get some relief soon!
    CafeMom Tickers

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  • jac409jac409 member
    I am dealing with this too. A heating pad and swimming help me some. My doctor gave me the name of a good chiropractor at my appointment the other day, but I haven't called yet. Other than that, there isn't a whole lot you can do I don't think.
  • mb314mb314 member

    Sorry you're going through this. I have pre-existing back issues that are beginning to flair up (picking up my toddler isn't helping).

    Tylenol doesn't nothing for back pain (see

    My suggestion is to ask your doctor to a referral to a physical therapist. After I injured my back pre-pregnancy by overdoing exercising, I did some physical therapy sessions and learned great back stretches and strengthening techniques that I continued to do (somewhat modified) throughout my first pregnancy. I've been slacking on doing them this time around, and have ended up with back pain. They were really helpful in strengthening my back, which is important both now and post pregnancy. Using those exercises/stretches, I overcame my back injury and only now am I getting issues again because I've stopped doing them.

    Swimming can provide temporary relief. I also suggest sleeping with a pillow in between your knees, which helps me a lot. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


  • I asked my Dr about this last Wednesday. I am also 25 weeks and just standing up from a chair can kill me. I couldn't imagine running after other kids right now. I would say don't do anything drastic until you see the Dr. Mine gave me a note for the Chiro and a massage. I was also told to use heating pads and go for walks more. Tylenol doesn't do crap for me.  She said stay away from anything containing Aspirin at all.

    Always call them to make sure something is safe though.

    Me 32 and DH 40

    Fur-baby named Bella

    1 MC Nov. 2013

    DD born Nov. 2, 2014

    Little 2 EDD Oct. 1 

  • Try Cat Camel Stretches. That's what they gave me in PT.
    Also try child's pose. Spread your knees enough so belly can fit in between. You can even walk your arms to one side and then the other to change the stretch a bit.
    (oh, and there may be better links for these. I just found some really quick.)
    Good luck.
  • ugh, this sucks I'm sorry!! Have you tried any stretches? I know they make those tummy supports too that are supposed to help with back pain.


  • I've been using a heating pad as mentioned by PP. seems to help, at least for a little while.
  • for general tightness and soreness i found walking helps the most to loosen everything up. i currently have really bad sciatic pain- for that the dr said alternate ice/heat, lay on your left side, and take tylenol. she also recommended a physical therapist. she said swimming is great for your back but to wait until the pain subsided to start a swim routine.
    TW*** Child and loss mentioned
    Married 10/12
    DS 11/14
    Ectopic 2/16
    PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
    IUI x 3- BFN
    Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
    IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
    FET- 6/17- BFP!
    Due Feb 15, 2017
  • I go to the gym about 3 times a week to walk on the treadmill because it's just too hot to walk outside. That has really seemed to help my back. I also find if I take all the pillows in bed and prop them in weird ways behind me and under my legs it helps. DH hates that I take every pillow but hey, it's for the baby.
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