Pregnant after IF

**2IF Grad Check-In**

Congrats to everyone for making it here!  This check-in is for graduates of the 2IF board (and any other secondary infertility grads).  If you are new to the check-in, please let us know your due date and you will be added for next week.  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Ally510, good luck today with the induction!!!  Hope all goes well and can’t wait to hear if you have a boy or girl!  KristyLynn26, looking forward to reading your birth story whenever you can post!  Hope that you and your LO are doing great!!


Momarazzi007, so good to see your update last week, I have been wondering about you!  Happy that you had a great appointment/ultrasound! Freakyfast, good luck with the move at the end of the month, hope it all goes smoothly!   Cerad5, hope your first week back at work goes fine!  Glad yall have made nursery progress! Chrissynena, great update last week! That is awesome that the babies are measuring on track and that everyone looked good! Mommalawyer – congrats on graduating from the RE!  Sounds like LO is doing great!  SouthernMomma, always good to hear from you!  I’m sorry that DH is deploying before you are due – that must be so hard. Hang in there with everything! 


Bumpee        Due Date       Team jknallen          7/31                 TBD kndeckar     8/12                 blue SouthernMomma 9/26         pink cerad5          10/16              pink Jeffreysmom24  10/18       blue

Lcloffredo         11/16         pink             Deardra77        11/23        green

Chrissynena    12/14         purple

Freakyfast        12/20       TBD

 Momarazzi007   3/1         TBD

  StellaMakes3    TBD      TBD

  Mommalawyer    2/27/15       TBD


1.  How many weeks along are you?

2.  Any medical updates (appointments, ultrasounds, tests/results, etc.)?

3.  How are you feeling lately?

4.  QOTW:  what one trait of DS/DD do you wish LO would also have or not have?

Re: **2IF Grad Check-In**

  • Loading the player...
  • HPT BFP today.  Beta 1 on 8/5

    QOTD: DD is an angel, I'd love for LO to have everything but her temper.

    Factor V Leiden Homozygous, Advanced Maternal Age


    TTC #1, 5 yrs, PCOS, Femera + Ovidrel.

    IUI#3 BFP, DD 5/31/2012


    TTC #2, 2 yrs, PCOS, Femera+Ovidrel

    IUI#2 BFP!


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